Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Voices & Jesus Moves to the Music

   God Speaks: My children spirits do exist in your world. Some come to leave messages for there loved one's to know that they are alright. You may find things moved or a taken that a loved one is with you. Even when Jesus died on the cross he came back as a spirit, so that he could continue his work. Many spirits don't come back because there is no need. Many people can hear them and see them. When you are born you are born with these gifts until a certain age they will leave or stay. It all depends on what your soul wants to experience in the life. Many awaken to later find out they have the gift. Yes, there are many who mislead others, but this isn't for all. Most use there gift in a positive way, and not in the negative or bad. Always remember that  your loved ones with you, as am I. The Holy Spirit is always with you, and I do talk to you. Life lives on.

   When my abilities started I had only felt spirits and the energies that were all around me. God and my granny were the only spirits and beings that I had talked to, so I was very comfortable with that. I stayed secluded in my house, because the energy was very strong, as well as, the vibrations that I felt every where I went. I just wanted to isolate myself from the world, but I knew that this was not healthy not only for myself, but also for my soul.
   So I made the decision to start getting out more. One of my favorite places to go is our local book store Barnes and Noble. I love to read and a friend had suggested a book, and I thought that I would go and check it out.
   The last time I was at the book store I got nausious real quick and I didn't like that feeling, but I later had found out that I was being followed by a spirit. I knew this time, that I would not let fear get the best of me.
   As I walked in the store I had no idea where this book was locate within the store. I then heard God say, "Follow the energy. Seek the book that you want to find and you shall." So I did just that.
   The way that I can only explain to you on follow the energy is like the children's game that you play in the pool, Marco and Polo. The only difference is that you remain with your eyes opened and not closed. So I did what Father had said, and I found the book. I knew I had found it when the energy/vibrations were gone and I felt more content.
   Later after finding the book I went to the children's education books, and as I was leaving the section I heard a voice. The voice was of a child's. It was a young male and he asked me, "Why do you come here?"
   I said, "I come here to learn and read. The next time I come I will read to you."
   With that being said he left. What I could pick up on him was that he was lost and curious. He likes it there, and I know that he wouldn't harm anyone. He just wants to know why we are there.

   Shortly after hearing and experiencing all in the book store I experienced another spirit. It was our first time going to our knew church and I had no clue what to expect. I knew that there was going to be a chore of children singing this Sunday and I was very excited to hear them.
   As we sat there I heard a voice to my right. It was a older man who had been there before and was connected to the church. When he realized what I was he said, "I like it here and I like to listen to the worship." He is a very religious and spiritual man who loved hearing about the love of God.
   As the children started to sing I could feel the love in the main church hall. I then heard God say, "Young people are glorious, they speak the truth. They will all learn and be glorious."
   Shortly after his words I then had a vision. The only way I can describe it, is like having a day dream. It is form of a first person perspective. And so there standing behind the conductor was Jesus. His arms were raised to the heaven, as he is swaying back and forth. He was surrounded by light and all that was around him was the clouds. Everything had turned white from where he was standing, to the children that stood in front of him. It was a glorious wonder to see it, and I was honored that Jesus had let me see him in a wonderful celebration of song
   I was so excited to see him. The last time I had seen him was when he showed me where I will be when my life and soul purpose here on earth was complete. I felt the love and the joy that he had for the young people singing songs of love and life. All is love.
   During one of the songs "Blessings, by Laura Story" I broke down in tears, for all I wanted was to be home with father. I hadn't seen it in so long and my emotions for it overwhelmed me. There aren't  words that can describe what one feels when you want to go home. Here in this human form is not home, but only a vessel for your body is within the soul; and not the other way around.
   In conclusion, you will never know when you will hear spirits or see Jesus. Yes I do hear spirits, but I do not ask spirits to come to me. Those that hear or see spirits are not of the devil, but who are just like me. We have been to different realms of the universe, and have been given this gift. Now with that being said there are others who will take advantage of you, and aren't truthful about hearing/seeing spirits. Do not judge what you don't understand, for all what you have been told of who are known as mediums,are not all bad. Most are truthful and do it out of the goodness of there heart. And who knows you may be one yourself and have yet to admit it, because you are afraid of those that will call you mean and hateful names. I am here to tell you friend that you are not alone. There are others like you including myself. Do not be afraid to accept Who and What You Are.
   I am blessed to have my gift, and I wouldn't change it for the world. Life is Good. God is Good. We are all connected. Further more, I will not be writing for the next few days, because I just had a lens transplant surgery and it is a little hard for me to see.

Have a happy and blessed day.

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