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Monday, July 16, 2012
Giving Back
Today as I was watching Good Morning America I noticed a story that caught my eye. You may have heard of the Florida couple that just built one humongous house and the economy had set them back a few years.
God said, " Do you know how much they could have helped those in need? To put shelter over anthers head, to put food on the table, to help cloth those that are in need of it? The Basic necessities that one needs to survive, and all they could do is build a bigger home.You see, in your society you think that grand is better when in fact that doing more for your community is even GRANDER. If every rich person in your world help out more then your world would not be in the trouble that it is. You all live in world that you say that you give to charity, but the real question is which and what charity? There are lavish houses, cars, restaurants, boats, etc.... which could help many people, but you rather do other things for yourselves and not others. This saddens me so much that my whole purpose is to help others. To give back, because once you realize who you are you don't need anything for you are Your True Self.
Don't you feel good when you give back to someone else. When you hold a
door open for someone, say thank you, let another car come out of a
drive way, just simple things that comes out of the goodness of your
heart, don't you feel an enormous feeling from doing this? The reason
for this is because I am in You. Yes I am experiencing myself though
you. You create the experience and there are times I'll create that
experience for you. Giving back is the Soul's Purpose to remembering who
its True Self Is.
Do you really need all these extravagant things in your life just
because you want the next BEST thing? This is a question you need to ask
yourself on a daily basis. Do I really need that? Which in the end you
will say NO.
I have spoken enough for the time so I will let Casey come back and
talk. I just need to express the importance of giving back. Didn't Jesus
and many of your other Master not give back, out of the goodness out of
there heart, with love and compassion? The answer to this question is
Yes. Give back and serve others, for I am your Father and this is what I
have given you and continue to give you. With Love and Compassion your
OK so I would like to make note that God can take the conversation completely over when I don't even know it. This is part of my gift he has given me. There are times I don't even know what he has said so I have to re-read it. He speaks through me, so it is still one thing I am having to get use to.
From what Father has said thus far is all correct. My path is to give back to others and soon I will be doing so. I am starting to make changes in my life and really thinking about what I need and don't need. Case and point is when I came back from Okinawa, Japan back in 2007.
Out of all the trips I have gone to this changed me forever. I saw how the people of Okinawa lived. They were all family based. Now when I say family this includes not only there own family but there friends and companions. They didn't need all of this stuff that we as Western Civilization has. To make a long story short I analyzed what I had when I returned to the US. I couldn't believe all that I did have and I started to down size my things. I just don't need what I have. You know the saying, " Less is More." Well this is so true, but also so liberating.
See its when you travel and you see how others live is what can make you change as to Who You Really Are. Now I am far beyond perfect on this topic. I still buy video games and certain things for my children, but it is a work in progress. We have cut back on video game buys and our wants. It isn't going to change in one day. It takes a while, but the first step is awareness as this will led you to Who You Truly Are. Your TRUE SELF. Once you realize who you are all of your wants will go out the window, for you will be closer to GOD and your TRUE SELF. And may I just add the feeling is better than anything else.
Have a blessed day.
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