Monday, July 30, 2012

Don't Rely to Much on Technology

   Do you think that you can live without your technology? Can you put away your cell phones or I pads away for a day or how about a week? When was the last time you enjoyed nature?

   Today God has been talking about some major topics for me to write about, but for today I will stick on one that is important for all of us to take into consideration. Our use of technology and what happens when we no longer have it.

   God talks to me mostly about warnings and what we need to do as a society to stop the inevitable, which is our down fall of our own species. I can tell you this much from what I have seen if it's not looking pretty. But we can change that with some basic tools and coming together.

   The biggest concern that God has said to me is, "What would your society do if everyone no longer has electricity? What is your back up plan? Do you even have one, or will you just stand in the back ground and not think of what could happen to you, if a major disaster was to effect this planet?"

   God: My children I bring a means of concern for you all. I am very concerned that you rely way to much on your technology. These days you aren't able to live with out it. Most of you are obsessed with your technology and you are starting to go down a downward spiral. 

   My children it is time to set aside your electronics and get back to the basics. When was the last time you built a campfire, or put up a tent, or even made some type of shelter? Most of you can say I have never done that before, which is sad to say the least. 

   You have many organizations in your world such as the Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, the Girl Scouts, and even your military institutions that know how to do these basic things in case of a major disaster. Most of you would literally go hysterical if you had to pick up a piece of wood or set up some type of shelter. I hate to be of bad news, but there isn't an app for a fire, putting up a tent, or setting up some type of shelter. Your phones or computers will not help you. It is time to get back to the basics. Everyone of you should now these 3 basic things. 

   You all should be studying what berries you can eat, which are poisonous. What plants help with infections or heals certain things. What foods in the wild you can eat. How to hunt for your food like other cultures have learned It saddens me that you all have become, so addicted to your technology that you have forgotten the most of important, yourselves and others. 

   Now I can tell you that talking face to face is a better way of communicating, but most of you would be totally against it. Your society no longer talks to each other. You rely way to much on your technology and I hate to be of bad news, but when disaster comes, you will no longer have your I pad, your cellphones, your blackberries, computers, nooks, or anything else to make your lives easier. There are only so many batteries to use, so plan ahead.

   You want to be a world that wants your children to have a better tomorrow, and yet you aren't doing that. You are setting them up for failure, because they don't know the simplest things of survival. You shelter them from all the dangers, when in fact you should be teaching them. And the truth also is that you are all enablers in some way, shape, or form. Your children and including yourselves need to learn

   I highly recommend that you look at other cultures that don't rely on technology, because when it happens you will be asking them for help. Look at your American Indians and see how they lived, hunted, and searched for food or water. How they lived off the land and worked together as one. Other tribes in Africa, the middle east, and those in Asia and South America also know what to do. You all need to learn, because if you don't start changing this planet will become worse and fast.

   I have already shown many in your world what will happen if you don't start coming together. Casey has seen it from afar of what this planet will look like if you don't start making changes. You can either start thinking smart about your technology or let it completely consume you. It is your choice, for I gave you free will. You are allowed to make your own decisions. I can only guide you, but in the end the final choice is yours. It is time to make it for a better tomorrow. This is only part of the discussion that I have spoken to Casey about. I have many other concerns about your decisions such as, off shore drilling, your economy, and the way how your society points fingers at each other rather than coming together as a world and not separate individual countries. It is time to wake up my children. Listen to  your teachers, your scientist, your messengers. They will tell you the same things. Wake up.

   I am back. I let God take over to express his concerns. I have been hearing his concerns for the last 6 hours about what we are doing wrong, and what we can do together to make it a better tomorrow. I will admit that I am not prepared for a disaster, even though I do know the basics. One way to get involved is to go camping. I did this a lot with my family growing up, and I hope that I will be able to do it with my own family. I plan on buying books plants and fruits. The last thing I want is to eat something in the wild that can make me sick or worse die. We all need to start learning. That is why I was brought back to life to bring awareness to what we need to do. 

   This conversation will continue on another day, for I have more information to bring you. God isn't going to let me forget what he has spoken to me about. Just be self aware, because what effects one effects the many. 

Many blessings,

Saturday, July 28, 2012


There are no comments of hatred on this blog for I have deleted them all, and I will continue and if so block those that leave arrogant and negative words. The purpose of this blog is to share my story. You are your own judgement of what you want to believe. I just wanted to share how Great God is and that is all and how he has changed me forever. I am not a racist person and I embrace all ethnic groups and religions. If I can bring you joy and happiness of what I write on here, then I am happy.

I have heard many say to me that they are inspired by what I am writing. I  others have  said, that they are talking to God more, and that is all I want. God wants you to talk to him and not to fear him. He is of Love. So on an end note, only love and positive comments are only allowed. I hope you have a great day.

Blessings of Love and Happiness.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Stop Condemning....

   I want to be clear on one thing about this blog I am not a Liar. Everything that I have posted has happened to me and I have been guided by God is a truth. If I was lying about my story do you really think that I would have been writing this? The answer to this question is NO. I am not a liar.

   The purpose of this blog is to bring awareness to who we are, words of love, and words of inspiration. If you want to condemn me to Hell go ahead for I know where I am going at it is not hell. If you want lighting to strike me dead for the words that I post on here that is OK, for I have already died and I was brought back for a purpose.

   Everyone has there own free will of there own opinions, but you have to say to yourself why do I fear so much? What am I fearing the most?

   GOD: It could be the truth that you don't want accept. Those who fear who they really are will throw out negative energy because that is all they know. You see that when you put fear into someone they find it hard to find love within themselves. But when you start accepting love, you no longer fear. In this day and age most of you fear for Who You Are. You fear the truth as to what humanity has bestowed open this planet that you call home. You have no reality of what is good for you anymore, for you let others influence Who You Are. Life is not meant to be feared, it is to be experienced and Loved. In times like these help each other, for when you give to someone, you are also giving to yourself, and that is what Love is. Accept each other as Your True Self. Words of hate and fear will get you no where, for all it does is hold you back. Despite all the judging you do onto others I still love you. I still guide you. You need to start looking at you self. What Casey has done is about love. She has done nothing wrong. Didn't Jesus heal those with his hands for those that were blind, those that were crippled, for those that were in time of need. Those that asked for help received his gift, and yet you can not see what others have or what you even have. Accept who you truly are for I am with you and you are with me. My children Love one another. Do not let you egos get in the way, for the ego and the mind are one powerful tool. Listen to me, listen to Holy Spirit, that is in each and every one of of you. What has happened to Casey and those like her have awaken, and you have to listen to yourselves as well. There are no demons talking to those with gifts, for when you were young you could see spirits as well and by the age of 5 it disappears. You all have healing capabilities and gifts. No one needs to be condemned or say that your going to Hell. For there is no hell, because you humans, my children create your own Hell. I have no need to do that. Show love and compassion to your sisters and brothers. Stop the hate. This has gone on for centuries and you still have not listened to me or the signs of guidance that I have bestowed upon you. You are my children and it is time that you become One. With love your father, GOD. 


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Heaven Awaits

   GOD: Heaven awaits for all of you. It is a place of beauty and elegance. Once you Soul has decided that it can no longer fulfill it's purpose you will return to me. You will stand by me in the heavens by my side. We will become One again. My children.... Heaven Awaits you.

    The thoughts of condemnation stayed in my thoughts all the time. I kept asking myself, "Have they forgotten who I was? Did they not even consider my thoughts or feeling?" These are relative questions that one ask when you are going through a tough time in your life. It is in times like these when you truly find out who your real friends are.

   So as I was driving home from physical therapy I was listening to our current christian radio station, WAY-FM and a song came on the radio. The artist was Jeremy Camp and he was singing the song, "There Will Be A Day". During the verse, "There will be a day, with no more tears, no more pain, and no more fears" I was given a vision.

   The Vision: God showed me an entrance to a Holy place. The light was so bright, that I could not see anything in the distance. As I stood there there was a man to my right. He was dressed in a white flow robe and he had brown hair. Around him was an aura of white light. I could not make out any facial features, but I knew that this man was of high importance. 

   The man, who I think was God, swung his arm out over the landscape; like a butler would do, when greeting a visitor to come in. He said to me, "This will be your home." God had shown me the Light.

   Tears start to appear in my eyes and emotions start to feel in my heart and soul. They were tears of joy and happiness, because I knew that God didn't have to show me the Light or Heaven. It wasn't time for me to see all of heaven, because it wasn't my time yet, but he had shown me the Light. Thus he had showed me my home. 
   I knew then that no matter what others said to me I knew where my home would be after this life. I no longer felt condemned and no fears of going to Hell, for God had answered my ultimate question. Would I be condemned or sent to Hell for what was happening to me? After all this time of wondering what would happen to me he not only told me but I had the vision to show me, and for that I am forever grateful and blessed.

   To this day I am blessed for what he has shown me. I say to myself and to others the following statements. So do you want God to strike me dead for the things that you consider lies and demons that are going on in my life? Do you want to condemn me to hell as well? 

   The answers to these questions are: I have already died and I was brought back to teach you the truth of God and what lye's beyond this world, what happens at death, and to awaken Gods Children to remind them of who you really are. Second you can condemn me all you want and say all I am telling you are lies and the spirits are demons, but I know where I am going. I am going home to the heavens. 

   I forgive those that have said all these negative and hurtful things to me. God gives us free choice of our own decisions and thoughts, and for that I will respect. For God has changed my life forever. I am not who I once was for what has happened to me can not be broken. I have a purpose and I will fulfill my purpose and my Path.

   God: From what you have just read is all true. I showed Casey her home, because others did not believe in what she was saying. In the darkest of days I am the light. You all are my children and there is no need in condemning others for what is going on with them in there lives. You all have free choice, for this is what I have given to you. Casey's purpose is much higher than most. Her soul decided to come back to teach what is the truth and what isn't. She is the truth and the way. Follow her. What has happened to her can not be broken. She is the highest of awareness of who she is and she is to help all my children to Awaken. She has already brought change to many and she will continue on this path for it is her Purpose or what most of you consider to be her Destiny. My children I send you teachers, she is to be one of those teachers. Listen that you to can awaken to Who You Really Are. Awaken for you will be free and you will live in love, peace and harmony.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Remember Those In Aurora, CO

   I would like to start off with a prayer so if you can take a moment to do so. 

   Prayer: Lord please watch and take care of those that are going through a tough time understanding what transpired in last weeks fatal shooting. Help the families that are grieving and seeking to find answers as to why this had to happen to not only them but to there community. Lay your healing hands on those that have survived and were injured in Aurora, for they did not deserve any of this. Talk to them father and help show them that through this darkness you are the light. And father for those that aren't no longer with us, because of a mans actions of violence, let them see the light so that they may stand beside you in the heavens and the universe for they are back with there father and creator. For they are no longer suffering or in pain. And please oh Heavenly Father help show and guide the shooter. I know that he did wrong and that he is lost. Help show him the way. And lastly help all of us become aware of you and your love through this difficult time, for what happens to one person affects us all for we are your children. In Jesus name Amen.

   Thank you for taking the time to pray. The power of prayer can help so many if we all do it together. It is very powerful.

   I have been hesitant to post a conversation that I had with Father (God), because I was afraid of what others will think about the conversation. Can this conversation be controversial it sure can, because unless you have died like have you see things differently others would not understand. But I have decided to post it because we all aren't doing enough to prevent things like this from happening. 

   I do want to make one thing clear first. What this individual did was wrong, yet there are other factors behind his actions that a normal eye would not see. Second: For those that are grieving for your loved ones who have crossed to the other side. I want you to know that the place they are at is unlike this place. They are with our Father and they are by his side. I know because I have been there twice. And third: You can talk to those that have passed all you have to do is believe and they will give you answers that they are alright. Believe and have faith.

The Conversation:
   Me: God why did this have to happen, what was the purpose?

GOD: It was premeditated. There were many red flags and they were ignored. This could have been prevented if only others took had acted to have stopped it. You see that in this young mans life he had many problems. He was crying for help way before this tragic event even took place and nothing was done to help he.He was ignored and so he was a ticking time bomb waiting to go off, and this was the result of his actions.

Me: We are all mad at this young man for what he did. He took countless lives for nothing he should have to die for what he has done. His actions went way to far.

GOD: Ahh but you see like you and many others you want to blame this one individual when it is many who are responsible for this tragedy. The signs were there and ignored. You see humans only consider themselves and not others. If this young man had received help this would have been prevented. Be mad at him for this is a normal emotion but also consider those that knew something, and yet they did nothing.

ME: Why did 12 people have to die, because of this horrific action due to this man?

GOD: There souls knew they wouldn't survive, hence the soul knows that its purpose is done. There soul was ready to come home for they are no longer in pain for what this young man did to them. They are now with me.

ME: How can we stop this from happening again?

GOD: Well first you have to look at your world. You live in a world where the actions of one man should be punished when in fact there are many who are just as fault. You have to look at all the variables of one's actions. Many cry out for help in different ways, thus you have this tragedy.
    I'll refer to another tragedy in you world, the Sandusky trial. Many knew what was going on and they did nothing to stop it. All the signs were there and you didn't do anything because you let your ego get in the way. You only think about yourselves and not for others. So now you are punishing kids that had nothing to do with it just so you can teach a lesson.   
   You see when you give an individual power they will use it, because they know they can get away with anything. Remember we are all one. When a tragedy like this happens you all feel the pain. When you see the signs of violence stop it before it happens. Quit living as individuals and come as one. Instead of ignoring people when they need help, take it upon yourself to help them.
    In your history this has happened more times than once. You set back and let the worse happen, and then you wake up and say, "Oh now we need to interfere." Don't you understand how many lives you can save by helping others. Stop living as separate individuals and live as one. We are all connected. 

   After reading this I finally understood somethings about ourselves. Even after my own death I am still learning, but the one thing that remains constant is that Father's (God's) love never changes. He will always love us. So keep believing of a better tomorrow. Keep the faith so that God can shine through each and every one of us. And of course pray, for prayer is a very valuable tool that we all have.

   In love and Light have a good night.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Helping A Stranger

   Today as I was driving down and at the intersection  I saw a gentleman holding up a sign asking for money or food. He was dress like any other who was poor or was just lost in the shadows. He wore some baggy pants, a hat, and a oversize shirt and coat. I really felt for him.

   As I looked in the console of my jeep I looked and I knew that I had $5 dollars and a bunch of ones. I first picked up the 5 and then I decided to give him the ones. I counted that I had 12 dollars in my car. As the light turns green we go, and then I stopped and handed the man the money. He said, " God Bless You."

   As I drove off I started to cry, because I knew that when I handed him the money, the energy that I felt was saddened. He has been living in a dark shadow and has had a rough life. I was thinking the whole time going home, that no one on this planet should not go without food or shelter. We all should be helping out each other, because we are all Brothers and Sisters, for we were created by our Father (God). We all need to give back in some way.

   Even though my family is going through tough times, since getting out of the Marine Corps, that if I could give him one meal or two, if he choose so, then I was making a difference in someones life. That with the shadows that he his in, if I  can be that Light that he needs then I am filled with joy and happiness. For God is our Light in our darkest days.

   Because of What I Am, Who I Am, and Who I Am to Become I am a servant to our father, for he lives in each and every one of our bodies. He is the one that asks for nothing in return and yet he gives us everything. He is the one that you can count on that loves you regardless of who or what you are or have done. He doesn't judge or condemn use for we are his children and our creator.

   So as you leave your work or business lend a helping hand for they are you brothers and sister to. We are all in the world together and we are all One. You may never know, you may be that Light in the shadows of someone you come in contact with. And that is when you will feel the love and the embrace of GOD, our father, for a simple act of kindness can leave a print on a person for a lifetime.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

God Speaks With A Vision

   Did you think that God could possibly talk to his children, well how about giving them visions? God can do many things you just have to believe and be open to it, because fear will hold you back. That is what today's continuation of my story is about: Fear and Visions.

   Shortly after my first conversation with GOD, I thought that I would push the boundaries a little. I just wanted to see what people thought of hearing spirits. I was just curious to know and feel the reaction that I would get from the post, that following the main topic. I didn't realize though the repercussions that one would go through, when you post something of this magnitude. I wrote, "Would you condemn me if I hear spirits, they write through me, and they use my body to speak of what the words of the Lord. So would you say I'm going to hell or heaven?

   Yes, I know that you are saying she brought it all on herself for posting something like that, but you have to understand that for me it was to see what other thought. I wanted to hear behind the shadows and see if family or friends would either condemn me or talk to me about it. Well I did receive an ear full from many religious people and I received support from others. Instead of actually talking to me they threw the Bible at me.  And I must admit that my family who I am the closet to just literally hurt me.

   You see when you go through what I have just gone through no one understands. I reached out to people way beyond entry in my journal and I received no feedback at all. In retrospect, I think it had a lot to do with Fear. Fear and guilt will kill a man quicker than anything else. The point I am making, is  that I was devastated that my family did not say one word to me until now, and that really hurt. If it had been somebody else I could have cared less, because that is negative energy that I did not need in my life. But the question was never answered. I didn't need one because I knew it all ready.

   So I was devastated at those, that I thought I was close to and could talk to them about anything was all wrong. As I saw the comments I immediately went for my bedroom. I didn't want my kids to see me cry at all. I try my best to not show sad emotion, which was wrong on my part. I knew in reality I was being called a liar. 

  As I was crying I could hear my Granny talking to me. She said,"Now you need to stop this crying, there is no need." I could feel her emotion of when she said that. Just like any grandma, she didn't want to see your grandchild hurt or crying over what she knew to be true. I understood her, but the pain just hurt from the words of others.

   Shortly after she spoke I was given a vision. A vision that only God and Jesus knew. 

   The Vision: God showed me a man, which I came to realize was Peter and the other disciples were on a boat in the water. I looked through Jesus eyes and there standing on the boat was Peter. The men did not believe that Jesus had come back. So they wanted proof that it was Jesus who had been resurrected. So Jesus held up his hands and showed them where the nails were in his hands.The men wanted Proof that it was truly the messiah. Then God said to me after the vision, "That the only way for some people to believe is by touch, feel, and see. If they can't then they won't believe."

   Once shown this vision I came to my senses and I stopped crying. I knew I needed to get myself under control. So, God had shown me this vision for a reason. The reason was, because Jesus had to show proof of who he was, because others couldn't believe that it was he, Jesus.

   I knew that I didn't have to prove myself to anybody whether it be friends, family, or strangers. All I had to do was stay true to who I was and God would help me through anything. That was all the comfort I needed.

   GOD: You see my children just, because you  can't touch, hear, or see something doesn't mean that it isn't true. Your loved ones walk around you every day and even those in the spirit world. There is no need to fear what you can't see, hear, or feel. Didn't I send unto you the Holy Spirit and I will live in each and everyone of you? Don't you believe that I am real because you know that God is real? I am all around you all you have to do is believe and keep the faith. No one needs to be called a lair or be condemned for the gifts that you all have. Yes you all have gifts. Don't judge others for I do not judge you. So keep an open mind and an open heart. Love and bring joy into anybody that you see. Let them feel the love that you have for me for you are all One. I am in each and every one of you. Believe.


Monday, July 16, 2012

Giving Back

  Today as I was watching Good Morning America I noticed a story that caught my eye. You may have heard of the Florida couple that just built one humongous house and the economy had set them back a few years. 

   As I was watching it God and I had one very interesting conversation about this.

    God said, " Do you know how much they could have helped those in need? To put shelter over anthers head, to put food on the table, to help cloth those that are in need of it? The Basic necessities that one needs to survive, and all they could do is build a bigger home.You see, in your society you think that grand is better when in fact that doing more for your community is even GRANDER. If every rich person in your world help out more then your world would not be in the trouble that it is. You all live in world that you say that you give to charity, but the real question is which and what charity? There are lavish houses, cars, restaurants, boats, etc.... which could help many people, but you rather do other things for yourselves and not others. This saddens me so much that my whole purpose is to help others. To give back, because once you realize who you are you don't need anything for you are Your True Self. 

   Don't you feel good when you give back to someone else. When you hold a door open for someone, say thank you, let another car come out of a drive way,  just simple things that comes out of the goodness of your heart, don't you feel an enormous feeling from doing this? The reason for this is because I am in You. Yes I am experiencing myself though you. You create the experience and there are times I'll create that experience for you. Giving back is the Soul's Purpose to remembering who its True Self Is. 

   Do you really need all these extravagant things in your life just because you want the next BEST thing? This is a question you need to ask yourself on a daily basis. Do I really need that? Which in the end you will say NO. 

   I have spoken enough for the time so I will let Casey come back and talk. I just need to express the importance of giving back. Didn't Jesus and many of your other Master not give back, out of the goodness out of there heart, with love and compassion? The answer to this question is Yes. Give back and serve others, for I am your Father and this is what I have given you and continue to give you. With Love and Compassion your father....GOD

   OK so I would like to make note that God can take the conversation completely over when I don't even know it. This is part of my gift he has given me. There are times I don't even know what he has said so I have to re-read it. He speaks through me, so it is still one thing I am having to get use to.

   From what Father has said thus far is all correct. My path is to give back to others and soon I will be doing so. I am starting to make changes in my life and really thinking about what I need and don't need. Case and point is when I came back from Okinawa, Japan back in 2007.

   Out of all the trips I have gone to this changed me forever. I saw how the people of Okinawa lived. They were all family based. Now when I say family this includes not only there own family but there friends and companions. They didn't need all of this stuff that we as Western Civilization has. To make a long story short I analyzed what I had when I returned to the US. I couldn't believe all that I did have and I started to down size my things. I just don't need what I have. You know the saying, " Less is More." Well this is so true, but also so liberating.

   See its when you travel and you see how others live is what can make you change as to Who You Really Are. Now I am far beyond perfect on this topic. I still buy video games and certain things for my children, but it is a work in progress. We have cut back on video game buys and our wants. It isn't going to change in one day. It takes a while, but the first step is awareness as this will led you to Who You Truly Are. Your TRUE SELF.  Once you realize who you are all of your wants will go out the window, for you will be closer to GOD and your TRUE SELF. And may I just add the feeling is better than anything else.

  Have a blessed day.


Thursday, July 12, 2012

1st Conversation with God

GOD: From the following message you will see that I can communicate with you just like anybody else can. You can carry conversations on with me about any topic and there is no harm in talking to your Father. Some people may think that talking to me one on one is letting demons in but that isn't true. How else could I guide you throughout your life?

   I would like to go ahead and tell you that what I am about to write is the first full conversation I had with Father (God). I knew his voice, because when I died I knew it the moment I recognized it. I knew Father had come back and it was time for some answers, but he had other plans that I was not aware of. If you think that Father can surprise you before an awakening and this for me is more of a blessing in disguise.

   On June 9th, 2012 I was having a typical day and then I was told by God, " Today is training day. I am to feel and hear around me." When he said training I knew what it meant. It meant that I was to close my eyes and use my sense to feel what was around me. So I went to my pool, sat in a chair, and closed my eyes.

    This is what he said, " I want you to feel the wind when it blows, pay attention from the direction that it comes from. Listen to the birds that are singing and notice in what direction they come from. Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. Use your energy to feel around you. Now picture the colors of red, yellow, orange, blue, and purple. Use your abilities to see these colors."

When we were finished he wasn't done with me, so I went back to my apartment and just rested. As I was sitting on my bed and started to speak again. God said, " That I need to take baby steps." The next thing I knew I felt and energy like no other it was The Holy Ghost and I was put into a trans state. I could hear around me, but my attention was on his voice. Oh how I remember hearing it in the tunnel with love and compassion. You will never forget it as long as you live.

And so he spoke: GOD: You are my child. I have a purpose for you. I have given you abilities that are grand, but you have to be taught." I asked back in thought, " Why did I have to come back" and the response I received was, " I was meant for other things first. You have to spread my word. The time has began. What can seem a short time in your world is a long time in my world. I have to as GOD's children teach and help those believe. I have sent those to help teach and show what lays ahead of this life. You (Casey) are my child and I will guide you. Remember, believe, and be open."

   He then showed me a vision from my childhood that I remembered which I think was in the early 1990 when I lived near a funeral home in my small town of Walnut Cove, NC. When I was a little girl I thought I had power to create and stop wind. It was only in my imagination. When your that young you dream to be anything. So I use to say "stop wind stop." and it would. So during this vision I ask Father, " So that was you" and he said, "Yes, I was there with you that whole time. Everything has its time."

   Oh how Father is so GREAT!!!!

   He then proceeded to tell me, " You can go back through the universe. You have that ability, but you will have to learn first. After that last word I knew that I had purpose.

   I knew from this first converstation with Father that my life had changed forever. That I was brought back to life by our Father, our Lord in Heaven, our God, our Creator of the Heavens and the Universe, he brought me back for a Purpose. He is the Father that all of us children had ever wanted. I knew just by instinct that this would not be my last conversation with him. I was Correct.

   So to end this post for the night I just want to tell you that humans are forgetting GOD. Humans are forgetting him, because we are caught up in other things in our lives. We are more worried about money, government, home, politics, and everything else going on in this world, and we are forgetting the number one GOD.

   He has said to me many times, "My children are forgetting Who I Am. They may give up on me, but I will NEVER give up on my children."  This saddens me the most, because I have direct contact with him. Father is a very funny man if only you would listen to him. I promise he won't talk like he did in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. There will be no Thou, Shall, and any of that Old English phrases. He speaks just like we do. I communicate between him and my husband, because I am the middle man. I don't mind it. Plus it makes for more interesting discussions between two logical men. I wouldn't have my life any other way.

   So as a farwell and a goodnight. I say to all my brothers and sisters because we are all made by the same Creator, GOD. Have a wonderful and blessed day; for Father is with us no matter where we go.



Wednesday, July 11, 2012

And So It Begins...

GOD: Your soul was created here in the heavens and the universe and you are made up of energy and light. Your soul was created by me, for I am your father and as you soul chooses what it wants to experience it is then placed in a body. A body that I created with perfection. What you must understand is that once the soul enters the body it forgets its True Self. Throughout your lifetimes it wants to remember what it once was, which is Me. Your souls seek to experience. When you have awaken and have discovered your True Self you then know your path. Casey's has accepted her path for she has told me this herself. She accepts who she truly is and her path will be challenging, but so is every path. Her duties are laid out before her.

   Even to this day even though it has only been a month and a half of discovering my True Self I am still amazed by the grace that God, who I now call Father, has been there for me throughout this whole experience. He has done it with the up most respect, love, and compassion that any Father can be to their child. Even though those that are closest to me have said, “A Demon has taken over you or Evil Spirits are talking to you", he still shows me the goodness in every situation. Father is more than what you read in your Bible or history books of the ancient times. He is so much more.

   So now I continue my story...

   When I started to feel energies going in and out of me I felt over whelmed. The soul is remember it's True Self and it is nothing like anything you will experience in this human body. Now I am not big into science, but what I do know is our soul is that Pure Energy and Light. 

   One June 5, 2012 I was sitting in my car awaiting my physical therapy appointment and I kept feeling like a spirit wanted to tell me something. The only way that I can describe it is like a young child pulling on your arm to get your attention. So I was like this try out writing. Yes I told a spirit to use my arm to write out what it wanted to say to me. So I relaxed my body and mind and  I said, " Use my arm to write what it is that you want me to know". I felt the Spirit using my right arm. I felt muscles in my fingers all the way up to my elbow moved, and to me this was the most amazing thing. 

   This type of gift is called Automatic Writing - Writing through the subconscious mind without conscious thought, or through the guidance of an outside intelligence.

   After each letter I would say what the letter was and then relax again. I knew the spirit was finished communicating with me, because the energy in my arm was gone. So I looked at the piece of paper that I had and it said, "Easter." I was like Easter this is what you are trying to tell me? Are you serious? So I texted the image to a friend, who also has abilities, and she said that I needed to contact my grandma (who I call Mema) and asked her some questions.

   I asked her what is the significances of Easter and it has to do something with a man? Mema said, " the only thing that I would know is that mine and your papa's wedding anniversary is around Easter time." When she said this I knew I had my answer. Just like with my granny, who first came to me I felt the calmness afterwards. My papa was reaching out to me. My grandfather passed away in 1990 and his death was devastating to me. He was my best friend.

   After this experience with my grandfather, other family members started to come through. On June 6, 2012 as I was scrolling through on Facebook looking at friends post, I saw that my aunt on my dad's side was on and the next thing I knew I felt a heavy energy. This strong energy was my granny. She had returned and she wanted me to give a message to 2 of my aunts. Now may I remind you that I have not spoken to my aunts in over a year.

   Granny said to me, “Tell them to not be sad, that I am here and they just have to talk and I will listen. I am OK." So I told granny to hold on while I go get something to drink, but she was very persistent on me telling them NOW. So I went back and told one of my aunts. I then talked to her on the phone and she told me she had been thinking about her and that my other aunt was sadden by the fact that she was gone from this world. In the end I was able to bring peace in a way to the both of them. Once I relayed the message, grannies energy was gone. I knew she went to my aunts, and that brought me peace of mind.

After granny came through my great-grandma Lucy, who passed away on November 19, 1999, channeled through out of the blue one evening, while I was speaking to my husband. Now what she said was the most hilarious thing that I had heard, because in her past life she told you like it was. Grandma Lucy said and I quote, " I don't understand why she has so much dag on stuff. She needs to get rid some of it." 

   Now the person she is speaking of is my aunt, who had just finished moving things into a new home. I had no clue what my aunt's house looked like, but Grandma Lucy sure did. I told my aunt what she had said, and we all had a good laugh.

   The reason why I am sharing with you my experiences is to explain that our family members do come back in times of need. During this time I had accepted of what was to become of me. I was to be a Messenger. If relatives wanted to come through and wanted me to give them a message who am I to deny them that right. This is part of Who I Am.

   I do want to emphasis that there are Evil and Good Spirits for I have felt both. I can feel their energies and in my next post I will talk about it more. I may even write tomorrow, because I want those out there to know that judging somebody before you ask questions can do more harm than good. 

   GOD: My children your loved ones do come back to you, but mostly they stay with me, for the Kingdom of Heaven is a place by my side. I know in the Bible in the book of  Corinthians that it is said that the dead don't walk around you and if they do they are all evil spirits and that is not true. Evil is manipulated by humans and is then made into reality.Do not let what you can not seeing bring in fear, for fear only stops you from experiencing and believing. You do not see Heaven, but you believe and have faith in it. Once you open your eyes and your hearts will you finally see what has been there all along; ME and a spiritual world that is filled with love. Life does not end, it is a continuous cycle of life for if I were to destroy it my purpose would end. Once creation is done then I am done, so I have created a world of never ending. Do not be afraid my children, for the Holy Spirit is always with you and I am only an answer away from your questions. Ask and you shall receive. Have faith and believe my children.





Saturday, July 7, 2012

"The Soul Awakens"

   GOD: You all are born with gifts that I have given you they just lye dormant until you have found your soul. Your soul is part of you and it seeks to finds its True Self. Once your soul awakens and finds its True Self then you will awaken to a life full of purity and love. You my child have found who you really are. You will return to me in the kingdom of heaven . You will be as one with the universe and of the heavens.

   I had asked God to write a quote because words can't describe what it feels like when your soul has awaken. Things change in your life that you never thought would. You see things differently than those that live around you.

   My Soul Awakening came 5 days after my 30th birthday in May. We all remember when we have awoken and this is how it happened to me. I am glad that after this post today that I can then start talking about the present than the past, but we all start sometime.

   I thought turning 30 would be the worst decade, because nothing could compare to my 20's. I was not ready to accept turning the big 3-0. I did not even want to think about it, but what happened next amazed me even more. Two days later I had 3 out-of-body experiences.

   An out of body experience is an experience that typically involves a sensation of floating outside of one's body and, in some cases, perceiving one's physical body from a place outside one's body.

   Just like any other day I was taking a nap and then I realized I was somewhere else. I had a dream within a dream. I was in the universe as my soul, and I was taken into a world of beauty. This first time I could see a nebula with bright shades of colors like blues, purples, reds, light yellows, and pink. It was so amazed how beautiful it was, because I had only seen this in our science books in school or on the History Channel. I floated there for a while to take it all then.

   Within my vision I was taken back to a room and I knew I wanted to go back to the universe, so I slept again. Now all of this is taking place while I am napping in this physical state. I went back to the universe and this time I saw stars that were bright and again I was taken back by the aurora of colors. Each time I realized that each time I wanted to go back there it was getting easier, and so I woke up in another bed.

   The third time I went back and it was easier, but this time God was with him. He said, " Each time this will get easier for you. You will know how to get back to this place but only in time. I will teach you how to do it." After that was said I was taken to a different time. Yes I went back in time to October of 1944. I was told the date and that was it.

   When I woke up in my physical state I went and looked up year online,  and in October of 1944 was when WWII. I knew there was some reason I was taken to this time period and come to find out my great Uncle who was KIA (Killed In Action) died in September of 1944. 

   On that following Monday my Soul Awakened. I was feeling energy and vibrations that I had never felt before. They were so strong that I was getting dizzy. I knew that spirits were coming in and out of me. I was wakening up to a whole new person. I didn't know what was going on, but I knew that something had changed within myself. I knew that somethings I had been taught from childhood were false.I knew immediately that I could feel spirits.

   For 3 days I could feel energy everywhere. It was an overwhelming feel and I had to reach out and find out what was going on with me. People told me when I came back from the Universe I received my abilities. So as I was taking all of this in I knew people would think I was crazy, but now looking back to that time period and knowing what I know now they were not like me. 

   See the soul seeks to find who it truly was before it decided what it wanted to experience in our current life forms. When God made us we were a soul, a ball of light energy that wanted to experience. It takes 1000's of years for the to soul awaken and when it does you will see things differently than most. When the soul wants to seek and experience the mind wants to take over. So when making a decision follow your first answer or choice, because if you keep trying to talk yourself out of it you will never grow.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


   God woke me up at 7 am this morning talking to me about judging. I tried my best to get a few more minutes of sleep, but when God talks to me and it is important, he does not stay quite so I listen. I love hearing him communicate with me it is very peaceful.

   Who judges more God or Man? If I were to say this I would have to say man. God created each one of his children with love. Now many people would disagree with my statement and that is fair enough, for God gave of choice of free will. I want you to see something here. Man will destroy it's self if we do not start listening.

   From what I have experienced so far with God I can say this, that Man is more of a judge than our Father and here I will write some that man bestows upon each other.

  1. Wrong vs. Right
  2. Good vs. Evil
  3. Wealthy vs. Poor
  4. Man vs. Woman
  5. Religion vs. Religion
  6. War vs. Peace
  7. A Polluted Earth vs. Healthy Earth
  8. Greedy vs. Generioius
  9. Old vs. Young
  10. Political Party vs. Political Party
  11. White vs. Black
  12. Nation vs. Nation
  13. 3
  14. etc....
   There are more I am sure of, but at the moment I can only come up with these few. If we don't start listen and always correcting each other we will never get anything done. Society defines it's self more now than every based off what you are in the world, than what you truly are in Gods eyes. If we stopped judging each other and criticizing and pointing fingers at each other things would get done quicker in this world.

   We as a race have drifted apart from what is important, which is to keep our world going so that we the human race can last longer, but no one wants to listen. The key here is to listen, communicate, and not judge. I write this because I am so tired of people judging me. At the end of the day there isn't a single person on this Earth that can judge me. The only Being is GOD. Yes GOD, but people want to judge around God and bring there own conclusions of what is wrong and right in this world.

   God gave us free will. We as a society have set boundaries and if we don't like those boundaries people change the rules to benefit themselves which is sad. We all need to wake up and quit judging others or we won't be on this planet for long. Pointing the finger at others is not going to solve any problems.

GOD: My children if you do not change the way how you live your planet will die, but only by the hand of you. I have watched you for thousands of years and you have yet to listen. I have given you Masters and you have not listened. You have put yourselves first before taking care of everyone as a whole. It needs to stop. Listen to your scientist and your young people. Your young people are crying out to stop the polluting and you don't listen. It is time to wake up my children, for if you do not your planet will die.  

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

" It's Not Your Time Yet."

   I would like to say sorry for the delay in today's post. A huge event happened to me yesterday and I am still trying to get my energy back. Thank you all for your patience, so shall we begin.

   What I am about to tell you are all true events. Only you as the viewer can be the judge if you believe it is true or not, but I am not on here to tell lies or a false story. This is all true.

   On March 01, 2012 I had told my husband I was going to rest while our son was asleep and he said, "OK." So, I laid down and as normal I dreamed, but I  knew that this not one of those ordinary dreams, this was a true event going on. Here is the dream.

   I was standing in a tunnel. It was dark at the end of it and the walls were grey. I looked up to each side of the tunnel I saw that there were little lights on each side. The tunnel was very quite. You could hear a pin drop if there were one to be dropped, but there was nothing there. I said, " I thought there was a light at the end of the tunnel, where is the light? God where is the Light?" As I was standing there I could feel only calmness. It was a place of no pain and I knew I did not want to leave there. I wanted to stay. I just wanted to pass through the light, but there was no light.

   As I am looking straight and note I never looked behind me, I heard a voice right next to the my right ear. It was like if someone was talking in your ear talking normally. I could feel a presence beside me and I knew it was GOD, he said to me, " It is not your time yet". The only way I can explain the way he sounded was, strong, compassionate, with a little authority in it, and with Love. Yes love, for it will be a voice that I would never forget. The instant GOD said the word "Yet",  I was sent back to my body. I woke up and took in the biggest breath of air. When I sat up in my bed I knew what had happened, but I wanted to make sure.

   I told my husband about this immediately when it happened, because I have had dreams or premonitions of things happening to me and they were true. My husband said, " did you die or did you have a near death experience"? I knew in my heart that I had died but I wanted to make sure, so I looked up the definition of Near Death Experience and here is what I found.

Definition of an NDE
A near-death experience (NDE) is a profound psychological event  that may occur to a person close to death or, if not near death, in a situation of physical or emotional crisis. Because it includes transcendental and mystical elements, an NDE is a powerful event of consciousness; it is not mental illness.
Whether happening “truly near death” or under benign circumstances, the near-death experience contains powerful images and emotions, usually of peace and love though sometimes terror, despair, guilt. An NDE may include an out-of-body experience and vivid perceptions of movement, light, darkness; encounters with deceased loved ones, unfamiliar entities and/or spiritual presences; sometimes a life review, a landscape, a sense of overpowering knowledge and purpose. The aftereffects of an NDE or related experience are enduring, often powerful, and may be life-altering.
The NDE belongs to a larger family of experiences that go beyond the usual limits of space and time and can transform a person's life and beliefs. They may be called spiritually transformative, conversion, mystical, religious, or transpersonal experiences.
One-fourth of the 800 people who have submitted an account of their experience to the IANDS online NDE archives reported they were not close to death or clinically dead at the time.  Instead, they were in emotionally intense situations, praying or meditating, sleeping, or in ordinary states of consciousness when this phenomenon occurred. IANDS refers to these as “near-death-like experiences” or NDLEs.  Seventy-five percent of those who sent their accounts had a sense of being close to death, were in a life-threatening situation, or believed they were clinically dead.2 (Key Facts about Near-Death Experiences)

Key Facts about Near-Death Experiences. 30 October 2011. 04 July 2012 <>.
   So to me I knew that this is what happened to me. I was then asking more questions as to why. I asked for 2 month these questions.
  1. Why did I have to come back?
  2. Why did I not see the light?
  3. What was the purpose of me coming back?
   The answers of these questions never came. I have only told 4 people of this story and they all said, " You have a Purpose." I was always thinking why did I have to come back to a world that is full of hate, pain, judgmental and evil people why?" WHY!!! I wanted answers. The tunnel was a place of no pain and for once since in 29 years of living  I had no pain. I wanted to go home. I didn't want GOD to send me back, because I could feel his love and compassion. As I write this now I can still hear his voice and I just want to cry because I know he is my father.

   I asked God a few days ago, " so did I die or was it a near death experience?" He said to me, " You Died. I stopped you in the tunnel. I wanted you to hear my voice and remember it and so I brought you back." I said to him, " Well now that makes sense. Thank you now for telling me." He is saying right now to me while I right this that I didn't ask him that question before, and now that I have he has given it.

   It wouldn't be until 2 1/2 months later I would know why I came back. One more event had to take place in order for me to know why. This I will speak of this weekend, because it is my favorite. I will say this, that on May 25th, 2012 and after many events have happened and now I know why I came back.

   There is not a day that goes by that I do not remember the tunnel and hearing Gods voice. If anything I am thankful for the memory, because it is part of Who I Am. I do not not know anybody who has been in the tunnel but I would like to know people. When you hear Gods voice, it is the one voice that you will never forget, because it is imprinted in your mind forever.

   The one thing that I want people to know is that you don't have to fear death. I decided over 10 years ago that I was not going to be afraid of death. Look at death as a beginning and not an end. We will one day be back with our father, by his side, in the Kingdom of Heaven and yes I have seen it but that is another story. We will be home again with our One True Father, Our Creator, GOD.

   So on an end note, instead of tell people to fear God describe him as the most loving and compassionate person you know. Yes I said person, but God is in everything we do, we see, smell, hear, he made our world and the universe, therefore he is always around us. Praise God not only in prayer, but in anything you do. Talk to him I promise you he won't bite. But just Love him that is all I am asking for. Until this weekend have a blessed 4th of July and a blessed day to all of those that read this.

 GOD says you are my children and I love you.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Side Note....

   I just want my viewers to know that I'll be writing a few times a week about my story. The next post, which I will write will be on Wednesday and again over the weekend, for the information I will be telling you will take time to comprehend. Plus for me to type all of this up will be an emotional one for me as well. For I relieve each day and I am reminded of everything.

   When you go through what I have gone through so far life changes. People who you thought were your friends turn there backs on you. It is a very lonely world right now for myself. People don't understand so they judge. This can be said in society today. Society fears what they don't understand, which is sad because our purpose is to experience life and not be afraid of it. Our souls are crying out experience and live, yet we don't do that.

   I can tell you this now that I am way out of my element, when it comes to talking about my experiences with God I am very careful. Living with Marfan Syndrome and dealing with other health issues, being called skinny or four eyes in school is a lot easier to deal with, than what I am going through now. For all of those that did make fun of me instead of demanding an apology I would like to say, "Thank You, because with out you I would not be who I am today". Your asking yourself,  "now why would she say that." The answer is simple it prepared me for what I am going through now.

   Do not let those that call you names, bully, or even hurt you get the best of you. Keep your head up high and stand tall and say, " Enough is Enough". You, the one that is recieving the action has the power to say this. Do not be afraid. Now how can this be related to my story about finding God, Soul, & Find Your Self, by saying, that I am true to Who I Am.

   Be true to Your Self, be honest and not fake. For if you are one way with one group of friends, and then act differently with others you are just living two or many different lives. I like to put it as, you are all of these characters and you can't choose the one that say's I am this person. I am going to be true to myself. Everyone has a Choice, a lady that I know taught me this years ago when I lived with her and I haven't forgotten it, and God says the exact same thing. Be True To Who You Are. Live your life and had fun.

   On that side note come back and read on Wednesday for it is a journey that will send chills through out your mind. Have a Great Day!!!!