Saturday, September 20, 2014

Page Has been Moved

This page is no longer working properly, so I have move this blog to, Faithful Dreamers Journey.


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Week of Emotional Roller Coaster

This weeks energy forecast that I am sensing this week will be a week of the Emotional Roller Coaster. Many new things are going to be brought to the service, and they will lead you to the healing that you are needed to perform.

Take the time this week to heal from current situations and the past. Time the time to listen to your inner guidance that is occurring all around you. Understand that this is needed and that you must endure this in order to be released from past karma and relationships.

You will be tested many times. A time for tribulations is now occurring and this will be a time where you will learn much, not only about yourself but of others. Do not judge this process.

If by any chance you are shown past lives please do not just look past it and move on. Really look at what is that you are being shown, because your being asked to acknowledge this is what happened, heal, and then move on.

For some reason I am also getting the sense that many will not like what they see in there past lives. You must accept, heal, and move on. If you hold on to the pain or just ignore it it will return to you until you take the steps that are needed so that this doesn't occur again.

With this weeks forecast being as it is, and I want to add I am not using any oracle cards for this, I want to let you know that the crystal to use is rose quartz. This crystal help with the heart, and it bring love and compassion to others and yourself.

Archangel Chamuel will help you, as well as, Archangel Raphael. 

Archangel Sandalphon, is stepping forward and is telling me that your prayers are being answered, for this is what your soul needs in order to heal its self. You may not like that which you will endure, but it is time for the soul to go through it. Stay strong young ones, and allow the energies to flow through you with ease, and at times thou shall be intense, but know that we are here to help.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. Please pass this on to others. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Announcement: Ground and Shield

Hello friends. I come to you all and ask for you all to start today to shield and ground yourself for tomorrow I will be disclosing some truth which will rock the foundation as to which you have been forced to believe. This will cause a tremendous impact of energy throughout the world. I am giving you this warning now so you can act now before it is disclosed. Thank you. If you need help in how to ground and shield read below.

Grounding. Imagine yourself as a tree and your roots are going deep into the soul and ground an it keeps you up right.

Shielding: you can do this many ways.

1. Call upon AA Michael to come and protect you from negative energy with blue and white light.

2. Imagine white and blue light around you.

3. Think of yourself in a bubble and nothing can penetrate it.

4. Imagine a force field around you, which is colored in blue and white light.

These are tools to help.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

God Has To Form You Before He Can Free You

I heard a quote last night by a pastor and it so made sense to me. He said," God has to form you before he can free you."

When you think you are ready for something and nothing happens we tend to ask God why didn't this happen? The treason being he is forming you because you aren't ready for it to happen. God knows when things are ready to happen. God has plans and he test is, he puts pressure on us, not to weaken us but to teach us. God never promised for an easy life, instead God wants to mold you in his vision. He wants to create you for your purpose and whatever that may be don't rush it. Allow god to form you. Allow God to help you through the dark times. The dark times will he the most testing times of your life, because you need to go through it to become who you need to be.

Gods got you. Don't loose faith in God during these tough times. And when you come out of those trials and tribulations don't turn your back on God. God didn't stop helping you for you to now abandon him. Continue to allow god to help you and remember everything you learned through those days, months, and years of testing because your going to have to continue to learn and build upon lessons.

I hope this helps anyone who reads it. Much love to you all.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Premonition of What is to Come. Time To Stock Up.

Here is the latest news on my premonition. On April 16th I had a dream about the USA will be hit by a force like no other. It was a moment where myself and the other person in my dream were like God help us all.

Since then I have been asking questions and I got more answers. This catastrophic event will be disasterious. Great destruction will come. Darkness is coming from all over the globe and the Master of Darkness and ancient ones will be coming from South America, coming up from Florida, which is there entry point and then going up the east coast and spreading out west and north west. With this crops will not grow. Fish and wild life will leave or even some will die. Trees will start to look wilted. All in its path destruction.

Food prices will sky rocket so stock up. How much I am not sure.
So when is all if this suppose to happen? In 4 months give or take a few days. There isn't nothing we can do to stop it. We can only send out protection, love, peace, and shielding all over the planet. If you want to help work on yourself. Send light and love.

Here is a warning. By no means send any type of energy to South America or any where to the darkness. You have no idea what you are dealin with and it is dangerous. Shadows don't care, and they will come after you and they could hurt you. Just focus on you and protecting all living things. Let me deal with the shadows. It is my job.

Also you will see people's darkness come out even more. Many will turn into it and you will see them start to take form. Stay positive in thoughts, mind, body, and spirit . Work on you. I will keep you posted if any knew information is to arise.

Also watch for the birds and wild life. Birds will tell you a lot. There are sacred areas that they know about where they and other wild life will start to go to. These sacred areas are areas where no human knows. So when things start to happen you will start to see the signs.

It is time to get real people. No more joking around. It is time for you to start getting yourself together and focusing on you.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Dealing With Pains of the Past

Throughout my life I have had my own struggles with depression. I was made fun of as a kid for being to skinny, and wearing huge glasses, as well as dealing with a disease that you knew one day could take your own life. Life hasn't been the easiest. It has had its own challenges, and yet I am still here writing to you now. God and his angels were watching over me. I am even lucky to be alive due to the trauma I did on my body in 2010.

In 2010, as we got out of the Marine Corps, my husband went through a series of his own depression. I was use to a husband that worked, and yet I saw him sinking to the bits of hell, and life wasn't getting easier, in fact it was getting harder. I would watch him just go in and out of the darkness and he would play video games to not even think of being a failure in life. His goal was to be veteran in the military, and they took his dreams out from under him, and so he lead to total saddness.

Now I had a hard time with this. I saw our savings account dwindling, and he didn't work. I am the type of person who will take charge of a situation when I needed to. I applied for jobs and I couldn't get anything, and so the pain of dealing with not only home life, but dealing with other family problems in NC was taking its toll on me. At this time in my life I was dealing with also constant arm pain, back, and foot pain. We didn't have health insurance at all. Life was dark. The only way for me to not even think about it was to numb myself up.

Now, at the time I was taking pain meditation for my arms. It was the only thing that would help, as well as a sleeping aid, and even these meditations were running out. I needed life to just stop for a little while. I needed a moment of silence for once, and the way I did was I took over the counter medicine.

Now this started after all of my other medicine was almost gone. I would take Tylenol Sleeping aid like it was candy. I would start off with two, and then in a few weeks I could be taking 6 of these. Now the affects were wearing off , so I would lead to taking Nyquil with the Tylenol, so it would give me that drowsy feeling. By this time, I would take 4 Tylenol sleeping and 2 Nyquil. It was the darkest of my days. I did this for about 2 and a half years. I should be dead. I knew what type of medicine I needed if I needed to sleep and how much.

When I died and came back in 2012 all of this started to change, but I was still going through tough times, and then a few months later I started to hear spirits. I needed to sleep so I took to Benadryl for this. Someone in my condition should have a lot of liver damage but I don't.

I took sleeping medicine also, but not as much. If I did the angels and God would yell at me or ask me to stop. I knew that it would have to take something crazy to make me not want to not take another pill so I didn't have to hear spirits at night, and so it did.

A few weeks ago, I started to have severe headaches, which lead to an over night of not sleeping that well. My head throbbed with pain. I took medicine would help with nausea and nothing working. I could only take something for my head that was it. I would talk to God and ask for Mercy and he would say, "This is needed." I didn't know what was going on, except that I was going through some sort of change. The head aches were so bad, that I would cry because it wouldn't go away. I would lay in my bed crying for help and no one came. No one. Me alone in my room, with a husband and family worried, and yet God didn't show mercy.

Every since this experience I haven't taken a single pill except an Ibuprofen. God had to put me through so much pain and make changes to my body so that I could get off of this habit and you know what it worked. It was a living hell but it worked.

I am writing this because everyone thinks that angels don't go through there things. We go through a lot. If one person reads this I want them to say, "If she can beat this, and God helped her, then there is hope for me." God saves us all. He knows what we go through and he know what to do to make the behavior stopped, but it won't be easy. Me getting off of sleeping aids was a winner for me. Doing the medicine that I did 4 yrs ago no one knew, not even my husband. I kept it secret. We all deal with things our own way, and that was my way. Many would say it isn't, but don't judge me till you have walked in my shoes.

Everyone deserves a chance. Looking back I felt horrible for the things I said to my husband when he was depressed. I would threaten with divorce or walking out, but God kept me with him. I love my husband. He is my best friend, and it killed me I couldn't help. It drove me nuts, and so now I know how to deal with these types of situations. You just got to let people be. You got to let them go through there own thing. You have to stop controling the situation, because the truth is you have no control. God has the control. When you give up the control, pray, and talk to God, he will send you a miracle. He will make you believe, trust, and see hope in things again.

My medicine intake didn't cause my near death experience I just want to make that clear. God had to wake me up. He had to shake my world up because I was tired of it and so he did. He shakes me in the biggest ways and it is needed. I have to have big change happen to me, so that is how I am. I am forever thankful for God. He is my protector. My faith in him never seizes to amaze me. I have so much faith that I am so happy to know that I have an awesome relationship with him and my family. Life is a blessing. Know that whatever you are going through God will help. You will have to sink so far until he says, "Okay time to help." He does help. He does make miracles happen. I am living proof of that. If you want help go to God, because he wants to help. You may feel alone, but know your not. God has a plan for you and he will make it known to you when he is ready. So trust God and know that if you are like me, and have used medicine to the extreme to numb the pain, I know exactly what your going through. Your not alone, and at the same time, I can say that you can get off of them and no longer take another pill.

Love to you all and have a blessed day.

Casey (Faith)

Monday, April 14, 2014

Be Who You Are & Don't Fear Others: My Coming Out

When God takes you out of your comfort zone he wants you to grow. He wants you to learn and to take a leap of faith. When you ask God what is it you want me to do next on my path and he shows you, don't hesitate and don't look back. There is a Divine reason for this sort of thing. Just do it.

With that being said I am coming out of the closet. I keep getting told to tell my truth and so I am. The more I reveal the more it feels free. I don't feel chained to this world and what it wants me to be. I be what God wants me to be, and not the other way around.

I am Faith. I am the twin flame of Archangel Michael. I fight the darkness for people and send the shadows to God so that he takes care of them. I heal people through touch and words. I fight for the truth and watch over humanity while I live and exist in different dimensions and realities. This world is a world I was sent to protect from the ancient darkness that survives and thrives in. I came here to help. Not to take over, but to help. God says, "You all need help. You all have asked for help, therefore I send you help."

I am no longer afraid to admit who I am in this world. This world isn't like my own, and in the many lives I have lived this world is very tough. By Gods grace he has asked me to do this.

When I died and came back I was brought back into chaos. I was always Faith but I was sent for the first half of my live and experience. When I passed to the other side I signed a new soul contract and came back reborn I returned back into chaos. Ever since then I have been trying to regain memory and slowly I have. Remembering isn't as easy as you may think, but because of God, Archangel Michael and my Archangel brother and sister they help me.

So here I am coming out clean to this world. No more hiding. No more fear. No more worry. It is time for my work to begin. xx xx I love you all. My brothers and Archangel Michael love you all. They send there love, companionship, and love to you all. So with that. Have a great and awesome day. xx xx

Thursday, April 3, 2014

My Confession

So for a while now I have been writing a little about my life story, and being on this wild ride roller coaster ride, that God has sent me on, and one that I have chosen for myself. For many who know me or have read this, you may recall that in 2012 I died and came back. Since this experience, I have had to go through many life changing moments in my life. One of those life changing moments has been the journey of finding out why I was sent back. What really happened that day that I didn't see and really get to the core of why I was sent back. So I now I have the answers and I am here to share some of them with you.

You see when you die God sends you back for reasons. Mine, happens to be well... a new soul contract. My soul decided on the day that I died to come back, but with a new mission to life. One that I asked for and God approved and sent me back to do. I signed a new soul contract. If I hadn't signed that contract on that March day, I will be buried 6 ft under or cremated.

My body. My vessel was still one I could use. Yes even though I have had many surgeries, it is still a usable vessel. Yes, it needs some tune ups and repairs from all the surgeries and all, and God and the Archangels are working on that. I trust and have Faith they will. I trust in Gods magic and I know he can heal.

For the last 2 years I have been trying to re-remember things about the world I come from and what my soul contract was. For 2 years I have been learning. For 2 years I have found out what I am good at and what I was sent to do. For 2 years I now know what it is that my soul yearns for, and what it will accomplish. I know why I was sent back to help humanity

Now, I won't give great detail on all, but I can say that people like me, many believe we do not exist. That we hide out because society would not accept such being as myself. So now the question remains what is it that I do. In short I fight the darkness that lives on this planet. I have done this in many life times, and as my true self . I send shadows/darkness to God so that he can recycle the spirits and souls so they no longer have to be controlled under there Dark Master. I send them home. I only use light and love. I do nothing else. I am not mean to them. I don't provoke them in anyway. I am just a loving being that comes and sends them home. That is what I do. I fight shadows. This is my path. This is what I am suppose to do. I battle in other worlds, and soon in this reality. This is who I am and I am not ashamed. I will no longer remain hidden. This is my truth.

I am to send shadows home and to teach other people how to protect themselves, as well as teach them the truth if they wish to hear it. I am here to do all of this and show that people/ beings like me really do exist and that the world that you live in is more than you can ever imagine. I also protect others. This is what I do.

So with me saying this. I feel the weight of the world lifted off of my shoulders. I feel that my true self can now fully emerge into a being that it is meant to be. I will continue to learn. Until it is time for me to do my main mission I will continue to help others the best way I know how. I will continue to remember the many worlds that I have been part of. I will continue to learn from God and has he is my commander in chief, I take no orders from no one but him. This is who I am. This is what God created me for.

With that go out and make a difference in this world, for it is a beautiful one. You don't know how wonderful it is till you take the blinders off and start living. Stop worrying about others, instead work on yourself and know that you are greatness. You will emerge out from your cocoons very soon and a new world will emerge. So with that. I leave you with this final message. This story has only begun. Tomorrow I shall reveal just a little more. So with an open heart, and passionate soul I leave you to a good night and a good day.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

You Are Gifted!!

You Are Gifted!

As I observe others I see many who are feeling that they are feeling left out. They see many who have spiritual gifts such as hear spirits, feel energies, see angels, see orbs, connect with others in different ways, but what we forget is who we are. I always feel that I never want anyone to feel helpless in life. I never want others to feel that they aren't good enough. The fact of the matter is no matter who or what you are...You Are Gifted.

I was told the other night by God this. What makes you think you aren't gifted? What makes you think that I didn't send you to Earth for no reason. I sent you all because I need you all. Each and everyone of you has a just have to remember what that is.

You see all you are to do in life is just BE. Just BE and that is it. Everything comes to us at Divine Timing. We can not rush that which we are not ready for yet. Everything happens on Gods timing. If you are ready then he will make it happen but again...Divine Timing.

We must also remember that you don't have to hear something or sense something or see something to not make you special. I will give you an example. My husband has some talents. One he surrenders. He doesn't let anything bother him. He doesn't care what others think. He just goes with the flow. At times for myself this can be tough, because I am the "On Time" type of person but he isn't. You may think that he is a procrastinator, but from what I have learned thus far, is that he has no sense of time, just like God has no sense of time. We tend to look at procrasinators with a judging eye, and in my personal opinion this must be looked at from a different persective. We can not look down on those who are like this, instead we should admire this gift and actually learn from it. Yes, being on time is the world that we live in, but if someone has mastered such a thing what makes you think this isn't his gift to humanity?

I admire my husband for this. He has taught me to just go with the flow. Yes I may yell at him to get out the door to go to work, but you can't change someone who doesn't want to be changed. You must accept, and move on. This is how God wants to experience things, and I have to just surrender to that. This is my husband gift. This is what he is. He is just being who he is and I respect that.

I think we all need to look at each other and admire each others gifts. Some of you may be fabulous cooks. God sent you to be one and to bring delicious recipes to us to enjoy. I am not a cook and I admire that talent.

Some of you are builders. You can build a house like the back of your hand. This is a gift. I can't do that but I sure do admire you for it.

Many of you are bright shining lights. You came to Earth to help anchor the light. You came here to help in so many ways. Your light shines bright. You don't need to hear spirits, see auras, or any of these things, because God made you a Light Anchor. That is what matters. That is what you are.

Some of you care for the elderly and work in hospitals and nursing homes. This takes a lot of dedication. It is a gift. You bring healing to others, whether you think you are or not. I commend you all who do this. I am not one who can. I am not a doctor,  a nurse, or a CNA. My mind doesn't think like that, but I admire and commend you for all that you do.

You see what I am saying, you don't have to have a spiritual gift to be WHO YOU ARE. So if someone ever makes you feel such a way, turn the other way, because you should be respected, admired, and commended for your gifts and talents, because God knows that he sent each and every single one of us for a reason, it is just our job to remember what it is that we love to do and what we are good at.

Much love to you all. xx

Casey B.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Where Did The Shadows (Darkness) Come From? Part 1

Image from **

Where did the shadows come from? Are their secret societies? Who are they? Why are they here? What do they want? These are probably questions you have asked yourselves. What I am about to reveal will make many angry. Call me a liar, but I am here to speak the truth. I would not lie. I am not a conspiracy theories. Far beyond one, and plus I gather information from God and Angels. They show me things. I will say I may have to break this into parts because what I am about to say is a lot. It is going to ruffle feathers. I wasn't sent back from God to play by the rules and go with the crowd.  I was sent to do the opposite. God has said to me it is time to start coming out on what I know and who I really am. My strength and courage will show through this for this is my own testimony. So lets start because this is going to take a while.

So where did these shadows come from? Now many of you call the leader the Devil. You claim that he is separate from us all. When God created us all he had to create darkness. He created that which is Master of Darkness. You can not have light without the darkness, that is where we have yin and yang. For in order for us to get to where we need to be, we need both things in our lives. God created many beings at the beginning. The shadows lived on a planet along as well as on other planets. The darkness needed a leader, hence who I call the Shadow Master. He manipulates to gain what he wants, which is power, sadness, fear, manipulation, death, etc... When he was created, he gain to get recruit others to help in his cause, to gain control over the entire universe.

How does he recruit? He recruits by promises that he makes. He has others do his deeds form him. He causing pain and suffering. He doesn't allow his victims to not hurt pain. Pain helps feed him. He will promises you wealth, power, recognition like you would not believe, and prosperity, and good health, as long as you follow his rules. Now he did this and continues to do so. Along his journey though out the cosmos he came upon other civilization/ beings who you may know them as the Reptilians, Greys, and their are others. On their planets the did massive kills. Took their own and ruled, while those below them put them in camps. These camps where workers camps. You were limited. You could not read, write, or even communicate with those beyond the walls. You were a slave to those with power.

Many will say I am incorrect on this information that all these beings are bad, but I have seen what they have done. I know because in past lives I were these beings, thrown in camps. I saw the conditions. I know what it is like. God says, " Don't believe everything that you read, for others have their own agendas and not the whole truth." I saw much for my own eyes. If we had children the powerful would take them away, but we held our spirits high. We didn't let them break our spirit.We kept our faith.

Sorry I got off topic...I am very passionate in what I have seen and being through and bringing you all truth. So back on topic.

So the darkness comes from all over the Universe and what we imagine in our thoughts, dreams, and minds. We manifest our darkest fears to the point they become reality. You may think I am crazy on this but I am not. So Over the hundreds of thousand of years secret societies started to form. Now I speak of the beginning stages of these societies.  In the beginning many societies were created to help hold the light. To help keep Gods word going and protected. Some of these societies you may know as the Illuminati, The Knights Templar's, Free Masons, and their are others, but these are what I know about so far. At the beginning these organizations were good. The Illuminators seeked the light and fought for it. Then over the hundreds of years, where you have knew commands and all each one of these started to seek power, and then eventually one became the top dog, I guess you can say. Each sought out power. To out due one another, which the one thing they didn't want to be they became. Now I am not saying all of these beings who exist today are bad. Some still follow old traditions, but the majority have corrupted us. The shadows came during these changes in command and then started to take over.

They formed their own societies all over the world and have made thousands who they are today. Then once they became so powerful and wealthy, then they start to set up portals all over this world to call in their own kind so they can come here and continue the rule to bring down those who are of the light. These portals are like vehicles. Only they know where they exist and so they come here. They shut down all of the portals of the light here, but there are some that are hidden. These portals will remain hidden till the final battle.

The shadows now walk in human form and in spirit form. They exist also in the dream world, this reality, and in other realities. They are in every form you could think of. I have also seen Dark adult and children angels that have went to the other side. These beings are those that went dark and kicked out of the Angelic Realm. They now work for their Dark Master. By looking at them they look like any other angel, but they then turn really dark. They love mind games.

 They seek 2 things: Power and Control. So as they have come here to do this, God has sent many to try to keep the balance between the light and the dark. I want you to also keep in mind that the darkness has but a simple bit of light in it. This bit of light is God while the other parts of it is consumed by the darkness.You must also see things as they are. That for me to see such beings saddens me, because I look at them and they are so lost. So consumed with hatred that the being they use to be no longer exist. In order to understand them, you must first love them, because if you don't love them then all you will do is feed them with your anger and hatred towards them. The little shadows, the ones I call grunts can be handled but you must believe that you will win the battle. You must believe that you can do this with mind, body, and spirit. If a little fraction of you fears and doesn't believe then it won't happen.

Shadows have no rules. Their main objective affect the masses. I will talk a little tomorrow on what they are doing to our world. I will bring into perspective that we aren't alone on this planet and that many are waking up realizing that we are being run by those of darkness.

Peace to you all.

Casey B.

**Image from

Sunday, February 2, 2014

New Information About The Shadows: The Battle Has Begun. Are you Ready?

Hello All. I have been given the go ahead by God to release some important information about things that I have witnessed and have encountered in the last few months. Now God says I am to tell that which I know for it is of great important. Now what I am about to disclose I can really careless if you believe me or not. I am stating what is happening in this reality whether you want to hear it or not. With all do respect... I just ask for you to keep an open mind and know that in the end everything is going to be absolutely okay.

First I want to start off by stating that even though we are in essence love and light, we have come to a world that we as beings have created. Everything that you see and don't see we have created with our thoughts. We have created other realities which has brought other beings to this planet. Many do not believe in darkness, and I have to say I was that way also until I started having my own experiences. I believed in God but I always knew that their was more to this reality than what we see. What I am about to tell you you will not find in any book. You will not find it in any thing that you have read. Some may see this as an insert from the Book of Revelations, but I am here to tell you I have witness and have seen for my own eyes, and God has told me the things I know, as well as the Archangels.

From the beginning shall we...

Thousands of years ago a great battle took place on this very planet. A being who is dark, and that with the head of a bull, lead his legion of darkness in a great battle over Earth. The fought against the Angels and Archangels. This battle lasted for a long time. In the end that which is known as the "Shadow Master" or what you may know him as Master of Lie, or what Christians call the "Devil" was enslaved in a great hold held by 7 seals. These seals held him in captivity, until after the battle and over the many hundreds of centuries his army returned and they have been trying to set him free ever since.

Now you are probably like this is a fantasy book thus far. I am hear to tell you make it as you wish but it is the truth. Believe me or not I don't care for I know...I was there during this battle. Take it as you will but the truth is the truth so help me God. God strike me now if I am not. So shall we continue?

I was told this fall I was given a message. I was told, "A raven will show. Once the raven shows you will know that the Master of Lies, the Shadow Master, has been set free from his hold and now all will be shown. A week and a half before Christmas I saw the very raven I was shown. God said this was my guide, which is a sign of the Leader of Darkness has been released. After seeing the raven, I was shown in meditation black angels. Adult black angels sweeping across a town all fly to the dark one, planning out their next attack. When I woke from my meditate I said, "It has begun. The battle has defiantly begun."

Gods response to that was, " You see what I have said is true. Darkness in your world exist whether you wish to choose or not. Now there is a battle. A great battle between the light and the dark. You will see more of this dear child. That which you thought was of light you will start to see there inner beings emerge. You will see more deception. More falsehoods. You will see many things happen that you don't agree with, but know that this is the reality that has been created. You must fight. You must pray hard for the darkness to be gone from this realm, so that peace and harmony can come back. I, my child, no longer want to live like this. Change needs to happen. But know this, in order for you do be what you want to be, you must know the very thing you don't want to be. You must experience this for what has happened has happened. If you want change ask for it. If you want these beings who come from all over the Universe, what has been created in your thoughts, what has been sent and came from portals, etc...ask for them to be gone and to restore. But know this my child you will always have the, what you call the ying and the yang inside of you. You will have that dark and light in you because it helps you in more ways than you understand. Change needs to happen but only you and the rest of the world must act and ask."

God has been telling me this for a while. He is absolutely right. I have been praying for it for so long that now I have found that it is time for action. We will see more of an econmic gap. There will be no more middle classes only the poor and the rich. What the poor won't be able to afford the rich will.

The next day during meditation I was given another viewing. I saw instead of adult black dark angels I saw children dark angels flying over a city going to the Shadow Master. My heart dropped. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The shadows love to use children to get you, don't fall for children in your dreams because they can turn into the darkest creatures that you have ever encountered. I say this because I know.

So you are probably asking how do I know this and why am I being shown it?

Well my purpose requires to know it. My purpose has to know these things so when it is time I can act. I don't see my mission as part of my purpose. I get told good things to. Don't think I don't. It is like what God tells me, "If you say it then no one can say that it wasn't told. So just say it." So this is what I have done. I know a lot about the darkness. I know how they work. They fight dirty. They like to make you horrible things. They like to take over peoples bodies and do some of the most horrible things. All these killings you see... Yup shadows inside a human body takes over and does the act. You kill the host the shadow becomes free then you feed it and then you have a whole knew monster on your hands. Friends we all need to come together and pray for change. Pray that things get better in our world. Pray that these beings in physical and spirit are taken off once again. If we don't ask God for this it won't happen. Things are going to get worse, but if we beings of light can hold down the fort till God acts then we will be doing out job. Please join me and help me. We all need to do this.. I am a no body. I know many don't know me. But if any of this that you read makes any sense to you and you feel it to to be truth then please lets join, hand to hand, side by side and lets raise the light.

Love to you all and God bless.

Casey B.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Channeled Message from Archangel Michael

"Channeled Message from Archangel Michael"

So many people are waking up into their own spiritual awakening. This has left many wondering what is going on with your selves, which may be different than what they have learned from their own religions. A person can not make another person wake up. A person waking is determined by the soul and God, not by another being.

If someone is doing this, telling people to wake up out of the intention of a negative affect, then you aren't helping the world in a way that is needed. You are actually becoming the being that you never wanted to be. Allowing a soul to awaken at its own time is the best gift you could give. People will start to seek there own truth when it is time, and it should be done respectfully. Demanding people to awaken isn't out of good intention. Demanding has a negative affect on the mind/body/soul, because you want something to happen just for you and not for the other person. So please stop asking others to wake up, when in reality you, yourself still have much to work on. Stop worrying about others. Everything is happening the way it should be. Be patient and allow the flow of the process and Divine intervention to take place. We are helping each soul go through there own experiences that they asked for when they decided to experience in a physical form. You demanding a soul to awaken when it isn't ready it something that you should not be asking. If anything you are hindering the soul to experience, and to learn it's life lessons that it asked to experience, and to allow it to awaken when it is ready.

Many will not awaken and this is normal. If you are awakening you are finding that you have gifts. These gifts are natural. They are tools to help you throughout your path. These tools aren't what your path is, but a tool to help you along your path. Many are thinking that just because I hear/see spirits/angels, see aura, do energy healing, etc... that this is their mission, their full Divine purpose. My friends this isn't the case. If you are making this your purpose then you aren't getting the full lesson of who and what you are. Learning to heal, telepathic connections, energy healing, seeing auras, spirit/angel communication, and traveling to other places, and other spiritual and natural gifts... are tools to help you. Only a few will actually be called to do these things as there Divine purpose. The rest of the beings living on Earth are to learn how to use these gifts as you go on your own path. Could you imagine a world where there were no chiefs, doctors, gardeners, dentist, artist, writers, scientist, etc... There would only be mediums, energy healers, crystal specialist, psychics, etc.... This isn't how the world is suppose to be. These are tools my dear friends, and if you feel like this is yours then you are miss interpreting your mission and messages.

Learning how to use your gifts is a wonderful way to discovering the type of being that you are. You all are natural healers. You can do this but many will need teachers, because everyone learns differently. As you start to learn many of you will not go as further as you expect. Many will stay as they are. Many will not awaken but will experience a world later on in peace.

If you are hearing the message that everyone will awaken on Earth this information has been miss informed and didn't come from, Archangel Michael, but from a being impersonating me as one. Yes dear friends, shadows will impersonate us angels for their own agendas. Be wary of channeled messages at this time, because many are coming forward with incorrect information that is harming the population instead of helping it. Giving the correct information is important at this time. Take what you have learned from the channeled message and learn as much as you can about yourself. Still continue to learn, and learn what your true mission on Earth is. Treat others with respect and don't judge. Be open and honest with yourselves as you go through this process because right now what you are going through are many trials and tribulations.

Also on one last note for tonight, start to live in your own truth. Not everyone is going to show love. Not everyone is going to be honest. All of this is part of the process. Do not judge those who haven't awakened, for you are judging yourself. Living in your own truth. Now is the time to do this. Stop lying to yourself about how you really are in life, and start admitting the darkest sides to who you are. If you want to move forward along your spiritual path you must conquer your fears. Admitting your dark sides of how you are is the first step. This dear friends can be scary because admitting the truth is tough to do, but the truth is the truth. So start conquering your darkest fears and learn. If you want to change you have that power but only you can do this. We can help, but if you don't listen to our guidance then their isn't much that we can do to help.

I am your brother Archangel Michael, channeling through a wonderful being, Casey, who has allowed me to come through with this important message. Much love to you all. Until next time my friends. I am Archangel Michael.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Finding Your Purpose

Are you one of those people who is now just asking the question, "What is my purpose?" Many are going through this time as the start to have there own spiritual awakenings. Many are asking this question because they are wanting more in life than just your ordinary job that helps pay for the food that you put on the table or the bills that we have to pay on a daily/monthly basis. Many are asking this question because they feel deep down inside, that their is more to them and they want to make changes to their lives.

Many have asked me what is my purpose or how do I know what my purpose is? I have responded by saying it is what you feel passionate about. If you eat, breathe, and sleep something that resonates so deeply in your heart and soul do it. This is a sign that this is what your suppose to do. The world that we live in can sometimes hinder this from happening because, we live in a society that only allows us to work a certain way, but one day we will be able to do what we love.

Now everyone who has been brought to Earth has a purpose and each mission/mission is different. Each persons purpose will not be the same for each person. Many will not understand what your mission is, because it isn't meant for them to understand. It is only meant for the person to understand what their mission is to be. And you know is okay to not fully understand each others missions in life. God made each and every single one of us unique, and he enjoys living through each and everyone of us. Could you imagine living on a planet where everyone's mission was the same? Now that would be boring and interesting. God has said to me, "I've wanted to experience in so many ways, that if you were to count how many ways to create and experience through each individual soul you wouldn't be able to count that far because it is infinite."

Your purpose is meant for you my friends and we need to be reminded that we should respect each others missions and not judge each other. We tend to as a society once we hear someones purpose to go on a ego side. If we hear one persons purpose, then someone can say, "Why are they so important and I am not?" "Why do they get to do this and I don't." No one is better than the other. You have to look at it in a different perspective. God writes the book. We are the characters in his book, and we each have our story lines. We each are protagonist and antagonist. We each have a purpose and we each play a part. No part is greater or lessor than the other. What your purpose may be I may not be able to do, because it isn't meant for me to do, and what my purpose is isn't meant for you to do because it was meant for me to do, so you may not understand it fully, and that is okay.

We as each soul knew what we wanted to experience in life and what our missions were. We knew that before taking a physical form, and it is our job to silence the mind and ask and seek the answers to the questions that we have. We are living in a society where it is made for us to go into certain fields. Our society is leaving the liberal arts professions such as writing, journalism, photography, sculpture, painting, art design, graphic design, poetry, music, etc..and the world wants to go into a technical/logical/scientific state of mind. Many of us, I can say for myself personally, I am not a science mind. I don't have the mind to work as a mathematician and design space ships and such, which in a past life I flew a spaceship but that was then. My mind doesn't work like that right now. We need to get back to the core of things that helped us get to where we are today. So if your passion is in the liberal arts it can be difficult to live in this type of society and do it as a full time job, which with a purpose and your souls desire, it won't feel like a job because it is something you love to do. I will tell you this one day you will be able to, and if you already work and live like this now that is fantastic. Know my dear friends change is coming and you will one day be able to do artwork, painting, playing music, or saying poetry all day as your heart desires. You will one day be able to do the very thing you love the most without worry financially without worries or fear.So don't let that dream fade away. Keep that vision because one day it is going to happen.

I hope you all have a wonderful Friday and weekend. I will write again over the weekend on another topic one that you will find interesting. Have a blessed day. xx <3 xx

