Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Channeled Message from Jesus

Channeled Message from Jesus:

Hello all. I would like to take the time just briefly and let you know the latest developments on your planet Earth. We as Ascended Masters are on our way to become One with you all once again, but much must happen before this greeting occurs. For instance, the Shadows need to first be removed from your planet. This will take time but we are in the process of doing so. Many other changing must happen as well. Your planet is going through many changes. Gaia is changing is forming the new world that is needed. You have done much damage to her, and you haven't taken care of the very planet that harvest your food, gives you the water to live, that gives you the air to breath, the sun to keep you warm, and so now it happens that she is cleaning up the bodily harm that you have done to her. With this comes many environmental disasters such as: Earthquakes, more snow, rain, flooding, Volcano eruptions, fluctuation in temperatures...etc. All of these things are need hence with the change will come death. This is all part of the process of the New Earth for the beginning of "The New Golden Age."

You all will take place in this shift which is to take place, but some of you won't. Those who are arrogant and are filled with ignorance will stay as you are while living in the new Earth. You will not Ascend with the others, but you will be filled loved and at peace with yourself, but until you have learned your life's lessons you will not experience what others do, see, feel, hear, or even touch. The earth will be brand new. Peace shall be restored to what it once was. Truths will be revealed and a knew coming shall emerge. Those who are light workers will start building new communities for the new Earth. As we approach our final league we implore you to really listen to those with messages.

The shadows have yet to make the final battle and it will come soon. Many are in the process of preparing and it is time for you all to prepare. Remove negativity, fear, anger, dishonesty, and baggage, just throw it in the fire and let it burn and lift up into the New Moon. Protect yourself for the shadows are making their last stand for they know that they are loosing the battle. They will attack you in your sleep, in the dreams that you have, during the day with negative thoughts, and people and children. When you start to feel down and depressed go through the emotions and then lift yourself up. Don't think you aren't vulnerable to the shadows because you ARE. Surround yourself with light and pray.

Know that we are watching you from afar and that we are guiding you to a better tomorrow. We are on our way. May you love and treat everyone with kindness and pass no judgement onto others for when you do you are judging yourself. You are each others reflection whether you want to admit it or not. Love can only win. Light will only win. Know that you are loved and those on the ground are dong what they can but more needs to be done. Know that truth will be revealed and that truth will always win. As I leave a final word... know that communication is key at this time. Let others know how you feel. Respect is the love that one needs to share with each other. Love is all that you have. Let go of materialistic things and succumb to the Divine Beings that you are. Know that you are the light. From my heart to yours. May your love be what wins. To all of you and from my Mother Mary, Father Joseph, and Mary of Madeline and from all the Ascended Masters we love you. and God Bless.


Friday, October 26, 2012

Message from Mother Mary

 Mother Mary

Channel message:
My lovelies. We are all watching over you as you all are going through a transition in life. Share your love with others even though they may not speak such nice words to you or others, but show them love for it can have a grounding affect on them in more ways that one. Take your fellow brothers and sisters hands and say to them thank you and love is always with you. Know that we stand above you watching and observing and protecting you all from the shadows that exist in your world. Know that you are greatly loved and adored. Be true to who you are at this time. Show kindness and gratitude and love every single day. And above all else let your light shine bright as the brightest start for you are the grandest star there is. To all of you with love. Mother Mary.


Channeled message from many written in one letter to all:

I have come to a point in my life that now I see the world as a different place. I have always known I was different, but in retrospect I have always been this way. I've been different even in my past lives. As I see the world as it is now it truly makes me sad, because I see hate coming from every direction, and then I see love trying to push over the hate and as it pushes I can feel the energy of it grow. Now your asking, "What in the hell is she talking about?" I am talking about standing outside of the box and looking in. We put so much emphasis of there being a destruction of this earth that we never considered the possibility of it being the opposite. We let the Ego of Fear take over us and I see some people now a days and that is all they now is that EGO. I have to say it is a shame to say the least, because you are missing the best part of life. If you start to listen to the Soul to the inner Divine within you you see a whole new look on life. Instead of feeling fear you feel love. You may see someone who you totally despised yesterday, and woke up today and tomorrow and say to them, "Hi Friend." There is nothing more powerful than a thoughtful gesture. I see arguments over who is right and who is wrong. The anger, frustration, pain, ego, biases, discrimination...etc and all I want to do is say, "STOP!!!" Why do this to those around you. Why live in a world like this WHY!!!" It does no one any good. Instead of bring a world together your separating us. Instead of look at each other as one, you look as individuals. I hear the Angels and God say, "Stop this. It's not worth it. Stop the HATE. Just STOP!!!" and no one listens and so the cycle begins again. Change is coming people whether you like it or not. It is coming. Many will resist but Love and Compassion will take over. We are one don't you see that. WE ARE ONE!!! PLEASE STOP THE HATE. PLEASE STOP THE ANGER. PLEASE STOP!!! Let your heart feel with love and not anger. Let it feel the Love that you have so desperately wanted for so long. Let peace envelope you in love and harmony. Just let it. Just stop. I have the angels, the Ascended Masters standing behind me now saying this to me. They desperately want you to stop and smell the roses. Hear them, Listen to them. Please just LISTEN.

Monday, October 22, 2012

God Speaks: Learning a Lesson on Judgeing Others:


My children today let’s talk about judgment. I've spoken of this before but now it is time to look at it in another view point. Most of you judge others by their class in society, by who they are, and how much one makes. Judging is something that you are taught by others by either parents, grandparent, or even relationships wither it be friends or others. You learn from your peers and so you have a tendency to learn the negatives by others. In your world the society is divided. You look at race, ethnics, sexuality, and gender as a means to judge.
   Now most of you say well I don't judge so don't say that. Let’s just get one thing straight in some way shape or form you do judge others, and you base that person off of your own judgments. Before getting to know someone you have the tendency to already have your mind made up if you want to either talk to that person or not. The ego is saying, "Don't you talk to that homeless man or woman because they are dirty and they will spend your money for drugs or alcohol." Now the soul would say, "Show that man or female love and compassion. Let them know that they are loved and that no matter what they are a child of God." Do you see the difference in answers? The ego is the indicator of what not to be and the soul is what to be. You set limitations and restrictions on others, because you feel that if you do they won't do something, but your complete thinking is incorrect. Don't put restrictions on relationships. Now you’re saying, "Well how can that be?" Use this analogy when you tell a child No you mean no, but immediately when you have turned your back or walked in another room, they go right for the things you told them no. This is a restriction. Now if you tell that person if you touch that it will hurt and you'll get a booboo, and mommy and daddy don't want you to get it. The child learns that you care for them, and you have showed them love. Some people don't know what love is. They have never been loved, or they have been hurt by a love that was toxic. Love is something that you all need to experience. Maybe the homeless man that you consider a drug dealer came to your world and its mission was to feel love, and when you happen to stop by him and say" here take this 10 dollars and get some food and drink, and by the way no matter what you are going through you are loved." You see a small gesture just as that has a rippled effect life no other. This person gave $10 to someone, and because of that they have just had a moment of love. You didn't set limitations on the money instead you showed love. You didn't pass any judgments on them, and you showed them love. Just as a single pebble creates a ripple effect so does love.
   I set no judgments because your soul decided what it wanted to experience before it took physical form. You blame the person for all of their mistakes when it should be you helping them in the life lessons that they are to have learned while they are still in physical form. Much can be learned from the transitions and life lessons. I judge no one, so you should judge no one. I created you out of love for you are love.
   So now I have a little life lesson for you. Go to work or school today and live in self awareness. Go talk to the person that you find to be odd or uninterested to you. It could be a co-worker or a person at school who you have never talked to before and you've made fun of. Instead of looking at their flaws, find out what they have to offer that is in a positive way. You may be surprised as to what you may find out. As you do this lesson don't pass judgments, don’t make one negative comment about them. Love for the goodness in one. At the end of the day write about what you learned about that person, and as you look at it you may be amazed as to what you learned about not only yourself but the life lesson that he/she just taught you. Do you think you can do this for one day? To pass judgement on someone that you never considered being a friend? If you do this exercise you have just learned a valid life lesson. Post your experiences and what you learned. This is the Creator/God?Source?Infinity speaking. To all of my children with love and hope anything is possible.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Message from Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael

Channeled Message from Archangel Michael:

When you start to Ascended or lets say Awakened, all that is in your life changes. You start to accept the true person that you are. The gifts that you have don't deny them. Live in TRUTH for this is who you truly are. When you accept all that you are and all that you will be then you are moving up. Let go of the baggage and know that the cards are being held out to you one card at a time. You live knowing that all that is around you is love. The negative doesn't interfere with Who You Are. Others opinions don't hit you like a hammer on a hand. You see the goodness in people and not the bad. For all is love. All is One. All is God. All is Universal. ~CB~

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Message from Archangel Michael

Channeled Message:
  I'll just like to take the time and let you know that the energy that you are feeling is the feeling of change. Our world is changing for the better and a new world will come to rise. Now this isn't about evil this is about the Light. Many of you can already feel it, many are asking what is going on. One morning your going to wake up and feel totally different within your own self. When this starts to happen you are going to want to reach out to those that have Awakened. On December 21st the climax of the shift will take place. This is in part of the light and the change of Earth and how we will go to a higher consciousness level. Those with Gifts pay attention to your energy. Center and ground yourself. It is going to be a fast ride and a lot of things are going to start changing within yourself. The veils are starting to thin and your gifts will increase. With that being said remember that you all are on different levels, so what one may be feeling another may not yet. As you see this please ground yourself. This is important. This is Archangel Michael Speaking. With love and protection to all.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Learning a New Language

Well yesterday during meditation I was given a pep talk from Mother Mary because I have been feeling like my book is just not going to be successful. So she took my hands and we sat across from each other. During this pep talk about my book many others came forward in support: Jesus, God, Mary Magdalene, and all the Archangels and the Ascended Master. I won't get into details of the conversation, but at the end a new Ascended Master Teacher came through "WHITE EAGLE also known as Quezacoatl" came through for the first time. I am truly blessed that I am being guided by such masters. I am truly blessed. As he said to me and I say unto you, " Ech Noach Mae" I just totally butchered the spelling but it means, "In Love." This would be the second time during meditation I have learned a new word or phrase. 

With that being said I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I'll be learning and writing from White Eagle this weekend, and God has me preparing for a healthier lifestyle, which consist of walking and running. I have ran in more than 5 years due to lack of tissue in my knees which was due to the many surgeries I have had to fix them so I'll let you know if AA Raphael and God healed them next week. 

So go out then weekend and enjoy Mother Nature. Sit and listen to the birds chirp, feel the wind in your hair, hear a child laugh, and have fun with family. Also take the time to spend a little time by yourself. 
Just as White Eagle said to me as I began to fade from meditation I say unto you, "Ech Noach Mae" in love. 

Many Blessings to you all _/\_

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Change Is Coming: Message from God

I've been told to give a message to All who is willing to listening. I really don't know if anybody reads what I write in my blog or on Facebook, but I find that the messages I give are of Truth and a lot of people don't like the truth about our world. The message I am about to give I've been told many times and now I've been told to tell it. God has told me this and he says that you need to know
the Truth:

My children you all are going through changes. The shift has begun and many of you are all ready feelings it. In order for your world to change for the better, for the light, you must take this change for it is greatly needed. I am seeing that many of you are have elections in many of your countries and some are becoming more of a political cartoon than the actual Truth. So if you want the truth I will tell you this. There is no Politician on your plant that can prevent the change that is about to happen. You financial systems are down into the drain, violence has escalated all around. I see that those in the darkness are having a hard time finding the light. It is your job to come as one to start making peace. You have to. This is necessary. Your politicians tell you false information so that they can gain your vote. Much of what has been said no President, King, Queen, or any politician can change the outcome of what is about to unfold.

Many of you who know the shift is taking place and can feel it are starting to feel the light even more, while others are trying to figure out what is going on. There is mass confusion in your world. On your planet. Wars are not the answer Peace is the answer. One nation cannot bring peace to a world, but a mass of those people from every country on your planet can bring this Peace. It has to happen. If you think war and violence are the answer to all of your problems then you are in denial in your world. Look at the obvious. Look at the truth. If war is what you want on your planet then go ahead, for it will be your down fall. If you want peace each and every single one of you need to look at your brother and sister and ask this question before you bring harm. "Would I talk to God that way?" "Would I react to God in that way?" May I remind you that if you point a finger at someone you are getting one pointed back at you? Accept each other.

How is it an animal population can co-exist with each other, but a human population can't? Animals learn from each other, while humans already pass judgment. I am just stating the facts. If you do not change with this shift and stay in the old ways of governing then all will be lost and for what? So that you can prove a point. To whom? You all are connected. When a child dies we all feel it. When an animal dies we all feel it. Each and every one of you need to Wake up, smell the roses as you all like to say. Start listening to your Master Teachers and most of all especially me. All for One and One for all; oh how I love that phrase from the Three Musketeers. That is a brilliant quote I came up with don’t you think. So please my children bring Peace. Become more than what you already are. Please. This message is from your Creator. With love my children. With love

Monday, October 8, 2012

Message From the Angels

I'm going to start posting up messages that I get from the Archangels. They play a huge part in our daily lives and they are part of us. With my path being as it may I am being taught by them, so it is very important for me to learn from each and every one of them and to know how they help us in our everyday lives. God has sent them to us to help out for they serve him.

In the last few weeks I've been building a relationship with Archangel Michael and Gabriel. I received a message from Archangel Gabriel last week when I was speaking to him about my book, because I feel like myself doubt is interfering with me succeeding. So as I was meditating I heard a song in my home. No one was awake and there wasn't anyone at my computer playing the music. I looked at my phone because my ring tone is from the song, and he kept repeating the phrase, "Follow me there." I was amazed and I came to realize that I will not become a victim of my own self doubt. That I will preserver through all of life's challenges, and I will have help. All I have to do is ask and talk to them. We are truly blessed that God has given us these beings to help us. I am truly blessed.

So for this week: This week I feel is the week of healing, for me this would be my body as I start to feel the higher vibrations of the universe and working with AA Raphael. This week work on yourself and relationships. For you this could be taking a break from all the stresses of everyday life and just working on you. As far as relationships go we all have our ups and downs. Sometimes we have to make a choice either to let a friendship go because it isn't good for us or to spend more time with our closest friends and family those that we love. We need to stop and think of ourselves. This isn't the self centered ego that we come to know as all about me, me, and me. No this comes from a good place, the place within our heart that is saying time to take time for me. So this week take time for you and really center yourself around those that love and support you.

Also in your relationships with your significant other will start to get better. The energies are changing for the better so if you and your spouse/partner have been disagreeing quite a bit this week it all starts to level out and that negative energy is being replaced with positive energy. So with that being said have a wonderful day and keep your head up. All will be OK

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Message to ALL: Becoming ONE

Well I was going to write today about a conversation I had with Mother Mary, but God had other plans. He has a message for all. He writes through my filter, but this is for all of his children all over the world. So when you see words like Harvard or Brooklyn these are just schools and cities I am familiar with in the United States. All that I write about is for the WORLD. Here is his message. Read it and really think about it.

Can you image living in a world were you are closer to your family and divorce didn't exist? See you the problem is in your world is that you are so focused on money, work, and what others think that you forget the most import which are building your relationships. Now this is what i am suggesting on your planet. Get rid of the currency and make it even for all. You start to work together as one a
and you are able to pay attention to those around you. You are able to love and build the relationships that you want. You no longer have to deal with financial means because you'll be working together. You will be able to have children, live the life you want and desire, you are able to make your own schedule and find self empowerment from within. 

You will be inspired to help others and concentrate on you. See all of this means to bring out the You and to find the divine from within yourself. When you let go of the worlds issues then you can concentrate on what is important. The reason why your relationships fail is lack of communication, lack of being together and forming a body of two people as one. a bond of love a, trust and acceptance. You are able to help raise your children and show them love and guidance. One day this will all happen. One day you will forget your e materialistic things and you will start to communicate more. It will be where there is no divide in Rich or Poor. There will be unity. It will be a world where race does not exist, but unity will. It will be a unity of all for all is one. You must understand this in order to evolve into the highest consciousness of one and those who are already awakening already know this. Look within yourself to see the highest of your potential.

 A lot has been hidden from you. Technology can be developed by it won't due to your political and money financial system. You don't have to live the way that you are. Work together to bring a better tomorrow. During the civil rights movement white and black people came together. They said, "If they can't come to school, use the same facilities that we do then we won't go to that school or restaurant, etc.." You said, "No more" and then the civil rights act was made. Poor children should get the same education as rich children. A child going to Harvard should say that if the poorest child who has worked hard and lives on the South side of Brooklyn can't go then I won't go. Come together. Fight to be one. Quite separating yourselves. Don't you see that your not moving forward but backwards. Step up and take a stand. This is needed. Instead of uniting your dividing. Be come the ONE. Become the world that is so desperately needed so that you can continue to live. Quite the fighting, the separation, just STOP. Look at your brothers and sisters and say "I am sorry for what I have done to you for what I say about you I say about myself." 

You are a reflection of each other, and until you see this your problems on your planet will continue. I created each of you for a specific reason. You all have natural born gifts. Use them, listen to them, follow the path that you were destined to live. Follow the path of peace and love and compassion. Become ONE. Start to listen my children I love you and this is what needs to happen. Please or I will have to come back and fix the mess that has been created so that I can help you back on the right path. No it will not be judgement day. And no no end of the world. But I am watching you and I will come back. Don't loose hope for hope is never lost. It is just hidden. I love you my children. Never forget that. You may give up on me but I will NEVER give up on you. Many blessings and love to you all. Your father/Creator/Source?Divine from within the GOD.