Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Heaven Awaits

   GOD: Heaven awaits for all of you. It is a place of beauty and elegance. Once you Soul has decided that it can no longer fulfill it's purpose you will return to me. You will stand by me in the heavens by my side. We will become One again. My children.... Heaven Awaits you.

    The thoughts of condemnation stayed in my thoughts all the time. I kept asking myself, "Have they forgotten who I was? Did they not even consider my thoughts or feeling?" These are relative questions that one ask when you are going through a tough time in your life. It is in times like these when you truly find out who your real friends are.

   So as I was driving home from physical therapy I was listening to our current christian radio station, WAY-FM and a song came on the radio. The artist was Jeremy Camp and he was singing the song, "There Will Be A Day". During the verse, "There will be a day, with no more tears, no more pain, and no more fears" I was given a vision.

   The Vision: God showed me an entrance to a Holy place. The light was so bright, that I could not see anything in the distance. As I stood there there was a man to my right. He was dressed in a white flow robe and he had brown hair. Around him was an aura of white light. I could not make out any facial features, but I knew that this man was of high importance. 

   The man, who I think was God, swung his arm out over the landscape; like a butler would do, when greeting a visitor to come in. He said to me, "This will be your home." God had shown me the Light.

   Tears start to appear in my eyes and emotions start to feel in my heart and soul. They were tears of joy and happiness, because I knew that God didn't have to show me the Light or Heaven. It wasn't time for me to see all of heaven, because it wasn't my time yet, but he had shown me the Light. Thus he had showed me my home. 
   I knew then that no matter what others said to me I knew where my home would be after this life. I no longer felt condemned and no fears of going to Hell, for God had answered my ultimate question. Would I be condemned or sent to Hell for what was happening to me? After all this time of wondering what would happen to me he not only told me but I had the vision to show me, and for that I am forever grateful and blessed.

   To this day I am blessed for what he has shown me. I say to myself and to others the following statements. So do you want God to strike me dead for the things that you consider lies and demons that are going on in my life? Do you want to condemn me to hell as well? 

   The answers to these questions are: I have already died and I was brought back to teach you the truth of God and what lye's beyond this world, what happens at death, and to awaken Gods Children to remind them of who you really are. Second you can condemn me all you want and say all I am telling you are lies and the spirits are demons, but I know where I am going. I am going home to the heavens. 

   I forgive those that have said all these negative and hurtful things to me. God gives us free choice of our own decisions and thoughts, and for that I will respect. For God has changed my life forever. I am not who I once was for what has happened to me can not be broken. I have a purpose and I will fulfill my purpose and my Path.

   God: From what you have just read is all true. I showed Casey her home, because others did not believe in what she was saying. In the darkest of days I am the light. You all are my children and there is no need in condemning others for what is going on with them in there lives. You all have free choice, for this is what I have given to you. Casey's purpose is much higher than most. Her soul decided to come back to teach what is the truth and what isn't. She is the truth and the way. Follow her. What has happened to her can not be broken. She is the highest of awareness of who she is and she is to help all my children to Awaken. She has already brought change to many and she will continue on this path for it is her Purpose or what most of you consider to be her Destiny. My children I send you teachers, she is to be one of those teachers. Listen that you to can awaken to Who You Really Are. Awaken for you will be free and you will live in love, peace and harmony.


  1. Thank you for speaking out about your enlightenment. There are many on the planet just like us. We shouldn't try to force others to believe our stories of home. We are home with God always in all ways. Let the naysayers find another room, because the wayshowers are here to stay. Love to you for spreading your light :)

  2. Thank you for your lovely words and compassion. There needs to be more positive people. We all are made by the same creator God. We are all on the same team. thank u

  3. You are entitled to your own opinion, but what I know is the truth. I will pray for you, for I think you need it more than I. You aren't helping you are judging. This is my blog and I will not allow negative energy such as yours or any body else to put this type of judging on my blog. I am allowed to speak about my own experience. Have a blessed day.

  4. I love this post. I hope I get to heaven because I exactly haven't been a great person. When I read what God says, I actually believe it's God talking. It feels right. God bless you <3

  5. You will go home, and when you do you to will see what I see. God bless you

  6. Thank you for reassuring me. God bless you too
