Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Channeled Message from Archangel Michael

"Channeled Message from Archangel Michael"

So many people are waking up into their own spiritual awakening. This has left many wondering what is going on with your selves, which may be different than what they have learned from their own religions. A person can not make another person wake up. A person waking is determined by the soul and God, not by another being.

If someone is doing this, telling people to wake up out of the intention of a negative affect, then you aren't helping the world in a way that is needed. You are actually becoming the being that you never wanted to be. Allowing a soul to awaken at its own time is the best gift you could give. People will start to seek there own truth when it is time, and it should be done respectfully. Demanding people to awaken isn't out of good intention. Demanding has a negative affect on the mind/body/soul, because you want something to happen just for you and not for the other person. So please stop asking others to wake up, when in reality you, yourself still have much to work on. Stop worrying about others. Everything is happening the way it should be. Be patient and allow the flow of the process and Divine intervention to take place. We are helping each soul go through there own experiences that they asked for when they decided to experience in a physical form. You demanding a soul to awaken when it isn't ready it something that you should not be asking. If anything you are hindering the soul to experience, and to learn it's life lessons that it asked to experience, and to allow it to awaken when it is ready.

Many will not awaken and this is normal. If you are awakening you are finding that you have gifts. These gifts are natural. They are tools to help you throughout your path. These tools aren't what your path is, but a tool to help you along your path. Many are thinking that just because I hear/see spirits/angels, see aura, do energy healing, etc... that this is their mission, their full Divine purpose. My friends this isn't the case. If you are making this your purpose then you aren't getting the full lesson of who and what you are. Learning to heal, telepathic connections, energy healing, seeing auras, spirit/angel communication, and traveling to other places, and other spiritual and natural gifts... are tools to help you. Only a few will actually be called to do these things as there Divine purpose. The rest of the beings living on Earth are to learn how to use these gifts as you go on your own path. Could you imagine a world where there were no chiefs, doctors, gardeners, dentist, artist, writers, scientist, etc... There would only be mediums, energy healers, crystal specialist, psychics, etc.... This isn't how the world is suppose to be. These are tools my dear friends, and if you feel like this is yours then you are miss interpreting your mission and messages.

Learning how to use your gifts is a wonderful way to discovering the type of being that you are. You all are natural healers. You can do this but many will need teachers, because everyone learns differently. As you start to learn many of you will not go as further as you expect. Many will stay as they are. Many will not awaken but will experience a world later on in peace.

If you are hearing the message that everyone will awaken on Earth this information has been miss informed and didn't come from, Archangel Michael, but from a being impersonating me as one. Yes dear friends, shadows will impersonate us angels for their own agendas. Be wary of channeled messages at this time, because many are coming forward with incorrect information that is harming the population instead of helping it. Giving the correct information is important at this time. Take what you have learned from the channeled message and learn as much as you can about yourself. Still continue to learn, and learn what your true mission on Earth is. Treat others with respect and don't judge. Be open and honest with yourselves as you go through this process because right now what you are going through are many trials and tribulations.

Also on one last note for tonight, start to live in your own truth. Not everyone is going to show love. Not everyone is going to be honest. All of this is part of the process. Do not judge those who haven't awakened, for you are judging yourself. Living in your own truth. Now is the time to do this. Stop lying to yourself about how you really are in life, and start admitting the darkest sides to who you are. If you want to move forward along your spiritual path you must conquer your fears. Admitting your dark sides of how you are is the first step. This dear friends can be scary because admitting the truth is tough to do, but the truth is the truth. So start conquering your darkest fears and learn. If you want to change you have that power but only you can do this. We can help, but if you don't listen to our guidance then their isn't much that we can do to help.

I am your brother Archangel Michael, channeling through a wonderful being, Casey, who has allowed me to come through with this important message. Much love to you all. Until next time my friends. I am Archangel Michael.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Finding Your Purpose

Are you one of those people who is now just asking the question, "What is my purpose?" Many are going through this time as the start to have there own spiritual awakenings. Many are asking this question because they are wanting more in life than just your ordinary job that helps pay for the food that you put on the table or the bills that we have to pay on a daily/monthly basis. Many are asking this question because they feel deep down inside, that their is more to them and they want to make changes to their lives.

Many have asked me what is my purpose or how do I know what my purpose is? I have responded by saying it is what you feel passionate about. If you eat, breathe, and sleep something that resonates so deeply in your heart and soul do it. This is a sign that this is what your suppose to do. The world that we live in can sometimes hinder this from happening because, we live in a society that only allows us to work a certain way, but one day we will be able to do what we love.

Now everyone who has been brought to Earth has a purpose and each mission/mission is different. Each persons purpose will not be the same for each person. Many will not understand what your mission is, because it isn't meant for them to understand. It is only meant for the person to understand what their mission is to be. And you know is okay to not fully understand each others missions in life. God made each and every single one of us unique, and he enjoys living through each and everyone of us. Could you imagine living on a planet where everyone's mission was the same? Now that would be boring and interesting. God has said to me, "I've wanted to experience in so many ways, that if you were to count how many ways to create and experience through each individual soul you wouldn't be able to count that far because it is infinite."

Your purpose is meant for you my friends and we need to be reminded that we should respect each others missions and not judge each other. We tend to as a society once we hear someones purpose to go on a ego side. If we hear one persons purpose, then someone can say, "Why are they so important and I am not?" "Why do they get to do this and I don't." No one is better than the other. You have to look at it in a different perspective. God writes the book. We are the characters in his book, and we each have our story lines. We each are protagonist and antagonist. We each have a purpose and we each play a part. No part is greater or lessor than the other. What your purpose may be I may not be able to do, because it isn't meant for me to do, and what my purpose is isn't meant for you to do because it was meant for me to do, so you may not understand it fully, and that is okay.

We as each soul knew what we wanted to experience in life and what our missions were. We knew that before taking a physical form, and it is our job to silence the mind and ask and seek the answers to the questions that we have. We are living in a society where it is made for us to go into certain fields. Our society is leaving the liberal arts professions such as writing, journalism, photography, sculpture, painting, art design, graphic design, poetry, music, etc..and the world wants to go into a technical/logical/scientific state of mind. Many of us, I can say for myself personally, I am not a science mind. I don't have the mind to work as a mathematician and design space ships and such, which in a past life I flew a spaceship but that was then. My mind doesn't work like that right now. We need to get back to the core of things that helped us get to where we are today. So if your passion is in the liberal arts it can be difficult to live in this type of society and do it as a full time job, which with a purpose and your souls desire, it won't feel like a job because it is something you love to do. I will tell you this one day you will be able to, and if you already work and live like this now that is fantastic. Know my dear friends change is coming and you will one day be able to do artwork, painting, playing music, or saying poetry all day as your heart desires. You will one day be able to do the very thing you love the most without worry financially without worries or fear.So don't let that dream fade away. Keep that vision because one day it is going to happen.

I hope you all have a wonderful Friday and weekend. I will write again over the weekend on another topic one that you will find interesting. Have a blessed day. xx <3 xx

