Saving your planet #3: Protect your oceans.
God Speaks:Lets recap shall we on the first 2 things.
1. Back to basics: Learn how to build a fire, build shelter, have supplies.
2. Community Gardens: Start constructing many gardens, because the rise in produce is going to happen.
Now I want you to pay attention because each and everyone of you need to listen. Now I will refer to the US as examples only because Casey's filter is mostly US, but this implies to everyone in the world.
I have created oceans for you all enjoy. The oceans support animal and plant life, which is part of your ecosystem and from what I have been observing is in danger. I am referring to the fact that your world is messing with my oceans when it comes to your need for oil.
You have yet to understand the importance it is that no more oil is to be drilled in the oceans in the sea. You have yet to learn from the previous mistakes that have taken place, because you continue to make the same mistakes. The companies and individuals involved are cutting corners to environmental stands and protections because the paper work is too long to fill out. That inspectors have to look at each individual part to make sure there isn't a faulty mechanism, so that it doesn't pollute or destroy all that are dependent of the oceans.
So these policies and procedures to speed up the procedure many of the inspectors are skipping the important things and no one is saying anything about it. Have you forgotten the tanker spill in Alaska, the spill in the Gulf Coast, the tanker spill in New Zealand. It doesn't take a year or two to clean up the damage that has been caused by such carelessness. No it takes decades or even centuries for ecosystems to repopulate, for new life to be formed and brought back. Did you just hear what I said it takes DECADES or even CENTURIES to fix what you have done, because you wanted to cut corners. Accept and take responsibility for your actions, and start being truthful about what has happened.
Now with that said, when you start to jeopardize the oceans you start to effect the ocean and wild life. Mammals depend on the oceans for food, as well as wild life such as birds, reptiles, and amphibians. You are putting at risk these creatures that I have created so that the system doesn't break, and yet you still continue to take risk. I am speaking of oil now because your governments, corporations, and individuals are telling you there isn't enough oil to go around. They are WRONG. I have provided you with more than enough resources and energy to use, but because money talks they will continue to create false information about this. Oh my children it is bigger than they are telling you a lot bigger.
It is only a matter of when, the major disaster happens, and when it does it will be very difficult to recover. Your drinking water will be contaminated from a disaster this big. It is time to start changing how you depend on only oil and start using other clean energy resources I have provided you.
The process of using solar rays from the sun has begun, but because of the equipment that is used many can't afford it. It is time to stop using money as an excuse and start making this a resource. Companies who built such technology for this energy to be used, you need to set lower rates. This is a valuable resource, and I want to see more of it, but everyone has to work together and make it affordable.
The other resource is your wind. This is a powerful resource, which is now starting to take off. I am proud of those who are allowing wind turbines to be used on there land. Let me rephrase this is my land we are all one remember. Wind is a very valuable resource there will never be a lack in wind or the sun. Start making it affordable for others to use. It starts from the bottom up to make these changes. It will take years for everyone to use these resources it isn't going to happen over night, but it needs to start now.
Let me get back to the ocean, pollution in the water is damaging sea life. Recycling needs to be every where. Every individual, company, organization, government need to make this a mandatory. The pollution is getting so bad that it will become an epidemic of it's self. Start reusing all that you have. You don't need a knew water bottle for everyday of the week. It takes centuries for plastic to break down, and at the same time it is in your oceans killing wild and sea life.
It all happens with you. It all starts with you. Time to make drastic changes so that your planet can sustain longer. Time to call out those who are hiding so that they can make a profit. Money speaks my children more now than every. Greed is the shadow that no one wants to see threw, but speaking out has an effect as well.
Speak up, let your voice be heard. You all have a voice so use it. Time to live in a world that is transparent. Time to live in a world that is the reality and not the denial that you have lived in for centuries. Denial has gotten you to this place, time to face the facts and get to work. Remember it only takes one person to cause a movement. Become that movement..become the change that is so drastically needed. Become..Believe..Be aware...
I went and researched of the worst oil spills in history and let this be a testament that we need to do more, and take responsibility and change our world for the greater good.
- Gulf War, 1991: Kuwait: Gallons: 240 to 336 Million
- Ixtoc 1 Oil Well, 1979: Bay of Campeche, Mexico: Gallons: 140 Million
- Atlantic Empress, 1979: Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies: Gallons: 88.3 Million
- Fergana Valley, 1992: Uzbekistan: Gallons: 87.7 Miliion
- Nowruz Oil Field, 1983: Persian Gulf 80 Million
- ABT Summer, 1991: Off the coast of Angola: Gallons: 80 Million
- Castillo de Beliver, 1983: Off Saldanha Bay, South Africa: Gallons: 78.5 Million
- Amoco Cadiz, 1978: Off Brittany, France: Gallons: 68.7 Million
- Odyssey Oil Spill, 1988: 700 nautical miles off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada: Gallons: 43 Million
- M/T Haven Tanker, 1991: Genoa, Italy: Gallons: 42 Million
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