Thursday, April 3, 2014

My Confession

So for a while now I have been writing a little about my life story, and being on this wild ride roller coaster ride, that God has sent me on, and one that I have chosen for myself. For many who know me or have read this, you may recall that in 2012 I died and came back. Since this experience, I have had to go through many life changing moments in my life. One of those life changing moments has been the journey of finding out why I was sent back. What really happened that day that I didn't see and really get to the core of why I was sent back. So I now I have the answers and I am here to share some of them with you.

You see when you die God sends you back for reasons. Mine, happens to be well... a new soul contract. My soul decided on the day that I died to come back, but with a new mission to life. One that I asked for and God approved and sent me back to do. I signed a new soul contract. If I hadn't signed that contract on that March day, I will be buried 6 ft under or cremated.

My body. My vessel was still one I could use. Yes even though I have had many surgeries, it is still a usable vessel. Yes, it needs some tune ups and repairs from all the surgeries and all, and God and the Archangels are working on that. I trust and have Faith they will. I trust in Gods magic and I know he can heal.

For the last 2 years I have been trying to re-remember things about the world I come from and what my soul contract was. For 2 years I have been learning. For 2 years I have found out what I am good at and what I was sent to do. For 2 years I now know what it is that my soul yearns for, and what it will accomplish. I know why I was sent back to help humanity

Now, I won't give great detail on all, but I can say that people like me, many believe we do not exist. That we hide out because society would not accept such being as myself. So now the question remains what is it that I do. In short I fight the darkness that lives on this planet. I have done this in many life times, and as my true self . I send shadows/darkness to God so that he can recycle the spirits and souls so they no longer have to be controlled under there Dark Master. I send them home. I only use light and love. I do nothing else. I am not mean to them. I don't provoke them in anyway. I am just a loving being that comes and sends them home. That is what I do. I fight shadows. This is my path. This is what I am suppose to do. I battle in other worlds, and soon in this reality. This is who I am and I am not ashamed. I will no longer remain hidden. This is my truth.

I am to send shadows home and to teach other people how to protect themselves, as well as teach them the truth if they wish to hear it. I am here to do all of this and show that people/ beings like me really do exist and that the world that you live in is more than you can ever imagine. I also protect others. This is what I do.

So with me saying this. I feel the weight of the world lifted off of my shoulders. I feel that my true self can now fully emerge into a being that it is meant to be. I will continue to learn. Until it is time for me to do my main mission I will continue to help others the best way I know how. I will continue to remember the many worlds that I have been part of. I will continue to learn from God and has he is my commander in chief, I take no orders from no one but him. This is who I am. This is what God created me for.

With that go out and make a difference in this world, for it is a beautiful one. You don't know how wonderful it is till you take the blinders off and start living. Stop worrying about others, instead work on yourself and know that you are greatness. You will emerge out from your cocoons very soon and a new world will emerge. So with that. I leave you with this final message. This story has only begun. Tomorrow I shall reveal just a little more. So with an open heart, and passionate soul I leave you to a good night and a good day.

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