Monday, December 23, 2013

The Christmas Card

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Christmas Card
This year is a special time of the year. Family and friends are getting together and are starting to celebrate the holidays around a beautiful tree and drinks. We all are laughing and catching up with those we may see once a year, and it is a beautiful time to just give thanks.

Some of you may be in other states or in other countries and aren't able to get to your loved ones. Please pray for those who can't be because this time of the year can become very lonely for many, and we all should show some love to them. We are indeed each others brother and sister.

Now I am want to share with you something that God asked me to do yesterday. This is a story of not bragging or anything, more like I wish I could do more to bring a smile to someones face and give them a sense of hope and faith, that good people still exist in this crazy world that we live in.

Yesterday morning I woke up and I was told as I was eating breakfast that I need to do something out of the norm. God said, "Here is what I want you to do. I want you to take 5 Christmas cards and put 5 dollars into each card. Then I want you to go to the two stores you have to go to, and pass them out to 5 strangers.

I said, "Who do I give them to?"
God replied, "I will tell you who, but two of them needs to go to the cashier."
I said, "Okay."

So I go get done eating and I get 5 Christmas cards and I write Merry Christmas and God bless, then I place 5 dollars into each card. For me doing this, it was out of the norm. I had never done anything like this before, but I had this yearning to do so. I felt like a little kid.

So my first stop was Target. As I was getting out of my car I saw this cute little boy with his mother. God said, "He's First."
I said, "Are you sure?"
"Yes," he replied.

So I am walking and getting my last two gifts and then I lost the little boy. I said, "Now God if I am to give him the card I need to find him." So, as I turn the corner there he was with his mom. I said, "Little man. Merry Christmas" as I took out the card out of my pocket book and looked at his mom. He had a look of shock, as well as the mother. I said to her, "Merry Christmas." Then I smiled and walked away.

As I proceeded to check out the lady took my payment, and then again I took out a card and handed it to her and said, "Merry Christmas." She looked at me in surprise and said, "Thank you. Merry Christmas to you to."

So I left Target and headed to Walmart to get my breakfast for Christmas morning. I was in the produce isle and the 3rd recipient worked there. I said, "Sir" and pulled out a cards and said, "Merry Christmas" with a huge smile on my face. He looked at me in amaze me. He couldn't believe that someone would think of him. He said, "Oh wow...thank you. Thank you very much."

"Your welcome, and Merry Christmas," I said.
In reply he said, "Merry Christmas" with a large smile on his face. Again I walked away and continued my shopping.

The fourth recipient was a young little girl. I and she was looking at baby cloths for a gift, and I walked to her.  I pulled out a cards and as I was handing it to her I said, "Merry Christmas" and continue to walk.

So as I was in the electronic section looking for something I saw the mother and boy from Target. She told the little boy to tell me thank you with a warm smile on her face, and he said, "Thank you." I said, "You are most welcome. Merry Christmas." The little boy was carrying his money. He was so happy and it brought such great joy to my heart that I could do something for him or just for anyone.

It was time to check out. The lady who I usually go to was working and I just happened to have gotten in her line. Normally she is talkative and smiling, but on this day she didn't look well. She looked sad and didn't want to be there. So as she was done with everything, I paid, and I handed her the last card.

"Merry Christmas," I said.

She looked at me and there was that smile. She was suprised and said, "Thank you. Merry Christmas."

Her smile was what brought me great joy. This whole process for me was to just bring joy to others. To bring Faith to others eyes and show that their are people out there that do care. I went to my car and as I was driving home I had a moment. I told God, "I wish I could do more."

He said, "You already are. What you did today and in the future will bring great joy to others. You did what I asked, and thank you."

I cried of course, because just seeing the smiles was enough for me. That was my Christmas and every holiday you can thank of in just a few hours.  I don't have much money, but me knowing that I did something even with just a card could be the most wonderful exciting thing to do. We all could do this. We all could take a Christmas card and give it to 5 strangers. Not family. Not Friends. Strangers. You can write a beautiful message in it and that could be something that, that person needed to hear. You could be someones inspiration. The joy that you get is priceless. No amount of money can put a price on the love that you feel when you do such acts of kindness. We all need each other and we all need to show someone that we care.

I hope who ever reads this inspires them with an act of kindness. Pay it Forward. Be the light in someones darkness. If you can give a dollar, a message, or anything to just help bring a smile to someone, I will guarantee no gift is more giving than the love, joy, and smile that you will get back in return. It isn't to late to do this. Go out and do this. Let this be your gift to others. We are all God's children and this is what he would want us to do. So share this story with others and lets bring a smile to someone this holiday season and here on after. xx <3 xx

Merry Christmas to you all and I wish you all love, peace, joy, laughter, and excitement this holiday season.

Much love and blessings,

Casey B.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Was the man behind the big red suit real or not?

I want to share something with you all that I discovered yesterday during a meditation. I know many have heard so many stories about the real meaning behind the name of St. Nicholas. God has told me time and time again don't believe everything you read or see on the internet. He says so many people are gullible to the point that they will believe in anything, because if something was created to do good then it must be fake or some sort of conspiracy. God says you have to have faith, and that behind every story lays a truth to it, the question is would you believe it if you saw it for your own eyes?

I am the type of person that sometimes for me believing is seeing and vice versa. But I believe in other things that I know it before I see it. I have found that eventually no matter what I am going to see something that God and the angels want me to know or experience and once that happens then everything comes full circle. This is God's greatest plans of life and one that shouldn't be taken granted for.

So back to my story, I was meditating yesterday and I just never know what I am going to experience, see, visit, do, or dream about. Yesterday I had a new visitor. As my eyes are closed I could see clear as day with my third eye a man appearing. It was in black and white like someone sketching it out for me but this actually shows movement. The man had a white beard, mustache, and a smile that you just can't forget. I was like, "That is St. Nicholas. He is real." He smiled at me and I was humbled enough to be in awe.

I asked God about the story and he just said that their was a man a long time ago that wanted to make children happy. He just wanted this and so he did this by making toys, placing food, or any type of gift to put on someones face. The man passed away and since then his memory has continued, but has been blown way out of proportion. He said man tends to do this and once you take a fable story and turn it into a profit thing, then yes you will see the bad behind a face, but you don't see the truth of it all. He says we tend to focus so much on the negative things that we don't see the good. If we start to get to the core on how this really works then we wouldn't be so heavily strong on the negative.

So is the man that we call in America, Santa Clause real. Yes he is. Seeing is believing like it is said in the movie "The Polar Express." Don't judge a book by its cover, because the contents within hold more interesting words and phrases than you could ever imagine all you have to do is believe. All of these stories we hear and read about came from some where. They weren't just made up. So the next time you read a fairy tale to your child or they ask about Santa all ways know that their is truth, it is your choice whether you want to believe in it or not. Also I just wanted to add a quick note, what makes you think there weren't flying reindeer here on this planet or some other planet? What makes you think that the true meaning of magic doesn't exist? God is magical so he can create whatever he wants to, whenever he wants to and we shouldn't judge it. How many of you when you were a child actually wanted to ride one of those reindeer? I know I was. I wanted to ride one and see the world. To experience such a thing to me would be the best present ever. As we grow older we loose the faith and the imagination. Society wants us to believe what it wants to. That is the power of the shadows. I believe in God and what he can create and I know that with him it is a matter of unlimited possibilities. This to me is the beauty of how far the mind can go if only you allowed yourself to go there. So with that being said for now...

 Believe. Keep Faith, and Hope that our children continue on with their imaginations because they help keep it going. Our society is turning into a scientific and logical society and trying to find explanations to the unknown, where as we should be focusing on the imagination. Do not be afraid of what you see or experience, because God wants you to for a reason. God's plan is magnificent. It is a beautiful design that only the creator knows how all of this works in every detail.

Love to you all,


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

You Are Not Weak

Just because you cry doesn't mean that you are means that you are showing your vulnerability which leads to courage and strength. We as a society tend to see crying as a weakness, where as, we should look at it as someone going through something. Crying can be sad or happy tears in forms of emotions, that is coursing through our very souls. It is a release of neurotransmitters, which releases toxins that have been in coursed in your body and is now ready to release them. When we release these emotions in various ways we tend to feel better. Our soul wants to feel the emotions that is flowing through us, hence it should never be judged.

 If you have been letting your emotions build up in side of you, I highly recommend that you release them. I can say personally when I have been upset or something has sadden me i tend to weep as it may. I am not afraid to admit things anymore. I lay my heart on the line. I am but human. Crying is an human emotion that all in its self should be consider beautiful, because you see the soul for what it is. Haven't you ever seen someone cry and all you want to do is hug them and tell them it is going to be alright? This is your soul telling the other soul that it is okay. It is when two souls go through a beautiful emotion together and you see the purity within the act. An act that if you watch carefully you see the grace of God flow through one another and the love that is shown is God giving a warm embrace and making things better. So the next time you see someone cry, a family member, a complete stranger, a co-worker, son, daughter, mother, etc... give a hug and let them know that no matter what they are going through that everything is going to be okay and that they are loved. 

God loves you as well as the Angels. And even if you are left alone in a room by yourself that God and the Angels are there hugging you and supporting you. That they are there with their Divine grace holding your hand and letting you know that you are loved and care for. The say, "You are not alone." Feel the warmth of the room heat up and know they are there.

From my heart to yours. To my brothers and sister. I leave you this message. "You are not alone. I give you a hug of warmth and love. Words to comfort and shown that things are okay. Your not alone. If ever you feel alone know your not." So, with a warm smile and my love to all of you have a wonderful night. From Casey

Monday, October 7, 2013

Healing Is Part Of Your Spiritual Path

We all go through life's toughest times. Maybe you haven't yet gone through those tough times, and you feel that their is no end in sight. I am here to tell you that there is a rainbow at the end of the tunnel, waiting for you to enter it.

I have found that along my own spiritual path "Healing" has been the toughest things ever. It is hard because those who you have had to forgive could be the ones that hurt you the most. Healing is part of the spiritual path. You must forgive those that you feel hurt you because it is needed. Holding grudges or resentment towards others only holds you back from reaching your full potential.

I can remember last year early on my own spiritual path that I had to start forgiving those that hurt me the most. It took me many months to actually do this and to really know that as they hurt me they were hurting themselves in the process. The saw something in me that they didn't like, which goes back to the saying, "What you see in others you see in yourself."

Last Thanksgiving as I was riding down the road Archangel Michael said, "Casey it is time to cut those cords and it is time to forgive. It is needed for you to become who you are needed to become."

As I was thinking of this I was like, "Where do I being? Archangel Michael said, "Start with your past relationships that you are no longer with." I said, "Does this include ex-boyfriends to?" He said, "Yes, because with every relationship there is an energy connection. You must cut those cords in order to move on." I was shocked because I hadn't seen any of these guys in over a decade. So as I was looking out of the car window and seeing the mountains in the beautiful fall season Archangel Michael said, "Start with this person. Set him free."

I went through something that day where I felt I was releasing those from my past and present. I realized that the relationships that we are no longer in have energy cords connected to each one of us. I describe them as like umbilical cords like a baby connected to a mother. We feel their energy no matter how far they are or how long it has been. You must cut the cords to no longer have any sort of connection to them. You have to set them free. Imagine yourself at one end of the cord and the person you want set free at the other end.  As you call on Archangel Michael say, "Please, Archangel Michael, please cut those cords to those that I need to set free. In order for me to become who I need to be I must set them free." Archangel Michael and Faith will come and cut those cords. It may take many times to sever these cords, but when it has finally been severed you will feel a strong release. You will then go to the next person.

You must forgive all. You must accept all, because when you don't do this you are holding yourself back. Take back your power, because only you can give away your power. So you must make a choice in the matter? Just because you are cutting cords doesn't mean that you are getting rid of them. It just means that you no longer feel their energy draining you. You are being set free.

The healing process takes years to do and even after you have completed it the healing never stops. It continues throughout your life because you will encounter people who will hurt you by words or actions. Just ask God when this happens to you, to bless and show those that have done you wrong to be shown what true love is. That no matter how much you hurt someone with words or actions a love so great within oneself is stronger than any hatred or vengeful words. The negative actions of others will bounce off of you and you will feel more love for them than anyone else. This is where I am at on my path. The beings that I encounter I love. Those who hurt me the most I have forgiven. I have set all free.

This is what is being asked of you now. You can't move on your spiritual path without doing the hard work and forgiving those who have hurt. You must love all in order to accept what IS in this world. When I say "Accept All," I am also referring to the shadows. If you do not heal this part of yourself then you will not move forward on your path. You will stay stuck. Many have healed and are continuing to heal, and as they have done the hard work they are rising through the light, while others who are over looking this step are falling backwards. I always ask people, "Are you willing to do the work, because if your not then right now isn't time for you to seek answer of who and what you are. Once you find out of who you are first and you haven't forgiven those then you could become like Darth Vader and go to the dark side in a flash of a second." Yes even God loves Star Wars and much of what is in those movies is truth.

As you go out today start your healing. Set yourself free. It won't happen over night, or in a week, or a month, it takes a long time, but you will realize that you are move powerful in the loving and forgiving department than you realized before and you will be so proud of yourself for this accomplishment. Once this is completed then a new door along your path with open. Healing will continue but God and the Angels feel that you have reached that level and now it is time to learn something new. Remember it takes hard work and perseverance to complete.

If you have any questions about this please send me a message. I am here to help in anyway I can. I have went through this hard work. I have cried and prayed and cut so many cords that I am now free from those that I needed to let go. Your not alone on your path. Always remember that.

Love and Light to you all. xx <3 xx



Sunday, October 6, 2013

Experiencing Spirits During The Day

In recent weeks I have awoken in the middle of the night to see many beings. I have woken to seeing Angels waving hello to me, faeries flying in my room along with other beings, and most recently I have started to see white masses. My first experience to seeing a large white mass happened a month ago. I woke up in the middle of a deep sleep and at the end of my bed I saw a large white mass. My room lite up light a light bulb as I was staring at this large white mass. I kept blinking to make sure it wasn't my eyes playing tricks on me, and nope it wasn't going to go away. 

To my amazement the large white mass brought me peace. I wasn't afraid. If anything I felt protected. My room was so lite up I couldn't believe it. It was light someone turned on a large white light bulb along with 10 others. It was so bright. The mass just moved back and forth. I couldn't make out who or what it was. All I knew was that I new I was safe and I could sleep. I went back to sleep and as I woke up the next morning it was gone.That had been the first time I saw something so big in my room.

I normally see many spirits in my room and house. They look like white silhouettes and they move so fast. You see in their world they move faster in time, and to them we move so much slower. Full figure images I see mostly are my dragons from a previous life and angels. I can sometimes make out other beings such as faries and other advanced beings, but it takes a lot of concentration and opening myself up to them to see them clearly. At night sometimes I have such a hard time sleeping because I hear and see everything. I can hear spirits walking on the floor and I can very sensitive to energy.

In the last week I have started to see more of these white masses. We just moved into a new apartment a week ago and I was talking to a neighbor and as we were standing and talking our in the parking lot I saw 3 white masses around him. On stood slightly in front of him on his right side, one was beside him on his right and then another slightly behind him on his left side. 

As I was talking to him I couldn't take my eyes off of these 3 white masses. I closed one eye to make sure it wasn't my vision and then the other and they were just their. I felt like one was a spirit like his grandmother and others were his guardian angel and guide. He is being watched over by these 3 beings. I was so focused on the 3 images that it was hard to concentrate on our conversation. I hadn't had anything like this happen to me during the daylight hours so this was new to me. 

Since my moving I really haven't been able to concentrate on myself and I could only meditate right before going to bed. I felt empty inside. I was feeling the loss of my connection to the other worlds. The other world is where I feel most at home with. You are probably asking what other worlds that I speak of? Well I am very connected to the spiritual, spirit, dream, and angelic realms/world. Those places are where I feel complete. Whole as a being, and accepted to those world. I have always stay connected because this world makes my head spin. 

I guess on another day I will talk about those other worlds. I learn mostly in those worlds because I am always being guided and shown what to do next or I am being taught other things there. Have a wonderful day. Love and Light.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Message of the Day:10_01_2013 Surrender

Message of the Day: Surrender. 

Today is the day that you decide to surrender all of your worries and cares or to continue cycle of total worry. Ask yourself this. Is what is happening to me now could things be worse? More than likely the answer to this question what you are going through now things could be a lot worse. We tend to make things worse in life. Instead of dwelling in the worries look at things from a different perspective. What can I learn from this? What can I do to can the outcome? If I have already done everything that I can do I no longer have any control and power over this situation, therefore I surrender to God because he/she know what is best for me. Even though you may not see what is going on behind the scenes miracles are happening.

Do this exercise. Ask yourself this question, "What is causing my worries?" Now with that focus on one thing and not the whole barrel. When you have answered this question, then write down what you can do to change it. Even if you have already done it write it down, then cross out the things that you have already done. How is your list looking? Now look at the things that you have yet to try. Choose one. Use your intuition to choose which step to take next. Give things time and you will see a change and if not, mark that off of your list and try something else. If all of the things you have wrote down has been crossed out, then their is nothing else you can do. Time To SURRENDER. Don't worry about it.

Write a letter to God about your worries and state what you want to happen or what you want the result to be. Then burn it and never look back. Move forward. And write a large sign that says, "SURRENDER." Put it somewhere in your home, where you will see it and will be reminded of it everyday. You deserve to not worry. That is what life is suppose to be about.

I hope this helps anyone is in need of this message. Just know that things in life could be worse so always thank God for what you have now. Life is good when their are no worries.

Love and Light to you all from Casey 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Winter Is Coming!

Hello Dear friends, I have been asked by God today to relay a message which is now been asked of me to talk about at this time. For about a month now God has been saying to me, "Winter is Coming. Be prepared. Be weary. Don't fear for all is going to be alright." I know you see this quote, "Winter is coming," and you are thinking of the TV show "Game of Thrones," but it is true. I haven't seen season 3 and I don't know what it holds, but all I can tell you is my gut, my intuition says to, "Prepare."

When God says, "Winter is Coming" this can be taken in many context such as, winter is coming early, that something bad or life changing is going to happen. I can say this that this is all the above. With Winter upon us we must take the time to work and reflect on ourselves. This is what God wants us to do. We have to heal ourselves first before we can help heal others. In God's eyes you matter more than anything in this world. This he ask of us all.

With this upon us we also need to be aware of the shadows which are taking control and are using those as puppets to use as decoys to bring great harm to our world. This will continue throughout the year and into the next. If you thought that Syria was huge you haven't seen nothing yet. God says, "Things are going to pick up and the shadows will start to come out even more to cause more harm and play the puppets as they are." Do not fear this because if you fear you feed the shadows and this is what they want. You are probably saying, "Why is she telling me this if she is of the light and wants peace? Someone of the light doesn't put fear in no one." My friends I do not put fear in anyone, fear is what you put in it. I do not cause this for the shadows do a great of this all ready. I am just making you aware of this because if I don't say something then it will be more like, "Damned if I do and Damned if I don't," and I rather speak of this now than not say anything at all.

I post what has been asked of me and this is what has been asked of share this information with you all that read this. Now I will touch on other things to look for and what is going on behind the scenes that you may not know. Our banking system will fail but know that you will be taken care of because great change is coming. If you want peace and love to be restored to a world, which is based off of money, power, and greed you must ask this in your daily prayers. Many changes will come which will affect the whole world in general. It is in your hands to make sure that you are ready for what is to come.  Their is nothing that you can do to stop this from happening. It has been put in motion. Another recession will happen and it won't be so pretty. Stock markets will fall. Gas prices will rise along with food prices. All of this is due to the power of the great leaders that run our world. You have to stay true in your light and not let this get to you. The shadows want you to be scare, but if you rise and give all of your love and faith to God you will be okay. God doesn't want you to worry. He want you to surrender to his great powerful love and protection and know that you will be taken care of.

With that being said he does want me to talk about one more thing about mother nature. The animals that live on land and in our oceans, rivers, and lakes are not happy with the way humans have taken care of their home. In fact they are furious as to how we are taking care of this planet that we and they call home. Human have destroyed most of there home lands and we feel that we are the dominate species. I hate to say this but humans are not the dominate species. We tend to think we are but we aren't. I have seen in visions and dreams that our animals that roam our planet are mad, angry and they will retaliate in their own ways. They do not like the fact that we have done this to them. We, as humans, have not taken care of those that God has put here on earth for us to live as One with. Animals are Gods children to, and the change begins with YOU.

How can I help you may ask? First start picking up your trash. The trash that you just throw down on the ground the animals eat, walk, or get stuck in and it isn't good for them. Recycle you trash instead of throwing it in the dumpster. Most of the things that are trash can be recycled. Find a recycling place near you to do this. It doesn't take long to do and you will be taking care of the planet.

Use less paper. Paper comes from trees and our flying friends need this as their home. We have to keep our trees alive so that their is balance. So use less paper products, recycle paper products and be more efficient on how you use them.

Recycle plastic. Our world uses more plastic than most and it is hard to depose of if you just throw it away. It is awful for those that live in our oceans and streams. How would you feel knowing that you swim or drink from something that is contaminated? I don't think you would be happy. So please recycle your plastic. Here is a website that I found and it has 50 ways to help planet earth:

Their are other ways to save and these little things are a step in the right direction. Remember it starts with you. You are the change that is need. You are the one that is being called upon to start making drastic life changes in your own life. Start to habits and listen to your children on these discussions. They are knowledgeable and they can teach just as well as any adult. It begins with us making these changes.

I hope that this message brings some sort of clarity of what is going on in our world. I would write and talk about this for hours but it would take up so much room on this blog. Keep posted and please feel free to share and comment.

Have a wonderful week. Blessings,


Monday, September 16, 2013

Message of the Day: 09_16_2013

Today during meditation I had an interesting dream which lead me to waking up slowly, still in  a meditative state humming the song, "Somewhere Over The Rainbow." As I started to hum I could see beautiful butterflies flying around. The sky started at the bottom with a light blue, then as you looked up the gradient of the sky changed into a dark black of the midnight sky. These butterflies were so beautiful. So with that being said I leave you the song "Somewhere Over The Rainbow," by Israel Kamakawiwo'Ole.  I hope that this song brings you great joy and a message that you are so happy to recieve for I feel like it is meant for everyone to help up lift your day on this beautiful Monday.

Love and Light to you all,


 "Somewhere Over The Rainbow / What A Wonderful World"

Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
And the dreams that you dreamed of
Once in a lullaby ii ii iii
Somewhere over the rainbow
Blue birds fly
And the dreams that you dreamed of
Dreams really do come true ooh ooooh
Someday I'll wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me ee ee eeh
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney tops that's where you'll find me oh
Somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly
And the dream that you dare to,Oh why, oh why can't I?

Well I see trees of green and
Red roses too,
I'll watch them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

Well I see skies of blue and I see clouds of white
And the brightness of day
I like the dark and I think to myself
What a wonderful world

The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people passing by
I see friends shaking hands
Saying, "How do you do?"
They're really saying, I...I love you
I hear babies cry and I watch them grow,
They'll learn much more
Than we'll know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world world

Someday I'll wish upon a star,
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney top that's where you'll find me
Oh, Somewhere over the rainbow way up high
And the dream that you dare to, why, oh why can't I? I?

 Link to the song:

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Your Dreams Are Coming True

Image from the web page:
Are you having dreams that make you think that you are about to loose your mind because you are seeing them actually come true? Are the things that you are seeing scaring you and you don't know how to handle it? I am here to help.

I want to give you some hope right now. I started to realize at the age of 18 that I would have strong dreams and they were actually happening. I never knew the time period but they were coming true. The term used for seeing things to come is called, " Premonitions." We all have this gift. Many don't have a hard time dealing with what they see, but some do. Some feel lonely and they don't know how to handle these things. My first premonitions started with death. I would have dreams of famous people then the next day I would turn on the T.V. and there it would be on the screen announcing who had passed away. At first it would freak me out because I couldn't believe what I was dreaming was actually coming true. I would tell people this and they wouldn't believe me. So, I started to keep these things to myself. I didn't want to be judged, but I knew that I wasn't crazy because it was happening.

In the last year my dreams, which have lead to real events has picked up again. My dreams and meditations started off  showing me the future. I never know if this happens, but I have come to trust what I am being told. I have seen environmental changes, seeing the truths of how people really are, if someone needs help, or things that have happened in my past lives. Right now I just want to focus on the NOW.

So how can you tell if you are having an ordinary dream or a premonition? Now this is only in my opinion and my own experiences. To me dreams having meanings in them. To me they hide little codes that we have to decipher. With dreams I notice numbers, colors, scenes, people, clothing, landmarks, years, dates, anything that can help me decipher it. In these dreams you are getting information so pay attention to them.

Now for premonitions... for me they feel more real. You wake up and your like what was that or can I really do that or is that going to happen because it feels more real than anything else. It is like being alive experiencing and see what is happening. I will give you an example. I had a dream that I could make energy balls and then heal people with the energy that I was making. As I woke up I was like I can make energy balls? How cool is that? Then I heard God say, "Yes you can, but you won't be able to heal people just yet. You can heal hearts of others, but not the physical yet. You still have much to learn. Now is the time to heal the spiritual side of people first." With that I was content with.

I know many can relate to this example and I want you to know you aren't alone. You have someone that knows exactly what you are going through. I have been there and I am still there, (with smile on face). You aren't alone. I just want to make that clear.

Now I want you to know to pay attention to both dreams and premonitions. They are happening in this actual reality. This is how God, Angels, our future selves, our past selves, and other beings communicate with us. We enter a realm where we can access this type of information. We are being guided and now is the time for you to really pay attention to them. If you have a premonition let it be know. I have found that many are criticized for not speaking up. It is like damned if you do and damned if you don't. I want you to use your voice. I have come a long way on my spiritual path, and one thing that God and the angels have instilled in me is to be bold, take a leap of faith, and start to speak what I see in my dreams.

Now dreams can be scary. They can be about deaths, the darkness that lives in this reality, the creepiest things also, etc... Know that you are okay and the grace of God and the Angels are watching over you. You don't need to be afraid. I have found that the darkness likes to scare us, but if we show it unconditional love then they wouldn't want to mess with you. The darkness likes to scare and it will if you allow it. What you can do is just pray and know that they are messing with you. Also they scariest ones can be reflections of yourself or others. It is all in the details. Always ground yourself and know that love prevails no matter what.

Now with death. If you see someone who you know or a famous person dying these can be sensitive topics. I tend to keep them to myself. I still have trouble with these, but I also know that they are home with God. That there job here on Earth is finished and that it is time for them to move on to the wholeness of God and then be re-born again. Listen to your intuition and know that all will be okay, because God loves all.

If you see worldly events take place and you see others speaking of the same thing know that you aren't alone. I feel that God gives us all gifts. He gives us what we can handle. No one is better than the other. Do not judge what you do not understand. Be a ear for someone to talk to. Others may thing you are all ego but you are just talking about what you are seeing/experiencing. Know that you aren't crazy.

I am also being told to tell you to talk about your dreams or to write them down in a journal. What you are seeing isn't craziness, but it is a gift. Your higher self/ soul is ready to experience it, so know that it is time for you to start listening, because it is ready to open its self up and start pay attention to them. You are being shown so much stuff and it is needed. You are needed. If you want to know more about your dreams always ask God and the angels to show you more. You can receive these messages in various ways: Music, what others say, side conversations, books, tv, billboards, bumper stickers, etc... They are here to help and support you. What you are seeing, and then it happens is not crazy. You are not crazy. I so want to emphasis on this. You aren't crazy. If you say you are crazy then that is saying I am crazy to and I know I am not crazy. We are each others reflection so what every you say about someone else you are saying about yourself. Know this.

I hope this helps anyone who is reading this. Maybe it answered some questions or it has lead to question and you just need help understanding. I can say I am here to help and there are others to help too.

Hope you have a wonderful day.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Message from Archangel Michael for 08_23_2013

Archangel Michael

Message of the day from the angels: The greatest lessons you are learning right now are the greatest lessons that you will ever learn. They are part of the will and the testament of how much you can grow as a being and as a soul. Every lesson you are learning is for the future and even though they mean tough and treturous you will get through this. You will succeed. You will learn. You will prevail. You are strong and you will get through this. Continue to have faith in God and the Angels and know that you are being supported and that you will be thankful for these life lessons. We are with you. I am Archangel Michael sending you this message. Peace and Love to you all.

Have a wonderful day, from Casey 

IMG: From
image from the following website:

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Spiritual Battle Has Begun

The Spiritual Battle Has Begun

I have been putting off talking about this particular topic in general. A lot of what I get told from God and the Angels I tend to just stay away from it or even discussing it on social media, because many would look at what I am saying and would say, "Why is she so special? Why does she get so many messages and I do not?" I get told these things for a reason, but I do not see myself as any different as you. I am no special that anyone else. I feel that God tells us things because he knows what we can handle as a being. As a child of God, he knows what we can handle and each one of us is special. I see as all of us as special. So, what I am about to talk about is deep. You don't have to agree with me on what I say, but just look around you and see it for yourself. Take the blinders off your eyes and really see what is happening to our world.

Last year the world started or I should say many started to awaken to what is. That this world is a total illusion and that we as separate beings of God are going through our own awakenings. We each are at different stages of awareness and that is okay. The soul knows exactly how fast you should awaken. It can take years, decades, or even life times to see what we actually are in truth, which is only Light and Love; Pure energy from God, the Divine. No one should judge his/her process when it comes to awaken, but to those that are awaken are going through the raw emotions and are having to balance their lives in more ways than one, just so that they can sustain in this world. I call the year of 2012 the awakening period, and this year a year of learning.

This year is a year that we are learning and the greatest battles that are happening to us on a separate bases are happening now. First I will talk about the learning then I will talk about what is happening behind the scenes that many, even the awaken, don't even see what is happening. This year you will learn many things about who and what you are. You will understand or actually start to feel that what you are in essence is only light and love. The Divine beings of God and that you are the creators of your own world. That what you want in life is of yours for the taken, but beware that your thoughts have power. What you put out into the Universe will be given to you. That what you do unto others, you do unto yourself. This means that if you call people names, or anything negative or positive to others you are doing to yourself. When you look at your mother, father,...etc you are looking at yourself. You are looking at a total reflection of who you are in others and in all your given surroundings.

The separate souls that are here on Earth have their own missions. Each mission, or I should say life lesson each soul asked for before coming to Earth and to experience life in physical form. You have to take this time to figure out what it is and then start to learn from it. Everyone's purpose is different. Each lesson is different and should not be judged. Take what you are learning now and apply it to your life and look at the things that we considered to be, "Bad or awful experiences," as a life lesson.

Now I will talk more about this on another post, but right now I am being asked to talk about something that is happening behind the scenes. The spiritual battle is happening now. As the darkness rises stronger than ever we are being asked to release all of the darkness, all of the negativity from our life and to surrender to God and to not judge. The spiritual battle that is taken place is becoming stronger all over the world. Look at how others behave. Many are rude, angry, mad, negative all the time, and this is an individual battle that is taking place. It is not pretty, but it is needed. We are being asked to fight these battle, because this is what has been created on this planet.

The darkness is gaining more power over those who are weak. They do not care who or what you are. I have heard so many people who have considered themselves, Indigo's, Crystals, Starseeds, Lightworkers, etc... say that they can't be affected by the darkness that has been created in this reality actually exist. The truth is they can and they will if they want to. They can use all who walks, breaths, has an energy field with it to there own demise. Right now they are getting, or trying to recruit all who is powerful to fight the light of others. You may not even know you are being played by the shadows. They will play you like a puppet without you even knowing it. Those dark thoughts. Those dark images that you have going on with you that is them. That is them wanting you to get mad. That is them wanting you to be completely taken over, just like if you saw the movie, "Star Wars." What you saw in that movie and the battle with Anakin Skywalker, his battle with the light and dark is happening now in this world and it is grow ever so fast and powerful. You will see those who are stronger with their light, and hold true and pure to God become more brighter than ever, while those who are weak will be consumed with darkness. This is a topic that no one wants to talk about. This is something that the darkness wants to be hidden from man kind, so that they can control the show. So I am bringing it to the for front, because many would say, "Well why didn't you say something?" Well I am now. Like it or not this is happening.

Now what can you do on a daily basis to fight the shadows. Do the one thing they can't stand, "Show LOVE!!!" Do not talk bad about someone or something. Do not judge others. If you have a negative thought come to you, change it with a positive thought or vision. Come up with your own happy place, so if those negative thoughts and images come to mind you will have a beautiful, loving place you can go to. Stay pure to who you are which is love. Show love and compassion to all. Love all. Love everything that you see, touch, breathe, and hear. Love it. If you see a poor homeless man on the side of the road don't make fun of him. You don't know what he is going through or what he wanted to experience as a soul. If you judge him then you are giving power to the darkness. The darkness feeds off of your negative energy and thoughts and words. The more you feed the shadows the more you make the Master of the darkness more powerful. Do things in your life that make you happy. Think of what you want that makes you happy in your daily life. The little things in your life will bring you the most happiness and joy. Don't sweat the small things. It is like the song that God plays for me, "Don't Happy." Go play out in the rain like a child. Let that inner child shine.

In order to defeat these shadows on an individual/ global scale is to only think of positive things. The more you help, love, show compassion, gratitude, humbleness, beauty, laughter, and anything else you can think that makes someone happy you are allowing your bright light that is within you to shine ever brighter. Your light will shine so bright that you will become your own Divine Warrior. This battle is taking place now more than ever. There is no middle ground on this. Either you will grow more positive and shine more light, or you will fall back into the darkness, where there they darkness will consume you more than ever. This is a battle that is taking place my friends. Stop worrying about others and work on you. This is what you are being asked by God and the Angels. They want you to be a better you. A loving you. A Divine you. Knowing that you are part of God you must work on you, because others can't fight these battles for you. Only you can do this battle. Be the true warrior that I know that you are.

I see love in the light and the dark. It is how I have been taught to see and take notice in. You are Divine Beings of Light. Be it and show it. I could talk so much more on this topic, but I will do more later. For many this can be a lot to swallow, so I will take it easy.

Archangel Michael wants me to say one more thing, he says, "You now have a choice to make. The choice is yours. There is only darkness and the light and no middle ground. This will be your greatest battle that you have ever done. Make the choices my friends because this is what is happening in your world. You must make the decision on which road you will take. You were given this gift. Free Choice. Free Will. In this world you have created what is dark and now they are ready to battle. The biggest battle has yet to come. Stay firm. Stay True. Stay love. Love is the only way my friends. If you need help call on myself, Faith, Hope, Archangel Raphael, Mother Mary, Jesus, God, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Chamuel, and all of the other Archangels to come and help you. We are here to help, so watch for the signs. Feel our warm touch and embrace. We are here to help, but you have to do your part to. We love you all and we are here to help serve and guide you all. Call us. From you trust and Divine Archangel, with much love to you all Archangel Michael."

Hope you all have a wonderful day. Get out in nature and really look at our world in a different perspective and know that love is everywhere. Love and Light to you all.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Spirits On Board

Spirits On Board

As someone who can see spirits at night time and during the day viewing them with my minds eye or what some call the "3rd Eye" I experienced something new for the first time. For the last year I have stay home and I haven't really ventured out that much. I am still learning from God, Angels, and many other beings so my teachings take place in the comfort of my own home. But this week I was able to venture out and to have a little fun.

One of my friends had a friend that came into town and I got to play tour guide. I love to travel and I love to show people around if I can. So our first stop was the SC Aquarium, but as we got there we decided to go to the USS Yorktown instead. I was excited because I hadn't be there in years. As we arrived there and I stepped onto the quarter deck, I looked at my friend and said, "Oh wow their is a lot of spirits on this ship. I forgot about them, so I guess I have to handle it the best that I new how."

As we went out on the top part of the ship and looked at the planes I could see fire, along with chaos on the deck. Pilots with there helmets on running. All I could feel was the chaos and yelling. We returned back inside the main ship and we went on another tour, which we were the only people and we didn't have a tour guide, so I thought I would have fun but it seemed the spirits wanted to show me many things, so whatever I was seeing or experiencing I was saying. The verbal thoughts seemed to flow out and the energy and visions were getting stronger.

We entered the mess hall, which is like the cafeteria in a school, and I could hear the cook yell, "Ready UP!!!" Loud and was ready for the line to move on. I could hear sailors and officers cussing and having a good time. They would make jokes because having a sense of humor was how they dealt with things on the seas. As we continued onto the next tour I heard a voice say, "If you want to experience more go to the area we slept." I knew that their was something I needed to do before I left.

As I saw the sleeping quarters nothing got my attention. If anything I saw men getting there guns and helmets ready to do something. As we continued on my friend and I looked at each other and he said to me, "I am feeling pain behind my right eye," as he started to bring up his hand I brought mine up as well and we pointed at the same exact spot. I said, "I just walked through this arch and felt coldness and pain." As I was telling him this I heard a spirits say to me, "Bitch get off my ship." This spirit didn't like us on this boat. He absolutely didn't like anyone on this ship. It was his ship and that was all he wanted. The tone in his voice was angry, but he didn't frighten me. If anything I felt sad for him.

Since this experience I feel my world has opened up more to those on the other side. With this being my first experience outside my very own home, it was like a breathe of fresh air that I needed. When you live in my house spirits and angels are the norm. I thank God for my experiences because they make me stronger and they really help me become more confident in my gifts. This will be a day that I will never forget and I can only hope that I experience more such as this one day.

Friday, August 2, 2013

The Student Financial System That Is Broken

The Student Financial System That Is Broken

We live in a world where the system is failing us. Are you one of those individuals who worries everyday about your finances? Are you one of those individuals that worries how you are going to pay for food and put food on the table, while trying to keep a roof over your head while paying bills and loans? Well my dear friends our system is failing us.

Here is what I have been picking up and a message that I received yesterday about this very thing. As I was walking out of an electronics store I suddenly felt worry. The worry and stress of those worrying about money and how they are going to make it. I tend to have these feelings because it is part of who I am and Mother Earth, Gaia, lets me know what is really going on and what people are feeling. I tend to feel these emotions at different times which can become very overwhelming for myself. 

So as I was walking the images of a stress world were coming to mind. I was saying to myself, "I am not made for this world, " and as I was doing so God chimed in and said, "Your system is failing you. It no longer works for a world that is waking up and wants to evolve." I said, " Then what needs to happen?" 

God said," You first need to redo your whole financial system. I am seeing and feeling so many who have went to school, just as you have, and have took out loans to go to college so they can get a higher education. The worry around the world is spreading and it has to stop. The system just needs to stop. You see, in ancient times their were apprenticeships. You studied from a Master and learned the trade. Over hundreds of years the darkness took over and decided that the rich should get schooling and others were left behind. So as time went on people decided that it was time to take matters into there own hands. The poor taught what the could but kept the old traditions alive while others looked down on those that didn't go to Universities and such.

What has happen is that they system over the years has been conditioned to only pay mind to those who are rich and to look at those who are poor and want a higher education must take out loans to help pay for college education or any education for that matter. This has lead to University's no longer looking at the system as an educational one, but one that can profit in more ways than one. Some of these profits are from large corporations that delegate what they University do and how them do them. This is only a small portion of what happens behind the scenes.

When you look at how much an average student pays for college, and how much a President or a Dean make in wages over a year period things do not add up. While a President gets paid more than most and continues to get bonus's the average student's rate, interest, and the increase in debt continues to sky rocket at an immaculate speed. This can no longer continue if you want a fair and stable world. Before you know it those going to Universities or any College campus will no longer be able to pay for their loans, because the college's have promised a job after graduation, yet their are no jobs/employment to be had when you are working in an unstable economy that won't rise at all, while those who are in control, control a majority of the world.

Here is what I say unto you all if you want change to come about. One do not get angry at those who have create such a system. Those who are living now, this has gone on longer than you have been born. You are the change that is needed. Propose new was for getting degrees, which will help. If you want to I say this do apprenticeships. The old ways in some way needs to return while the average student doesn't have to feel like they no longer can live with such a as world as this.You can take it in your own hands as do a petition which will state that you can no longer pay what has been promised to you. Start to look at universities as a business because it is no longer a place where they are looking out for your best interest.

In the upcoming year great change will come to you planet, which I have set in motion for this world can no longer go on as it is today. Great economic changes will come where you don't have to worry about what to do next in your life. You will be able to do what you want in life without having to worry about if I have to go to this job to make the big bucks. Most of you now, go into professions that you don't even want to do. You go into them because they pay more and you have been taught this way. What my vision for you all and start doing or thinking of this now, DO WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO AND DON"T LOOK BACK AND WORRY!!! Once you have given complete Faith to me, God, Universe, Oneness, Infinity, or whatever else you want to call me...Creator then you will see that I will take care of you.

Being a fully awakened being looks at life with pure faith. Faith that everything is going to be taken care of. No matter what the situation is you will be taken care of, but you can not worry. Do not judge others for these problems that has occurred on your problem because I will be taking care of it. Stop the back lashing, the rude comments, remarks, and really start to work on you and see what it is what you truly want in this life. It starts with you. I will speak more of this later for it can become a discussion that can go on and on and on... So until next time You are the change. Make it happen. Your loving father...God."

Wow...amazing....I have to hear this a lot of what is going on in our world and I like bring it to you. Here is something that I thought of the other day, well I was told and it states: " You are your greatest accomplishment.If you can Master Yourself, which means live in Pure faith, to not judge others for you judge yourself, to not think of one negative thing, to live in peace and harmony, to show love to all, to not look at the darkness as evil but to look at it with gentle and loving eyes and heart, to know that this world is all but an illusion that has been created for us. To know that the love wins and trumps all that is dark. To know that you live in a dream that is within a dream. Becoming a Master of Yourself takes time and patience. It isn't easy. This is the greatest accomplishment you can ever achieve in your life. Stop worrying about others, and work on you."

With that being said I hope you all have a wonderful weekend where ever you are. And please feel free to email, send, and post to others so that we all can help start making the small changes in this world, for they will be the greatest changes in years to come. Love and Light to you all.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Stop The Hate...We Are One

Image from

We are all One. No matter if you are gay, straight, bi, biracial, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhism, atheist, black, white, Asian, Indian, Spanish, light skinned, dark skinned. We are One. We all come from God. Stop the hate. We are cut from the se cloth...God. Do not judge because of what a book says, what a person says, listen to your heart and you will see that we are all Love. Those who are different aren't Evil. They are just as much as love as you are . Do not judge what you don't understand because if you see flaws or judge others you are judging yourself. You are seeing the flaws in yourself. Do not judge... Express LOVE.

We are all brothers and sister. I not my brothers or sisters keeper, instead I am my brother and sister.

The next time you call someone gay, retard, or any other vulgar word you are calling yourself that. The next time you call someone a Bitch or a Hoe you are calling yourself that. Stop the hate. Just stop and accept others for who they are and see the beauty in them. Listen to there stores. Don't judge what you don't understand. We are all from God. We are all from Source, Universe, Infinity etc... There is no need for it because God loves each and everyone of us despite who we are.

Don't judge a homeless person, drug addicts, alcohol addicts, those with eatting disorders, mental disorders, the mental people, etc... You don't know there story. Maybe their soul want to experience something which has lead them to such acts but don't judge. Instead show them love and compassion. We all have our own baggage but showing some compassion and showing you care can help in more ways than one. Do not judge show love, for we are love.

Instead of hating and spreading hate how about spread love because all what you are doing is feeding the darkness that lives in this world. You are feeding it more than you realize. You hate, anger, negative words, etc... Is what the shadows want. They want you like this because you are feedin them the very thing they want... Darkness. If you stopped doing this and start to show love more and only speak and act with pure intentions with love to follow then you no longer feed them. You give them the one thing they can't stand... LOVE. So stop hating, stop the name calling, stop playing the victim card, stop hiding behind a book and speak up for others and just love, because love is who we are and in essence what our true selves are. Love and Light. We Are ONE. Spread the love.

If you like what I have said please spread the word and share and repost it.

I love everyone. The good, the bad, and the darkest of the dark. You are my brothers and sister. Love you all.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Dreams: Part 1

Dreams: Part 1

Can dream tell you parts of your life? Can they tell you what is to come in the future? Can dreams really tell you more than you realize? Answering these questions and more you will be able to see more in what you dream.

I have always had dreams. Some of my weird dreams always seemed to be messages from others, what others really are like, and I have seen things in the future. When you sleep you are able to travel to many places through out the Universe and on the Earth plane. As you travel you can see many things, but more than likely you won't remember these travels, because your soul goes home to remember its self and goes to other places. With that being said I have paid close attention to my dreams since I was in my late teenage years.

It began when I was about 18 yrs old. I can recall dreaming about a man that I remember seeing on the Morning Show on CBS. The dream was about the host and it showed me that he died. That Sunday morning I awoken to something that absolutely could not be made up. The man/host of the show actually did pass away. I was so astonished to seeing this in my dream and then actually hearing about it, I thought that it was crazy. I told my parents as I sat on your couch in our house at the time, that I had dreamed of the man dying and here I was being told he was. My mom looked at me with her mouth held wide open. I had never heard of any such phenomena happening before, but after that I knew there was something going on. From that day forward I started to pay attention to my dreams.

From that day forward I payed attention to my dreams. I saw the man who I was going to marry 2 years after I had the premonition of the host dying. Come to find out I met him, then 6 months after meeting him we married, and over the next 4 yrs we would move to many places, and have 2 beautiful children. Being in the military we moved a lot but that was so much fun.

Since my awakening, which occurred fully on May 25th, 2012 I have paid attention to all of my dreams. I saw many things that were going to happen to our planet. What we needed to do to help each other, and what is to come in our way future.

Not only have I seen future events, I just don't know when they will happen. Many people living have this gift. We all have it actually, it is just that some of us actually want to tap into that type of gift. I tend to think that God lets those who can handle such dreams or visions see them, because they can handle it. You know the saying, "God gives you what you can handle" well I find this to be absolutely the truth. God does it and a beautiful job he does to. What a wonderful thing to have.

Not only have I seen future things, but I have also seen many of my past lives. This has helped me realize why I act as I do. I have been able to see other peoples past lives which many have said to me that it resonates so much with how they are now and it helps them understand so much of their lives. Pay attention to your dreams. They hold so much information

With this being I want to talk about dreams more in depth. Over the last 8 months I have had to figure my own out and I have helped others. The first thing you can do is start a dream journal. Starting a journal will help you remember your dreams. Write down every detail you can think of when you were in the dream: Colors, numbers, what the furniture looked like, what the people wore, animals, people, environment...etc.  Now every dream is different, so sometimes to find out the meaning you  have to do research on dream interpretations. Each thing that I listed above has a meaning. Each single thing.

Some dreams feel more real than others so really pay attention to them, because there are clues and answers that you have been seeking. With this being part of my discussion if you have any information on dreams please don't hesitate to post information in the comments page. I welcome stories and any type of information. I see this as an opinion discussion which can help many people. Have a wonderful week my friends. Until next time. God bless you all.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Did This Just Really Happen?

Did This Just Happen?

It has been a year after my own death, which occurred on March 01st, 2012, and it has been a roller coaster ride since then. When you have gone through the trials and tribulations of trying to understand what happened and why of a death; You have all sorts of question like for instance: Why? Why did it happen? What was it's purpose? Who am I now? Where do I go from here? and many others.

I recently read a book called, "Home with God" by Neale Donald Walsch, which in the book it explains death and life and how the soul, your words and thoughts, are powerful. It explained how death should be embraced and looked forward to because it is part of being recreated and going back home to a world that you have dreamed of and returning to God, and then recreating and experiencing all over again. It is a beautiful thing.

I have to say that I have never been afraid of death, but when this occurred to me I needed answers to help complete who I am and to really find out why it happened. All I wanted to know is what cause it? What cause the dominoes to end? The conclusion that I came to was that it had to happen for a specific purpose, but first let me explain to you what my soul actually did and you will be amazed.

Here is a little back story of what happened. For 2 years after graduating from college I became stuck. I applied for jobs and nothing was coming through. I worked hard at trying to find something in my area, but nothing was being snagged. All of my life I have done what was needed of me. I completed college, had two beautiful children, married the man of my dreams, and had traveled to many places. As soon as I graduated in December of 2010 I started to become lost. I didn't know what else to do. Going back to school was out of the question, because I needed a break. I wanted to help support my family in other ways, and I wanted to get back to work, but it wasn't happening. For 2 years I stood at a stand still. There wasn't nothing happening in my life.  Because of this feeling I had done everything that was asked of me... I was done. My soul decided or I should say said, "Well I did everything that was needed of me, now it is time to die.Time to recreate again" So on March 01st I did just that. I died.

I was taken to a tunnel and their I stood still waiting, but as I stood there I heard a voice tell me, "It's Not Your Time Yet" (if you want the full story of this look under archives and see "It's Not Your Time Yet") and I was sent back to my body. If you want to say I was, "Resurrected" then yes that would be a "Label" or "Term" to describe what had just happened to me, but their is more that happened in that tunnel that I didn't know at the time. I just recently found out, so pay close attention so you can understand better.

As I was standing there my soul new that I had done everything that was needed of me. I did all the things that I was set out to do in that life. I completed that chapter in my book and it was time for the book to end so it did. That is why I did. When you are done doing what your soul was set out to accomplish, to experience it decides that it is time to go home so that is what I did, but on my way I was stopped. Kind of like at a stop sign. God was that stop sign. A new task; a new mission was given while I was in that tunnel. Since I, my soul, which is ONE decided that since I wanted to experience something new, with a new mission, I decided to return to the very vessel that I had been using for 29 yrs. My vessel wasn't broken so why re-create myself in another. It was better to just use the same body, and keep the memories so that I could help others if need be, but I wouldn't be the same person. I would be different. Needed for a world that was about to change in more ways than one. A new mission that I accepted when I was in the tunnel. God needed me for another reason, hence I returned back to the very vessel that I had used before, but with a different outlook and different life experience this time around. After realizing all of this I as like, "You gotta be kidden me. That just didn't really happen?"  That is, I died because their wasn't nothing else for me to do. I did everything asked of me. That is why I died and came back to the very vessel, because it was needed of me to return as soon as possible, plus my soul new that I was going to die on that day.  It new subconsciousness that I was going to die on that die, but consciousness I had no idea. All I new was I was stuck and I wasn't going any where for a brick wall stood their. I was done. Finished.

So I woke up which felt like hours, which was a very short time as a different person. After this day I started to try to put the pieces together and what I was sent back for. It is like starting all over again. I had been re-born. Brought to a world that I didn't understand. A world that isn't like the world that I fully remember, which for me is home, "Heaven." Yes I remember Home. I had created it many times and so I fully remember it, and to this day I am able to return to it. If not for this gift I would be lost, lonely, a yearning for it that can isolate you from this reality, because this world goes against everything that I believe in.

Because of the new rebirth I have lost most of my friends and family. I had to learn how to adapt to a different world, to gifts that I didn't remember having before, to those leaving me, to those condemning me, and embracing the new Being that I was to become. Living this life has had it's challenges but I have learned so many new things about the Truth of who we are. Lets just say that much that has been taught and said in this world isn't what it seems. I have to say thought that the one thing that has remained constant is my love for God the creator of this world and all that their is. My faith is stronger for all I am I give to him. My devotion to God is stronger than ever. Because of my gift to hear him more clearly it has made me this way. Nothing that he has said has been wrong. He is TRUTH. HE IS ALL THAT THEIR IS AND ALL THAT THEIR WILL BE.

I have now come to peace with it. The being that I am to become and am is WHO I AM. I can't go back to who I was because that part of my life is over with. Yes I have the memories but everything else is new. What I decided was to experience new things and that is what I am doing. A new journey, a new mission awaits me and for this I am thankful for. A new purpose has been acknowledged and accepted by me and with that I am now on a new path.

Since this has been a long story thus far I just want to say a special thanks to all who have stuck with me through these times because I know I haven't been the easiest person to live with because I experience supernatural things everyday. I want to say thank you to my loving, patient husband Robert and my beautiful children Allyson and Connor. They have kept me sane. They let me be me and my husband has been my rock. Without him I don't know where I would be.

I want to say I love and thank all of those who have stuck with me. To my new friends that I have met in the last year you guys are my rock. You are not only my friends but my family. They know who they are. You all are dear angels to me and we are on a journey together. Even though we are on different paths we are their to support each other. I love each and everyone of you.

Have a wonderful day my friends. Love and Light.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Keep the Faith and Pay it Forward

Keeping the Faith and Pay It Forward

Yesterday I had an amazing experience that literally made my soul happy. Yesterday evening as I was going to go get some fast food, I was walking at our local market. As I walked by the first time I saw two homeless men that were sitting down and chatting. One was an older male with a sling in his arm, and the other was a younger man. As they were chatting I walked by them and said, "Hello," and they replied, "Hello," as well. I went to see if a local movie distributor had a movie I was looking for so they didn't. On my way back to see if my food was ready, I was stopped by the older man, "Ma'am I have a question for you," he said.  I turned around and said, "Yes sir?"  I walked back to him and he asked me, "Ma'am do you have any food to spare because it has been a while since we have eaten?"

I looked the the two individuals and I said, "Let me go in the market, and let me buy something so I may give you some money." As I said this I help up my figure like just wait one minute and I will. As I walked into the market, I proceeded to the soda isle. I hadn't felt well due to a migraine that I had gotten earlier that morning, so it had made me sick on my stomach, so I got me some of that. Then as I proceeded I went directly to the local deli section and they sold fried chicken, vegetables, and all sorts of stuff. As I was walking I was thinking to myself, "This is what God would do. He would help in any way that he can. I will not only get them some food, but also give them some money to help them."

So I told the lady at the counter, "May I get two boxes of 12 piece of mixed chicken please?"
"Sure" she said, "Any thing else?"
"Yes ma'am " I said, "May I also 2 small containers of corn please?" I said with a smile on my face
"Will that be all?" she asked back.
"No ma'am that shall do it" I said.

As I was waiting the lady asked me if I wanted to get a basket because all I was carrying was a 6 pack of drinks, and I needed more room to carry the food. So I asked if I could keep the chicken there waiting as I went to go get a basket, and as she prepared the corn and she had said, "Yes."

To my delight I had every thing that I needed, and as I went to pay I made a direct decision to give these two individuals; children of God some money as well. After I paid I asked the cashier if I could let my stuff stay there, because I didn't get any spoons for the corn, and of course she allowed me to do so. I went and got the spoons, and I made sure that each corn bowl and box of chicken were in separate bags. I felt like a kid on Christmas, but I was the one giving a gift to those that I knew that needed it more than I. It brought me so much joy that I could do this for two people and so I proceeded outside.

I walked a couple of feet from the main entrance and I said, "I bought you guys some food" and I passed them each of their bags. I said, "Now in each bag is some chicken along with some corn and a spoon." I looked up and the younger man was taken back. He said, "Let me give you a hug. Thank you so much. God bless you." As he gave me a hug I could feel his energy. His love that radiated from such  a kind gesture, and much to his surprise someone that actually cared. As he finished giving me a long hug, I proceeded to give the older man a hug as well. I am just a huger and why not give him a hug to. It is like spreading the love from one being to another. With the older man I could sense it had been a while he had even had a hug. Especially from one that gave one willingly with no expectations or anything of that nature. He said, "God bless you, and thank you for all you have done." I then proceeded to give them each a $20.00 bill. The younger man said, "Thank you" again and I said, "God Bless you. God had blessed me so I am here to bless you in anyway that I can." As I started to walk away, I stopped and I made a decision to give them each one of my drinkings. I walked back to the men and I said, "Wait I forgot to do something." The younger man was shocked and said, "What, what." I gave them each one a drink. I said, "Well with that chicken your gonna need something to drink right? Everyone needs something to drink."

As I stood backup the younger man gave me another hug and blessed me again. I blessed him and he asked me for my name and I gave it and he gave me his. They each were at amazement and my soul just felt grateful that I could help in anyway that I could. I walked away and tears wanted to flow. It was tears of happiness and love, and at the same time thinking that we are all God's children and that people should feel loved and accepted and have shelter, food, water, clothing. All of these things God wants for his children. We have all that we need on this planet so no one does with out. As my thoughts started to turn happier I said this is what I am needed to do. I have known this for a long time, but my soul yearns to help my fellow brothers and sisters. I see everyone as me. I see everything around me as me. I honor and respect this world that we call home.

Now by reading this you are probably asking how can you do something like that? Give something to complete strangers and they could do whatever they want with the money like buy drugs or alcohol?

My answer to you is, "Why NOT?" They are our brothers and sisters. Put yourself in their shoes. I do no judging. Human beings do enough of that. I expect nothing from no one. I mean NO ONE. I do things out of the goodness of my heart. I just want to do is right and that is to spread love, happiness, joy, laughter, peace, hope, faith, to anyone I encounter. I want people to know that their are people out their that do care. Yes I don't have enough money but if I can help someone and leave a print on their heart and let them know someone does care then I have done my job. I don't need nothing to be owed back to me for giving some sort of generosity to others. I just want others to be happy.

So, since is now my closing take what you have read and pay it forward. Do a loving thing for someone that has no expectations, no regulations, no contracts, no attachments and do something from the graciousness of your heart. Do what is right in your heart. Not your ego, but your heart. Do what God would do, and if you have trouble figuring that out ask yourself this question, "What would God do?"

With that being said have a wonderful weekend and may you find peace, love, and joy in yourself and spread it to others. Love and light to you all and GOD BLESS

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

You are an Unlimited Being with endless possibilities

I have been learning from God and angels which they have taught me many things about who I am and who we are as a being of God. I just wanted to take a little time and talk about who you are. You for one are an an unlimited being who can do anything you want to do. You know the phrase, "If you can dream it then you can do it," well that is TRUE. You are an unlimited being with unlimited possibilities. The question is do you believe you are? You have to see that everything that you see you are. The flowers, the sky, the trees, the person who you are talking to in front of you across the table or on the phone, you are speaking to yourself. The consciousness that has been instilled within us is unlimited. You have to open your mind to unlimited possibilities. With you being unlimited you can create the world that you want to surround yourself in. Think of the world that you want. Use key words to describe the world that you want to live in, the places you want to go, the type of occupation you yearn for. Then say all of it. Speak it out loud with your heart and soul. You must feel it within yourself that this will happen, and then imagine it. Keep that image in your head and start to live it. What ever you hearts desire is can and will happen but you must believe in it. Take the phrase, "SEEING IS BELIEVING" and reverse it, "BELIEVING IS SEEING." Once you start to believe it then you will see it. It is within your own DNA to activate this.

With you being an unlimited life form know that the Universe hears you. Whatever you put out their the universe will respond. Keep yourself open at all times to watch for the signs to go from one thing to another, because if you get caught up in emotions especially the negative emotions, it can cloud up what you are suppose to see and hear. Just because you aren't seeing it doesn't mean that it isn't happening because everything that is happening is happening in the now. Just BELIEVE in  yourself and know that you are unlimited. Just as you are part of the Universe. A single peace of star dust you can do whatever you want, which you know that the Universe is endless and its beauty is miraculous.

I would like to add that with this start to make everything you do with a positive intention behind it. Everything you do, every choice that you make, every thought has an intention behind it. Ask the question, "Why am I do this? Is it for me or is it to help someone else? Is it out of the goodness of my heart? Is it pure?" Ask yourself these questions and then you will start to do this without even asking. It will become a natural thing, just as it is lifting up your arm. You don't think you just do it.

With you being unlimited know that God and the Angels and the Ascended Masters such as: Jesus, Mother Mary, Moses, Buddha, Krishna, and many others are by your side. Guiding you through each step of life. Helping you on your path to becoming WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOUR PURPOSE IS on the planet. Know that you are love and you are light. Watch your thoughts, have fun with life, and know that you can achieve anything that you want to in life.

Please feel free to share this with others. Much love to you all.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

It has been a very long time... Time to bring Heaven to Earth

It has been a very long time since the last time I have written on my blog. Since my last post, I have been learning from God and the angels on many things which I will talk about later. My experiences since November has been all but an adventure within itself. It has been an amazing journey thus far and the fun has yet to begin. I have met many wonderful, inspiring people along my journey and I am forever grateful to God for sending those people into my life, for I have learned so much.

Since I started my journey last summer I would like to say that my own conversation with God has not ended. No. God has much to say now for it feels like I am having a case of deja vu all over again. God has started talking to more about what needs to happen in our world and how to start taking the steps as a whole to help get the process going with enlightenment, love, peace, hope, and faith. I want you all to know that those who read this that it is your choice to either help the human race or continue down the path that you are on. But to make one thing clear this world will one day be Heaven. That the love and peace that is needed in this world...WILL BE. It is only a matter of when.

God's dialogue with me has yet to decrease and he has asked me to speak of something which will help us start on our journey to their being a Heaven on Earth. Two nights ago right before going to bed God wanted to have a talk with me about helping humanity and to help start the process that is needed to be ridden of the darkness that exist on the planet that we call Earth. God's words are as followed:

" My children of the light. You don't have to believe in me at this time or throughout the rest of your life. I ask every one of my children to either pray, think, ask for the darkness to be ridden of. Love and peace is what is needed more than ever. Change is needed for humanity and my vision  is for there to be only peace and love. Yes. Whatever you are feeling I am feeling. With that being said, the consciousness of the whole has to want this in order for it to happen. You as a whole must want there to be peace and love on the planet that I have created for you. As a whole after reading this just say, "Please be ridden of the darkness that has overshadowed the love and peace that exist, so that we can live in peace and harmony." You as a whole have more power to be ridden of the darkness than you realize. Once the whole of the world, or the majority of the world has asked for this then start watching  a miracle happen. Yes miracles still do exist whether you believe in them or not. The pain that your world feels I feel and I no longer want to feel like this so it is time for you all as a whole to seek what you want most, which is no more darkness and only light. Take the time and ask, for if you ask you shall receive. The power is in your hands. Let it be known that only love exists for darkness is something that has been created and manifested by other means. I ask all of you to spread the word and let the light, and the Kingdom of Heaven return to a world that has been created for you to live and experience life itself, for this is my gift to you and to myself. May your light shine bright and the love that is within you spread like the wind. From your creator GOD."

With this channeled message take it and spread the word. I know that we as one world can make this possible and that with Gods grace and direction we can make this happen. I can say by my own personal opinion that I want this more than anything and I ask and pray for this everyday, because I know that we as a civilization, and a child of God, and with God in each and everyone of this that we can make this thought a reality. Have a wonderful day Angels. Yes I called you all Angels for that is what you are, and you all are unlimited. Anything is possible so do not limit yourself. Until next time my friends...have a wonderful day. Xx <3 xX