Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Spiritual Battle Has Begun

The Spiritual Battle Has Begun

I have been putting off talking about this particular topic in general. A lot of what I get told from God and the Angels I tend to just stay away from it or even discussing it on social media, because many would look at what I am saying and would say, "Why is she so special? Why does she get so many messages and I do not?" I get told these things for a reason, but I do not see myself as any different as you. I am no special that anyone else. I feel that God tells us things because he knows what we can handle as a being. As a child of God, he knows what we can handle and each one of us is special. I see as all of us as special. So, what I am about to talk about is deep. You don't have to agree with me on what I say, but just look around you and see it for yourself. Take the blinders off your eyes and really see what is happening to our world.

Last year the world started or I should say many started to awaken to what is. That this world is a total illusion and that we as separate beings of God are going through our own awakenings. We each are at different stages of awareness and that is okay. The soul knows exactly how fast you should awaken. It can take years, decades, or even life times to see what we actually are in truth, which is only Light and Love; Pure energy from God, the Divine. No one should judge his/her process when it comes to awaken, but to those that are awaken are going through the raw emotions and are having to balance their lives in more ways than one, just so that they can sustain in this world. I call the year of 2012 the awakening period, and this year a year of learning.

This year is a year that we are learning and the greatest battles that are happening to us on a separate bases are happening now. First I will talk about the learning then I will talk about what is happening behind the scenes that many, even the awaken, don't even see what is happening. This year you will learn many things about who and what you are. You will understand or actually start to feel that what you are in essence is only light and love. The Divine beings of God and that you are the creators of your own world. That what you want in life is of yours for the taken, but beware that your thoughts have power. What you put out into the Universe will be given to you. That what you do unto others, you do unto yourself. This means that if you call people names, or anything negative or positive to others you are doing to yourself. When you look at your mother, father,...etc you are looking at yourself. You are looking at a total reflection of who you are in others and in all your given surroundings.

The separate souls that are here on Earth have their own missions. Each mission, or I should say life lesson each soul asked for before coming to Earth and to experience life in physical form. You have to take this time to figure out what it is and then start to learn from it. Everyone's purpose is different. Each lesson is different and should not be judged. Take what you are learning now and apply it to your life and look at the things that we considered to be, "Bad or awful experiences," as a life lesson.

Now I will talk more about this on another post, but right now I am being asked to talk about something that is happening behind the scenes. The spiritual battle is happening now. As the darkness rises stronger than ever we are being asked to release all of the darkness, all of the negativity from our life and to surrender to God and to not judge. The spiritual battle that is taken place is becoming stronger all over the world. Look at how others behave. Many are rude, angry, mad, negative all the time, and this is an individual battle that is taking place. It is not pretty, but it is needed. We are being asked to fight these battle, because this is what has been created on this planet.

The darkness is gaining more power over those who are weak. They do not care who or what you are. I have heard so many people who have considered themselves, Indigo's, Crystals, Starseeds, Lightworkers, etc... say that they can't be affected by the darkness that has been created in this reality actually exist. The truth is they can and they will if they want to. They can use all who walks, breaths, has an energy field with it to there own demise. Right now they are getting, or trying to recruit all who is powerful to fight the light of others. You may not even know you are being played by the shadows. They will play you like a puppet without you even knowing it. Those dark thoughts. Those dark images that you have going on with you that is them. That is them wanting you to get mad. That is them wanting you to be completely taken over, just like if you saw the movie, "Star Wars." What you saw in that movie and the battle with Anakin Skywalker, his battle with the light and dark is happening now in this world and it is grow ever so fast and powerful. You will see those who are stronger with their light, and hold true and pure to God become more brighter than ever, while those who are weak will be consumed with darkness. This is a topic that no one wants to talk about. This is something that the darkness wants to be hidden from man kind, so that they can control the show. So I am bringing it to the for front, because many would say, "Well why didn't you say something?" Well I am now. Like it or not this is happening.

Now what can you do on a daily basis to fight the shadows. Do the one thing they can't stand, "Show LOVE!!!" Do not talk bad about someone or something. Do not judge others. If you have a negative thought come to you, change it with a positive thought or vision. Come up with your own happy place, so if those negative thoughts and images come to mind you will have a beautiful, loving place you can go to. Stay pure to who you are which is love. Show love and compassion to all. Love all. Love everything that you see, touch, breathe, and hear. Love it. If you see a poor homeless man on the side of the road don't make fun of him. You don't know what he is going through or what he wanted to experience as a soul. If you judge him then you are giving power to the darkness. The darkness feeds off of your negative energy and thoughts and words. The more you feed the shadows the more you make the Master of the darkness more powerful. Do things in your life that make you happy. Think of what you want that makes you happy in your daily life. The little things in your life will bring you the most happiness and joy. Don't sweat the small things. It is like the song that God plays for me, "Don't Happy." Go play out in the rain like a child. Let that inner child shine.

In order to defeat these shadows on an individual/ global scale is to only think of positive things. The more you help, love, show compassion, gratitude, humbleness, beauty, laughter, and anything else you can think that makes someone happy you are allowing your bright light that is within you to shine ever brighter. Your light will shine so bright that you will become your own Divine Warrior. This battle is taking place now more than ever. There is no middle ground on this. Either you will grow more positive and shine more light, or you will fall back into the darkness, where there they darkness will consume you more than ever. This is a battle that is taking place my friends. Stop worrying about others and work on you. This is what you are being asked by God and the Angels. They want you to be a better you. A loving you. A Divine you. Knowing that you are part of God you must work on you, because others can't fight these battles for you. Only you can do this battle. Be the true warrior that I know that you are.

I see love in the light and the dark. It is how I have been taught to see and take notice in. You are Divine Beings of Light. Be it and show it. I could talk so much more on this topic, but I will do more later. For many this can be a lot to swallow, so I will take it easy.

Archangel Michael wants me to say one more thing, he says, "You now have a choice to make. The choice is yours. There is only darkness and the light and no middle ground. This will be your greatest battle that you have ever done. Make the choices my friends because this is what is happening in your world. You must make the decision on which road you will take. You were given this gift. Free Choice. Free Will. In this world you have created what is dark and now they are ready to battle. The biggest battle has yet to come. Stay firm. Stay True. Stay love. Love is the only way my friends. If you need help call on myself, Faith, Hope, Archangel Raphael, Mother Mary, Jesus, God, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Chamuel, and all of the other Archangels to come and help you. We are here to help, so watch for the signs. Feel our warm touch and embrace. We are here to help, but you have to do your part to. We love you all and we are here to help serve and guide you all. Call us. From you trust and Divine Archangel, with much love to you all Archangel Michael."

Hope you all have a wonderful day. Get out in nature and really look at our world in a different perspective and know that love is everywhere. Love and Light to you all.

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