Friday, February 14, 2014

Where Did The Shadows (Darkness) Come From? Part 1

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Where did the shadows come from? Are their secret societies? Who are they? Why are they here? What do they want? These are probably questions you have asked yourselves. What I am about to reveal will make many angry. Call me a liar, but I am here to speak the truth. I would not lie. I am not a conspiracy theories. Far beyond one, and plus I gather information from God and Angels. They show me things. I will say I may have to break this into parts because what I am about to say is a lot. It is going to ruffle feathers. I wasn't sent back from God to play by the rules and go with the crowd.  I was sent to do the opposite. God has said to me it is time to start coming out on what I know and who I really am. My strength and courage will show through this for this is my own testimony. So lets start because this is going to take a while.

So where did these shadows come from? Now many of you call the leader the Devil. You claim that he is separate from us all. When God created us all he had to create darkness. He created that which is Master of Darkness. You can not have light without the darkness, that is where we have yin and yang. For in order for us to get to where we need to be, we need both things in our lives. God created many beings at the beginning. The shadows lived on a planet along as well as on other planets. The darkness needed a leader, hence who I call the Shadow Master. He manipulates to gain what he wants, which is power, sadness, fear, manipulation, death, etc... When he was created, he gain to get recruit others to help in his cause, to gain control over the entire universe.

How does he recruit? He recruits by promises that he makes. He has others do his deeds form him. He causing pain and suffering. He doesn't allow his victims to not hurt pain. Pain helps feed him. He will promises you wealth, power, recognition like you would not believe, and prosperity, and good health, as long as you follow his rules. Now he did this and continues to do so. Along his journey though out the cosmos he came upon other civilization/ beings who you may know them as the Reptilians, Greys, and their are others. On their planets the did massive kills. Took their own and ruled, while those below them put them in camps. These camps where workers camps. You were limited. You could not read, write, or even communicate with those beyond the walls. You were a slave to those with power.

Many will say I am incorrect on this information that all these beings are bad, but I have seen what they have done. I know because in past lives I were these beings, thrown in camps. I saw the conditions. I know what it is like. God says, " Don't believe everything that you read, for others have their own agendas and not the whole truth." I saw much for my own eyes. If we had children the powerful would take them away, but we held our spirits high. We didn't let them break our spirit.We kept our faith.

Sorry I got off topic...I am very passionate in what I have seen and being through and bringing you all truth. So back on topic.

So the darkness comes from all over the Universe and what we imagine in our thoughts, dreams, and minds. We manifest our darkest fears to the point they become reality. You may think I am crazy on this but I am not. So Over the hundreds of thousand of years secret societies started to form. Now I speak of the beginning stages of these societies.  In the beginning many societies were created to help hold the light. To help keep Gods word going and protected. Some of these societies you may know as the Illuminati, The Knights Templar's, Free Masons, and their are others, but these are what I know about so far. At the beginning these organizations were good. The Illuminators seeked the light and fought for it. Then over the hundreds of years, where you have knew commands and all each one of these started to seek power, and then eventually one became the top dog, I guess you can say. Each sought out power. To out due one another, which the one thing they didn't want to be they became. Now I am not saying all of these beings who exist today are bad. Some still follow old traditions, but the majority have corrupted us. The shadows came during these changes in command and then started to take over.

They formed their own societies all over the world and have made thousands who they are today. Then once they became so powerful and wealthy, then they start to set up portals all over this world to call in their own kind so they can come here and continue the rule to bring down those who are of the light. These portals are like vehicles. Only they know where they exist and so they come here. They shut down all of the portals of the light here, but there are some that are hidden. These portals will remain hidden till the final battle.

The shadows now walk in human form and in spirit form. They exist also in the dream world, this reality, and in other realities. They are in every form you could think of. I have also seen Dark adult and children angels that have went to the other side. These beings are those that went dark and kicked out of the Angelic Realm. They now work for their Dark Master. By looking at them they look like any other angel, but they then turn really dark. They love mind games.

 They seek 2 things: Power and Control. So as they have come here to do this, God has sent many to try to keep the balance between the light and the dark. I want you to also keep in mind that the darkness has but a simple bit of light in it. This bit of light is God while the other parts of it is consumed by the darkness.You must also see things as they are. That for me to see such beings saddens me, because I look at them and they are so lost. So consumed with hatred that the being they use to be no longer exist. In order to understand them, you must first love them, because if you don't love them then all you will do is feed them with your anger and hatred towards them. The little shadows, the ones I call grunts can be handled but you must believe that you will win the battle. You must believe that you can do this with mind, body, and spirit. If a little fraction of you fears and doesn't believe then it won't happen.

Shadows have no rules. Their main objective affect the masses. I will talk a little tomorrow on what they are doing to our world. I will bring into perspective that we aren't alone on this planet and that many are waking up realizing that we are being run by those of darkness.

Peace to you all.

Casey B.

**Image from

Sunday, February 2, 2014

New Information About The Shadows: The Battle Has Begun. Are you Ready?

Hello All. I have been given the go ahead by God to release some important information about things that I have witnessed and have encountered in the last few months. Now God says I am to tell that which I know for it is of great important. Now what I am about to disclose I can really careless if you believe me or not. I am stating what is happening in this reality whether you want to hear it or not. With all do respect... I just ask for you to keep an open mind and know that in the end everything is going to be absolutely okay.

First I want to start off by stating that even though we are in essence love and light, we have come to a world that we as beings have created. Everything that you see and don't see we have created with our thoughts. We have created other realities which has brought other beings to this planet. Many do not believe in darkness, and I have to say I was that way also until I started having my own experiences. I believed in God but I always knew that their was more to this reality than what we see. What I am about to tell you you will not find in any book. You will not find it in any thing that you have read. Some may see this as an insert from the Book of Revelations, but I am here to tell you I have witness and have seen for my own eyes, and God has told me the things I know, as well as the Archangels.

From the beginning shall we...

Thousands of years ago a great battle took place on this very planet. A being who is dark, and that with the head of a bull, lead his legion of darkness in a great battle over Earth. The fought against the Angels and Archangels. This battle lasted for a long time. In the end that which is known as the "Shadow Master" or what you may know him as Master of Lie, or what Christians call the "Devil" was enslaved in a great hold held by 7 seals. These seals held him in captivity, until after the battle and over the many hundreds of centuries his army returned and they have been trying to set him free ever since.

Now you are probably like this is a fantasy book thus far. I am hear to tell you make it as you wish but it is the truth. Believe me or not I don't care for I know...I was there during this battle. Take it as you will but the truth is the truth so help me God. God strike me now if I am not. So shall we continue?

I was told this fall I was given a message. I was told, "A raven will show. Once the raven shows you will know that the Master of Lies, the Shadow Master, has been set free from his hold and now all will be shown. A week and a half before Christmas I saw the very raven I was shown. God said this was my guide, which is a sign of the Leader of Darkness has been released. After seeing the raven, I was shown in meditation black angels. Adult black angels sweeping across a town all fly to the dark one, planning out their next attack. When I woke from my meditate I said, "It has begun. The battle has defiantly begun."

Gods response to that was, " You see what I have said is true. Darkness in your world exist whether you wish to choose or not. Now there is a battle. A great battle between the light and the dark. You will see more of this dear child. That which you thought was of light you will start to see there inner beings emerge. You will see more deception. More falsehoods. You will see many things happen that you don't agree with, but know that this is the reality that has been created. You must fight. You must pray hard for the darkness to be gone from this realm, so that peace and harmony can come back. I, my child, no longer want to live like this. Change needs to happen. But know this, in order for you do be what you want to be, you must know the very thing you don't want to be. You must experience this for what has happened has happened. If you want change ask for it. If you want these beings who come from all over the Universe, what has been created in your thoughts, what has been sent and came from portals, etc...ask for them to be gone and to restore. But know this my child you will always have the, what you call the ying and the yang inside of you. You will have that dark and light in you because it helps you in more ways than you understand. Change needs to happen but only you and the rest of the world must act and ask."

God has been telling me this for a while. He is absolutely right. I have been praying for it for so long that now I have found that it is time for action. We will see more of an econmic gap. There will be no more middle classes only the poor and the rich. What the poor won't be able to afford the rich will.

The next day during meditation I was given another viewing. I saw instead of adult black dark angels I saw children dark angels flying over a city going to the Shadow Master. My heart dropped. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The shadows love to use children to get you, don't fall for children in your dreams because they can turn into the darkest creatures that you have ever encountered. I say this because I know.

So you are probably asking how do I know this and why am I being shown it?

Well my purpose requires to know it. My purpose has to know these things so when it is time I can act. I don't see my mission as part of my purpose. I get told good things to. Don't think I don't. It is like what God tells me, "If you say it then no one can say that it wasn't told. So just say it." So this is what I have done. I know a lot about the darkness. I know how they work. They fight dirty. They like to make you horrible things. They like to take over peoples bodies and do some of the most horrible things. All these killings you see... Yup shadows inside a human body takes over and does the act. You kill the host the shadow becomes free then you feed it and then you have a whole knew monster on your hands. Friends we all need to come together and pray for change. Pray that things get better in our world. Pray that these beings in physical and spirit are taken off once again. If we don't ask God for this it won't happen. Things are going to get worse, but if we beings of light can hold down the fort till God acts then we will be doing out job. Please join me and help me. We all need to do this.. I am a no body. I know many don't know me. But if any of this that you read makes any sense to you and you feel it to to be truth then please lets join, hand to hand, side by side and lets raise the light.

Love to you all and God bless.

Casey B.