Friday, August 2, 2013

The Student Financial System That Is Broken

The Student Financial System That Is Broken

We live in a world where the system is failing us. Are you one of those individuals who worries everyday about your finances? Are you one of those individuals that worries how you are going to pay for food and put food on the table, while trying to keep a roof over your head while paying bills and loans? Well my dear friends our system is failing us.

Here is what I have been picking up and a message that I received yesterday about this very thing. As I was walking out of an electronics store I suddenly felt worry. The worry and stress of those worrying about money and how they are going to make it. I tend to have these feelings because it is part of who I am and Mother Earth, Gaia, lets me know what is really going on and what people are feeling. I tend to feel these emotions at different times which can become very overwhelming for myself. 

So as I was walking the images of a stress world were coming to mind. I was saying to myself, "I am not made for this world, " and as I was doing so God chimed in and said, "Your system is failing you. It no longer works for a world that is waking up and wants to evolve." I said, " Then what needs to happen?" 

God said," You first need to redo your whole financial system. I am seeing and feeling so many who have went to school, just as you have, and have took out loans to go to college so they can get a higher education. The worry around the world is spreading and it has to stop. The system just needs to stop. You see, in ancient times their were apprenticeships. You studied from a Master and learned the trade. Over hundreds of years the darkness took over and decided that the rich should get schooling and others were left behind. So as time went on people decided that it was time to take matters into there own hands. The poor taught what the could but kept the old traditions alive while others looked down on those that didn't go to Universities and such.

What has happen is that they system over the years has been conditioned to only pay mind to those who are rich and to look at those who are poor and want a higher education must take out loans to help pay for college education or any education for that matter. This has lead to University's no longer looking at the system as an educational one, but one that can profit in more ways than one. Some of these profits are from large corporations that delegate what they University do and how them do them. This is only a small portion of what happens behind the scenes.

When you look at how much an average student pays for college, and how much a President or a Dean make in wages over a year period things do not add up. While a President gets paid more than most and continues to get bonus's the average student's rate, interest, and the increase in debt continues to sky rocket at an immaculate speed. This can no longer continue if you want a fair and stable world. Before you know it those going to Universities or any College campus will no longer be able to pay for their loans, because the college's have promised a job after graduation, yet their are no jobs/employment to be had when you are working in an unstable economy that won't rise at all, while those who are in control, control a majority of the world.

Here is what I say unto you all if you want change to come about. One do not get angry at those who have create such a system. Those who are living now, this has gone on longer than you have been born. You are the change that is needed. Propose new was for getting degrees, which will help. If you want to I say this do apprenticeships. The old ways in some way needs to return while the average student doesn't have to feel like they no longer can live with such a as world as this.You can take it in your own hands as do a petition which will state that you can no longer pay what has been promised to you. Start to look at universities as a business because it is no longer a place where they are looking out for your best interest.

In the upcoming year great change will come to you planet, which I have set in motion for this world can no longer go on as it is today. Great economic changes will come where you don't have to worry about what to do next in your life. You will be able to do what you want in life without having to worry about if I have to go to this job to make the big bucks. Most of you now, go into professions that you don't even want to do. You go into them because they pay more and you have been taught this way. What my vision for you all and start doing or thinking of this now, DO WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO AND DON"T LOOK BACK AND WORRY!!! Once you have given complete Faith to me, God, Universe, Oneness, Infinity, or whatever else you want to call me...Creator then you will see that I will take care of you.

Being a fully awakened being looks at life with pure faith. Faith that everything is going to be taken care of. No matter what the situation is you will be taken care of, but you can not worry. Do not judge others for these problems that has occurred on your problem because I will be taking care of it. Stop the back lashing, the rude comments, remarks, and really start to work on you and see what it is what you truly want in this life. It starts with you. I will speak more of this later for it can become a discussion that can go on and on and on... So until next time You are the change. Make it happen. Your loving father...God."

Wow...amazing....I have to hear this a lot of what is going on in our world and I like bring it to you. Here is something that I thought of the other day, well I was told and it states: " You are your greatest accomplishment.If you can Master Yourself, which means live in Pure faith, to not judge others for you judge yourself, to not think of one negative thing, to live in peace and harmony, to show love to all, to not look at the darkness as evil but to look at it with gentle and loving eyes and heart, to know that this world is all but an illusion that has been created for us. To know that the love wins and trumps all that is dark. To know that you live in a dream that is within a dream. Becoming a Master of Yourself takes time and patience. It isn't easy. This is the greatest accomplishment you can ever achieve in your life. Stop worrying about others, and work on you."

With that being said I hope you all have a wonderful weekend where ever you are. And please feel free to email, send, and post to others so that we all can help start making the small changes in this world, for they will be the greatest changes in years to come. Love and Light to you all.

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