Channeled Message from Jesus:
Hello all. I would like to take the time just briefly and let you know the latest developments on your planet Earth. We as Ascended Masters are on our way to become One with you all once again, but much must happen before this greeting occurs. For instance, the Shadows need to first be removed from your planet. This will take time but we are in the process of doing so. Many other changing must happen as well. Your planet is going through many changes. Gaia is changing is forming the new world that is needed. You have done much damage to her, and you haven't taken care of the very planet that harvest your food, gives you the water to live, that gives you the air to breath, the sun to keep you warm, and so now it happens that she is cleaning up the bodily harm that you have done to her. With this comes many environmental disasters such as: Earthquakes, more snow, rain, flooding, Volcano eruptions, fluctuation in temperatures...etc. All of these things are need hence with the change will come death. This is all part of the process of the New Earth for the beginning of "The New Golden Age."
You all will take place in this shift which is to take place, but some of you won't. Those who are arrogant and are filled with ignorance will stay as you are while living in the new Earth. You will not Ascend with the others, but you will be filled loved and at peace with yourself, but until you have learned your life's lessons you will not experience what others do, see, feel, hear, or even touch. The earth will be brand new. Peace shall be restored to what it once was. Truths will be revealed and a knew coming shall emerge. Those who are light workers will start building new communities for the new Earth. As we approach our final league we implore you to really listen to those with messages.
The shadows have yet to make the final battle and it will come soon. Many are in the process of preparing and it is time for you all to prepare. Remove negativity, fear, anger, dishonesty, and baggage, just throw it in the fire and let it burn and lift up into the New Moon. Protect yourself for the shadows are making their last stand for they know that they are loosing the battle. They will attack you in your sleep, in the dreams that you have, during the day with negative thoughts, and people and children. When you start to feel down and depressed go through the emotions and then lift yourself up. Don't think you aren't vulnerable to the shadows because you ARE. Surround yourself with light and pray.
Know that we are watching you from afar and that we are guiding you to a better tomorrow. We are on our way. May you love and treat everyone with kindness and pass no judgement onto others for when you do you are judging yourself. You are each others reflection whether you want to admit it or not. Love can only win. Light will only win. Know that you are loved and those on the ground are dong what they can but more needs to be done. Know that truth will be revealed and that truth will always win. As I leave a final word... know that communication is key at this time. Let others know how you feel. Respect is the love that one needs to share with each other. Love is all that you have. Let go of materialistic things and succumb to the Divine Beings that you are. Know that you are the light. From my heart to yours. May your love be what wins. To all of you and from my Mother Mary, Father Joseph, and Mary of Madeline and from all the Ascended Masters we love you. and God Bless.
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