Friday, September 28, 2012

Have You Seen an Angel?

Have You Seen an Angel?

Good morning WORLD. Hope you all are having a wonderful day/morning and that your weekend is a blessed one.

Have you ever felt that angels were around you protecting you from outside forces? They are here to help guide us, protect us, and help heal us. They are a beautiful being. They are advanced beings sent to watch over us.

From my own personal experience I have seen them. Last month was the first time I did. They are a white color all over, with a little of translucent in their bodies. They are just glorious. I saw them the first time, when Jesus, Mother Mary, and Joseph we were in Heaven. The Angels were standing around talking to one another while we were sitting on a bench talking amongst ourselves. Each time I go to Heaven I see different things, so each experience is a new one.

Another experience I had was last week. At night I can tell when I am being watch from other spirits. This week though my husband was going to be gone for 4 days and nights so I was uneasy. I called upon the Angels to please watch over me.

But on this particular night I woke up between 2am and 4am which is common most nights. As I looked into my living room I saw a spirit. Normally I just see my granny walking by my door, but this one was different. I could see all white around it. From the white of the robe to the whiteness of its body. I had to take a double look to make sure I was seeing what I was seeing. I found it magnificent and so I watched.

It was behind my couch levitating, floating in air. I could see it moving up and down, then there was an arm brought out from its body. The arm was moving up and down and the hand was making movements. The flow of the arm was breath taking. All there was was whiteness, like the color of a fresh snow on a new winter’s day. There was no fear seeing the spirit. I felt at peace and safe. I felt like it was an Angel and later I found out it was. They are beautiful not only in the Heavens but here on Earth as well.

I hope one day that you get to experience such thing. Seeing the beauty of an Angel is one that I know you will never forget. They are amongst us not only in human form, but in spirit form as well. We all have our angels and I hope that you know yours.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and make time for yourself. This weekend is a week of Self Health. So take the time to rest and relax. Until again my friends.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Conversation with Jesus

Good Wednesday to you all. Hope you are having a wonderful day. I have noticed and felt that many changes in the world are happening, and please pray for the world to find a peaceful balance. The world is in chaos in more ways than one, so we need to come and help one another. To show love and compassion as these changes take place.

With that being said I wanted to share with you a conversation I had with Jesus a few months again, because I was going through some things within myself with all the negativity going on and anything that is not good I can't handle the energy.

One day I was talking to a friend and there was a lot of negative things said. I can't handle the negative. As we finished our conversation I went into meditation and there was God. "God I feel so sad. I can't take the negative of what others think you are. Why do so many think you are a vengeful God and only want to hurt your children? It saddens me that people think you are like this" I said with a sad voice.

"Would you like to go home for a little while?" he asked in a loving voice of concern.
"Yes please. I would love to."

When I went back to heaven this was like my second time. I arrived in front of a magnificent water fountain. It was gorgeous and behind the water fountain I could see Jesus talking to someone but I didn't know who and I could only see him.

I ran as quickly as I could and went to embrace him.
"What is wrong sisters?" He asked me as I had my head against his chest. I looked up and said, "Why do people think so negatively about father? What do they think this way?"

"They think that because that is what they have been taught. They think that he will do anything to punish his children and that isn't the case" he said.

As I look up and wiped away the tears I said, "You knew you were going to die didn't you?"
"Yes I knew. I knew from when I was very young. Our paths are similar, but yours will not end like mine. You will not be crucified like I was."

When he said crucified I could see him on the cross I asked him, "When you were there for days you knew where you were going didn't you?"

"Yes I did. I knew I was going home. The pain that I went through was so painful, but as I hung there my mind was home. Because I was home I didn't feel the pain, but when I came back to the physical the pain was ever more excruciating. Many were crying for me, but that was my purpose."

As I saw him on the cross I began to cry once again. The vision was so clear and seeing it from not only the eyes of the people but from his as well. I looked up and he said, "No more tears sister. I am fine. No more tears, no more pain. We are home."

I started to feel better and feel the hope come back into me, because I knew our paths were similar. Before I left he told me one last thing. "All isn't as it seems." I understood and I was back in the physical world.

Even to this day when I see pictures of Jesus or as I call him, Brother, I still become saddened and I want to start crying. I felt the inside of me weeping that such a thing happened, but I knew he made the Ultimate Sacrifice. Each time these feeling come back he says, "Do not weep. I am safe and well. No more tears for I am home." I can see him when he says this and then the sadness fades, because each time I see him he is happy with a smile on his face. He is one of my teachers, for he is part of my path.

You may not believe anything that I say but it is the truth. Many say I am a con artist and just want attention. That I don't see or hear any such thing, that all is false. I am no ordinary human and I know this. I live in the physical world and the spiritual world. This is who I am. Don't let those around you make you want to be like them. Be true to who you are. Stand up for yourself and say, "This is who I am. I will not change because you want me to be someone I'm not" and if they leave it was for a reason. If they stay it is because they respect you. They love you for who you are, even though they may not agree they stand by you. I think most of you who read this have experienced this at some point in your life. I have lost many friends due to my gifts and visions, but I will not change. I bring hope and peace and that is Who I AM.

I hope when you read my writings that you to feel hope and peace. Most of all I hope that you feel loved. We are all brothers and sisters. I pass no judgments for I know where everyone is going after this life. So always be TRUE to who you are and love yourself.

Love and Peace to you all. Until again my brothers and sisters have a wonderful week.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Conversation With Mother Teresa

The other day as I was meditating Mother Teresa came. She was wearing her usual white robe with a white aura around her. I started a conversation with her.

Me: Mother Teresa how did you stop yourself from being so mad at those not helping the poor?
Mother Teresa: My dear there was no reason, because I knew that I was helping those in need.

As she stood in front of me looking into my eyes we were holding hands. I asked, " How could those with money not help with the basics: food, water, shelter, or clothing?"

Mother Teresa: Don't blame those my child. There is no need to be mad at those that don't help. Do you know how a child remembers you? It is simple doing a loving act goes a long way. A child never forgets those that put a smile on their faces. When that child is looking at you, and you look into their eyes, (just as I am looking into your eyes right now), and you see that smile.... that is all you need to know that you are making a difference in their lives. That is the conformation that you need that says, "I am doing what I am suppose to be doing, and that is all that matters." Those child, those people will remember you for the good that you have done. That is why I kept going till my own passing.

That is why child you help people. You do it because you know that it is part of your path. Seeing the smile on their faces, or a simple thank you is all that you need to make your heart beat with joy. Continue your path, for I and the others are here to guide and teach you. We are always with you. Blessed thy child.

Then the vision faded. I have many conversations with her. She and the others are teaching me for my path for the future. I love them all dearly. She is one of our Gods Masters/Teachers. She is dearly missed and will always be the light in the darkest times.

The main reason why I asked her these questions is because it was something that I thought of before my transformation or I like to say now my "Rebirth." I asked, because I see my path which is to help others, and it saddens me that we are deprived from the basic necessities that are needed for surviving. The basics for living. I hear people talk about how we as a world that needs to work hard then we are able to "Purchase" these NEEDS, and in my opinion and conversations with God say otherwise. We all should have these things regardless of our economic status.

You see when you put restrictions the needs and how to get those needs people rebel. People rebel because they feel entitled to these basic needs, because it is needed. We all should feel it is a RIGHT to have these things, and if we want more then we should be entitled to work hard to get the things we want. Do you see what I am saying? If we have our needs met, our basic needs I am talking about them people would feel more appreciative and inspired to go out and do more. So once you have your needs food, water, shelter, and food which are needed for life, then the things you want you work harder for them. Our wants are the materialistic things of life that aren't necessary for our survival.

So here is my vision: That we would live in a world where we all are inspired to giving. That we become a world that empowers each other to do their very best, and the slander and the judgments’ falter from our minds and mouths. That the ego that each of us has is silenced, and our Spirit...our Soul... speaks louder to guide us on our path. We all have something to offer to each other, and our main focus should be finding out why we were brought here. What was our main purpose for being born? What is it that you have that you can offer to others? This has nothing to do with economic status or what ethnic you are this has to do with your individual self that says I can offer this to the world to make it a better place.

Ask yourself these questions and start to look at your life. I can guarantee you that once you do then the process of self transformation will start to take place. It is a long road and it takes hard work to change your thinking habits but it can be done.

I hope you all have a blessed weekend, and bring happiness to not only yourselves but to those who you touch.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

World Out Of Control

Hello All:

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and week thus far. I apologize for not writing in the last week and a half. The Angels, God, and the Master Spirits had put me on restriction because I wasn't taking care of myself and focusing so much on others, and I didn't take a time out for myself. Plus, I was sick and had to get well.  So remember to always take time for yourself, and then you are able to concentrate and help others.

In the last week I have seen what has escalated in our world all around, and I have to say that I find it very irresponsible and ignorant that individuals want to cause chaos, havoc, death, destruction, and in all not thinking. God has spoken and has said the following:

God: Those who are a Foreigner in the  Middle East or Northern Africa need to leave. It not safe and the worse have yet to come. This is no longer about a movie; this is about making an excuse to hurt others. To kill others because you are not educated about other societies and the communication barrier is lost. Those who are experiencing this up rise needs to make a choice. Those of you who want freedom, freedom of speech, and seek to love yourself you need to decide if you want to stay or leave. This will be a decision that will eventually take place. Those who want to leave… leave. You have freedom of choice for that is a gift I have given you. Those you seek freedom, should be helped. Just don’t sit around and not help those that want freedom and are in disagreement with the hatred. Help.

Your world has fallen into a trap that you all are responsible for. You are not educated about other societies and cultures. You are told the worse of things, and aren't told about those that are good. Your world has became one huge mess, and it is only going to get worse I am sorry to say, until you all start to listen. You see your biggest problem is your communication barrier. You turn those that are uneducated against those that are. You use them for your own good and will, and you are not listening or helping any situation. You are making the situation worse.

I see in your world a large influence of the ego. Yes the EGO. Most of you are so in tuned to your ego that you no longer listen to me. If you listen to me and you intuition then you wouldn't be where you are now. Your Ego is your worst enemy. You have made a mess of things, and I will say this that changes is coming.

May I remind you that you are responsible for your actions and only you. What you put out into the universe will be sent back to you. If you want to create chaos you will create it. If you want to send out love, love will be sent back to you. Do you see the pattern? For every action there is a positive and negative reaction just like Sir Issac Newton said. You haven't listened to the Masters of the pass. 

Wake up children because your world is changing. The dawn of the New Age will take place near the end of the year. Many will have a spiritual awakening and many will not. There will be many divides throughout your world. Your world is going to be tested to its highest degree. Not by me, but from what you have created. Decisions are going to have to be made. Sacrifices are going to have to be made. Your whole world is going to have to make a decision together if you want to fix your world. 

In order for you to become what you don't won't to be, you must first experience it. I will say that hope will be coming, but only on my time, and not yours. You have to start working together and quit acting like children.fighting over a toy. Learn from your children. You will be amazed at what they can teach you. 

So my children please start listening and letting yourself find your higher self. Instead of arguing speak to me, listen to me. I am only but a thought/word away. Start inspiring yourself to finding you highest purpose to finding the path that you need keep going. To discovering why you were put on this planet in the first place. When you start this you will see change not only in yourself, but from those around you. You must take this step first. No one is going to do it for you. Only YOU can do this. Please stop fighting, and listen.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

So Who Am I?

Who Am I?

So you are probably asking yourselves the question who is this person? I asked this question for months till I started my own dialogue with Father. I knew that I was different than most humans, but I thought that was because of my medical condition Marfan Syndrome.

I had this condition since I was born but I knew in other ways I was different than most. Throughout my life I had always observed others, and paid attention to their mannerisms. But I knew since I was little that this wasn't my home. I am just more aware of myself now. What I am listing is what I am now, but I am a mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, and I have Marfan Syndrome.

I had a conversation with Father about this topic, because I wanted to know.I am:

  1.  First and fore most a Messenger of God. If you have read any of my blog you will see that he has written through me, and he also speaks through me. I have no memory of when he decides to speak, until like hours later, and I can't recall anything.. I speak what he wants spoken to help others. If he has a message to be spoke to his children I will say it. If he wants to sound an alarm I will do so. I took an Oath and I plan on sticking with it just like Jesus and the disciples.Mother Mary spoke to me the other night, and said that "Jesus cried many nights to sleep because of what harsh words were thrown his way, but he never gave up. He always believed, and thus my path is similar. The only difference is that I will not be crucified like he was." Even Jesus has told me this.
  2. I am a Messenger of Spirits: Now this one I am going to be critized for, because many say you can't speak to spirits. Well I don't go to the spirit they come to me. I feel that those who have passed on should be respected, and if they have a message for a loved one they will seek out those with gifts and give them a message. If I call on any spirit I talk to God, Jesus, Mother Mary, the Archangels, and recently Mother Teresa.
  3. I am a natural healer, but for now I am a healer of hearts, until I am instructed by God to start using it for other reasons. Now being natural doesn't mean I can just heal a cold, because if I could I wouldn't be sick right now. But those who have crossed over, and there family or friends here in the physical world want to know about Heaven, God, or Jesus, I can tell you about it. I live in the spiritual and physical realms. 
  4. I am of Many Things: I have an idea of who and what I am, but I won't completely know until I have completed a task. Once the task is completed God will tell and show me who I really am. Father has told me that I have access to the Heaven. I have been to heaven to visit Jesus and others and each time I see different things.I have also seen many planets and many ruins who were built by Advance Beings. I do not call them Alien, just because I feel that is an inappropriate word to use, so I just stick to Advanced Beings. I'm visit by these beings at least once or twice a month. I don't know who they are, but Father says they know who I am.
With all of this being said I have accepted who I am. Do harsh words get thrown my way? They certainly do, but I have to realize that my purpose is to help others and put us on another path so that we don't destroy ourselves in the process. We are all brothers and sisters and need to start coming together for the better good, and stop the hatred.

At the moment I am writing a book about my story. Included will be a lot more information that I haven't disclosed on here. I have the support of God, Archangels, Mother Mary, Jesus, Joseph, and Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa came to me due to a personal matter and gave me hope and told me which angel to call when something like this happens to me again. She is a very lovely lady.

 I will conclude that I am not making any of this up. I know who I am, what I am, and what I am to become. I took an oath and I'll up hold my oath, just as my brothers and sisters did when they were called. It is like Father says, "We give up on no one." I plan on sticking to it, that no matter how hard the road will be, I will not give up.

Hope you all have a blessed week. _/\_

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Video of Change: Pass on the word

Here is a video that someone created. It is a video of truth. I did not make this video I am positing it because it is the Truth. I'll be writing more about this on How To Save The World Post.The person who made this video was truthfully touched by God and has put it in video form. I applaud all who are getting the word out. Every human being needs to see this video and God means EVERY HUMAN BEING. Support the person who made this video.

God says send this video to every person you know. This is the message that billions of people need to know and see and it is the TRUTH. I will be writing about this next on How To Save The Planet.....I am lectured by God on this topic all the time...

I did not make this video I just want to make this clear. I'll be writing about it though.

Friday, September 7, 2012

How To Save Your Planet Part 3: Saving the Oceans

Saving your planet #3: Protect your oceans.
God Speaks:

Lets recap shall we on the first 2 things.
1. Back to basics: Learn how to build a fire, build shelter, have supplies.
2. Community Gardens: Start constructing many gardens, because the rise in produce is going to happen.

Now I want you to pay attention because each and everyone of you need to listen. Now I will refer to the US as examples only because Casey's filter is mostly US, but this implies to everyone in the world.

I have created oceans for you all enjoy. The oceans support animal and plant life, which is part of your ecosystem and from what I have been observing is in danger. I am referring to the fact that your world is messing with my oceans when it comes to your need for oil.

You have yet to understand the importance it is that no more oil is to be drilled in the oceans in the sea. You have yet to learn from the previous mistakes that have taken place, because you continue to make the same mistakes. The companies and individuals involved are cutting corners to environmental stands and protections because the paper work is too long to fill out. That inspectors have to look at each individual part to make sure there isn't a faulty mechanism, so that it doesn't pollute or destroy all that are dependent of the oceans.

So these policies and procedures to speed up the procedure many of the inspectors are skipping the important things and no one is saying anything about it. Have you forgotten the tanker spill in Alaska, the spill in the Gulf Coast, the tanker spill in New Zealand. It doesn't take a year or two to clean up the damage that has been caused by such carelessness. No it takes decades or even centuries for ecosystems to repopulate, for new life to be formed and brought back. Did you just hear what I said it takes DECADES or even CENTURIES to fix what you have done, because you wanted to cut corners. Accept and take responsibility for your actions, and start being truthful about what has happened.

Now with that said, when you start to jeopardize the oceans you start to effect the ocean and wild life. Mammals depend on the oceans for food, as well as wild life such as birds, reptiles, and amphibians. You are putting at risk these creatures that I have created so that the system doesn't break, and yet you still continue to take risk. I am speaking of oil now because your governments, corporations, and individuals are telling you there isn't enough oil to go around. They are WRONG. I have provided you with more than enough resources and energy to use, but because money talks they will continue to create false information about this. Oh my children it is bigger than they are telling you a lot bigger.

It is only a matter of when, the major disaster happens, and when it does it will be very difficult to recover. Your drinking water will be contaminated from a disaster this big. It is time to start changing how you depend on only oil and start using other clean energy resources I have provided you.

The process of using solar rays from the sun has begun, but because of the equipment that is used many can't afford it. It is time to stop using money as an excuse and start making this a resource. Companies who built such technology for this energy to be used, you need to set lower rates. This is a valuable resource, and I want to see more of it, but everyone has to work together and make it affordable.

The other resource is your wind. This is a powerful resource, which is now starting to take off. I am proud of those who are allowing wind turbines to be used on there land. Let me rephrase this is my land we are all one remember. Wind is a very valuable resource there will never be a lack in wind or the sun. Start making it affordable for others to use. It starts from the bottom up to make these changes. It will take years for everyone to use these resources it isn't going to happen over night, but it needs to start now.

Let me get back to the ocean, pollution in the water is damaging sea life. Recycling needs to be every where. Every individual, company, organization, government need to make this a mandatory. The pollution is getting so bad that it will become an epidemic of it's self. Start reusing all that you have. You don't need a knew water bottle for everyday of the week. It takes centuries for plastic to break down, and at the same time it is in your oceans killing wild and sea life.

It all happens with you. It all starts with you. Time to make drastic changes so that your planet can sustain longer. Time to call out those who are hiding so that they can make a profit. Money speaks my children more now than every. Greed is the shadow that no one wants to see threw, but speaking out has an effect as well.

Speak up, let your voice be heard. You all have a voice so use it. Time to live in a world that is transparent. Time to live in a world that is the reality and not the denial that you have lived in for centuries. Denial has gotten you to this place, time to face the facts and get to work. Remember it only takes one person to cause a movement. Become that movement..become the change that is so drastically needed. Become..Believe..Be aware...

I went and researched of the worst oil spills in history and let this be a testament that we need to do more, and take responsibility and change our world for the greater good.

  • Gulf War, 1991: Kuwait: Gallons: 240 to 336 Million
  • Ixtoc 1 Oil Well, 1979: Bay of Campeche, Mexico: Gallons: 140 Million
  • Atlantic Empress, 1979: Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies: Gallons: 88.3 Million
  • Fergana Valley, 1992: Uzbekistan: Gallons: 87.7 Miliion
  • Nowruz Oil Field, 1983: Persian Gulf 80 Million
  • ABT Summer, 1991: Off the coast of Angola: Gallons: 80 Million
  • Castillo de Beliver, 1983: Off Saldanha Bay, South Africa: Gallons: 78.5 Million
  • Amoco Cadiz, 1978: Off Brittany, France: Gallons: 68.7 Million
  • Odyssey Oil Spill, 1988: 700 nautical miles off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada: Gallons: 43 Million
  • M/T Haven Tanker, 1991: Genoa, Italy: Gallons: 42 Million

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Explaination of a word

I was asked a question about is God going to send a child to the pits of hell? The answer to that question is NO. This was in reference to the blog title, "God Challenged."

God has said many times that words are interpreted differently and the meanings have been changed over the centuries. As I meditated today I saw Mother Mary again. She asked, "What is the cause of your problems?"

"Mother someone thinks that the pits of hell is where God is going to send his children and it isn't true" I said with such concern.

"My child "pits of Hell" is a metaphor. It has been taken out of context and many use this for personal gain. All what it means is the phrase that you have used, "Reap what you sow and lay down it." We you go and say negative stuff it will come back to you. God would never do that. Translations get mixed up and words are used in different ways than they are intended to be use. God would not kill his children and send them to such a place. We all returned to him. The soul, the one thing that we were created from returns to him. All will be well. No more worries."

As she started to leave I felt more at ease with myself, because I know that God out of Pure Love. That is all that we are and all that we will ever be. Love is who we are, but we have forgotten this when we took a physical form. In order for you to not BE, you must experience Being that is you don't want to do. Do you do the opposite of what is good.

I'll use this analogy. When you see fire, you know not to touch it because it is hot. But you want to just touch it once, and when that happens it burns you. So now you know not to do that again.

This is how life is. I have always said, "Let me fall so that I can learn from my mistakes. If you catch me first I will never learn, therefore let me fall."

I hope this eases everyone's nerves and worries. All will be well. Have faith, and believe. All is love for we are love.

Blessing _/\_

Mother Mary speaks, and visions of Noah and the Ark

Last night I had some hurtful things said to me, because most people are believing anything that I am saying about our planet, and that God can type through em. I took these comments to heart, where as, I should have ignored them and take them with a grain of salt.

 One person said, "It's a shame he isn't teaching someone who can make it happen though. I really would have thought, being God, he would know who to tell...

When this question was said I felt a huge abundance of energy shoot through me like a rocket shooting into the air. God was coming to answer this question and he wasn't to happy, because many are not taking life serious about our planet. Here is what he said:

God SPEAKS: I am telling you now my children. Read the words she says and follow. There is no joking going on here. If you want to that is your choice and your choice alone. I have sent messengers and teachers to you all and you don't listen; now you have a teacher a messenger and you are mocking her. If you listen to her she can help prepare you for what is to come. But the path you are all heading on is a bad that is leading to your complete disaster of your whole world. And I mean you have the capabilities to kill yourselves. Listen to her and others alike. She can help you learn and tell you what it is that needs to be done. This my children is no joke. IF you want to live start listening and Listen NOW. 

I want to remind everyone that he was speaking through me when he said this and I felt energy like no other. I have only felt this strong energy from the Holy Ghost only one other time. This energy was strong, but luckily not as strong as the first time. I am not making this stuff up.

As he was typing through me, I could feel my fingers moving a hundred mph typing. I have never typed that quickly and that fast in my entire life. When he concluded I was still in a trans state I start to shake, and going in and out of consciousness. My right arm continued to shake uncontrollably as he continued to speak to me.

"They have got to listen, and you are going to help." Eventually they will listen, don't give up" he said.

 After this was said many others have mocked what I have said and I broke down into tears, because of those being disrespectful that was thrown my way in words.As I cried Mother Mary (Virgin Mary) came to console me. She said, "Jesus cried many nights because the things he was saying no one believed in him. With time it gets better. I was so blessed to have such a son as he" she said with the most loving voice. 

I was also shown a vision of Noah and his ark. He did what God told him to do, but others didn't believe him and then the great flood happened. Regaurdless what others said he continued to do Gods work. 

Being shown these visions and Mother Mary coming I felt a lot better. Like Jesus and Noah I will not give up, no matter what comes my way. I will continue to do Gods work for that is why I was brought back. I will listen to God and the Master of life and continue to live towards my goal of bringing awareness about saving our planet, and helping those understand the spiritual world. All is not lost, just as God doesn't give up on his children, I will not give up on you.

Hope you all have a wonderful week, for I am completing a book that I am writing about life after death. My whole story. Show love to all including who you consider enemy, for we are all Gods children.

Many blessings _/\_