Monday, December 23, 2013

The Christmas Card

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Christmas Card
This year is a special time of the year. Family and friends are getting together and are starting to celebrate the holidays around a beautiful tree and drinks. We all are laughing and catching up with those we may see once a year, and it is a beautiful time to just give thanks.

Some of you may be in other states or in other countries and aren't able to get to your loved ones. Please pray for those who can't be because this time of the year can become very lonely for many, and we all should show some love to them. We are indeed each others brother and sister.

Now I am want to share with you something that God asked me to do yesterday. This is a story of not bragging or anything, more like I wish I could do more to bring a smile to someones face and give them a sense of hope and faith, that good people still exist in this crazy world that we live in.

Yesterday morning I woke up and I was told as I was eating breakfast that I need to do something out of the norm. God said, "Here is what I want you to do. I want you to take 5 Christmas cards and put 5 dollars into each card. Then I want you to go to the two stores you have to go to, and pass them out to 5 strangers.

I said, "Who do I give them to?"
God replied, "I will tell you who, but two of them needs to go to the cashier."
I said, "Okay."

So I go get done eating and I get 5 Christmas cards and I write Merry Christmas and God bless, then I place 5 dollars into each card. For me doing this, it was out of the norm. I had never done anything like this before, but I had this yearning to do so. I felt like a little kid.

So my first stop was Target. As I was getting out of my car I saw this cute little boy with his mother. God said, "He's First."
I said, "Are you sure?"
"Yes," he replied.

So I am walking and getting my last two gifts and then I lost the little boy. I said, "Now God if I am to give him the card I need to find him." So, as I turn the corner there he was with his mom. I said, "Little man. Merry Christmas" as I took out the card out of my pocket book and looked at his mom. He had a look of shock, as well as the mother. I said to her, "Merry Christmas." Then I smiled and walked away.

As I proceeded to check out the lady took my payment, and then again I took out a card and handed it to her and said, "Merry Christmas." She looked at me in surprise and said, "Thank you. Merry Christmas to you to."

So I left Target and headed to Walmart to get my breakfast for Christmas morning. I was in the produce isle and the 3rd recipient worked there. I said, "Sir" and pulled out a cards and said, "Merry Christmas" with a huge smile on my face. He looked at me in amaze me. He couldn't believe that someone would think of him. He said, "Oh wow...thank you. Thank you very much."

"Your welcome, and Merry Christmas," I said.
In reply he said, "Merry Christmas" with a large smile on his face. Again I walked away and continued my shopping.

The fourth recipient was a young little girl. I and she was looking at baby cloths for a gift, and I walked to her.  I pulled out a cards and as I was handing it to her I said, "Merry Christmas" and continue to walk.

So as I was in the electronic section looking for something I saw the mother and boy from Target. She told the little boy to tell me thank you with a warm smile on her face, and he said, "Thank you." I said, "You are most welcome. Merry Christmas." The little boy was carrying his money. He was so happy and it brought such great joy to my heart that I could do something for him or just for anyone.

It was time to check out. The lady who I usually go to was working and I just happened to have gotten in her line. Normally she is talkative and smiling, but on this day she didn't look well. She looked sad and didn't want to be there. So as she was done with everything, I paid, and I handed her the last card.

"Merry Christmas," I said.

She looked at me and there was that smile. She was suprised and said, "Thank you. Merry Christmas."

Her smile was what brought me great joy. This whole process for me was to just bring joy to others. To bring Faith to others eyes and show that their are people out there that do care. I went to my car and as I was driving home I had a moment. I told God, "I wish I could do more."

He said, "You already are. What you did today and in the future will bring great joy to others. You did what I asked, and thank you."

I cried of course, because just seeing the smiles was enough for me. That was my Christmas and every holiday you can thank of in just a few hours.  I don't have much money, but me knowing that I did something even with just a card could be the most wonderful exciting thing to do. We all could do this. We all could take a Christmas card and give it to 5 strangers. Not family. Not Friends. Strangers. You can write a beautiful message in it and that could be something that, that person needed to hear. You could be someones inspiration. The joy that you get is priceless. No amount of money can put a price on the love that you feel when you do such acts of kindness. We all need each other and we all need to show someone that we care.

I hope who ever reads this inspires them with an act of kindness. Pay it Forward. Be the light in someones darkness. If you can give a dollar, a message, or anything to just help bring a smile to someone, I will guarantee no gift is more giving than the love, joy, and smile that you will get back in return. It isn't to late to do this. Go out and do this. Let this be your gift to others. We are all God's children and this is what he would want us to do. So share this story with others and lets bring a smile to someone this holiday season and here on after. xx <3 xx

Merry Christmas to you all and I wish you all love, peace, joy, laughter, and excitement this holiday season.

Much love and blessings,

Casey B.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Was the man behind the big red suit real or not?

I want to share something with you all that I discovered yesterday during a meditation. I know many have heard so many stories about the real meaning behind the name of St. Nicholas. God has told me time and time again don't believe everything you read or see on the internet. He says so many people are gullible to the point that they will believe in anything, because if something was created to do good then it must be fake or some sort of conspiracy. God says you have to have faith, and that behind every story lays a truth to it, the question is would you believe it if you saw it for your own eyes?

I am the type of person that sometimes for me believing is seeing and vice versa. But I believe in other things that I know it before I see it. I have found that eventually no matter what I am going to see something that God and the angels want me to know or experience and once that happens then everything comes full circle. This is God's greatest plans of life and one that shouldn't be taken granted for.

So back to my story, I was meditating yesterday and I just never know what I am going to experience, see, visit, do, or dream about. Yesterday I had a new visitor. As my eyes are closed I could see clear as day with my third eye a man appearing. It was in black and white like someone sketching it out for me but this actually shows movement. The man had a white beard, mustache, and a smile that you just can't forget. I was like, "That is St. Nicholas. He is real." He smiled at me and I was humbled enough to be in awe.

I asked God about the story and he just said that their was a man a long time ago that wanted to make children happy. He just wanted this and so he did this by making toys, placing food, or any type of gift to put on someones face. The man passed away and since then his memory has continued, but has been blown way out of proportion. He said man tends to do this and once you take a fable story and turn it into a profit thing, then yes you will see the bad behind a face, but you don't see the truth of it all. He says we tend to focus so much on the negative things that we don't see the good. If we start to get to the core on how this really works then we wouldn't be so heavily strong on the negative.

So is the man that we call in America, Santa Clause real. Yes he is. Seeing is believing like it is said in the movie "The Polar Express." Don't judge a book by its cover, because the contents within hold more interesting words and phrases than you could ever imagine all you have to do is believe. All of these stories we hear and read about came from some where. They weren't just made up. So the next time you read a fairy tale to your child or they ask about Santa all ways know that their is truth, it is your choice whether you want to believe in it or not. Also I just wanted to add a quick note, what makes you think there weren't flying reindeer here on this planet or some other planet? What makes you think that the true meaning of magic doesn't exist? God is magical so he can create whatever he wants to, whenever he wants to and we shouldn't judge it. How many of you when you were a child actually wanted to ride one of those reindeer? I know I was. I wanted to ride one and see the world. To experience such a thing to me would be the best present ever. As we grow older we loose the faith and the imagination. Society wants us to believe what it wants to. That is the power of the shadows. I believe in God and what he can create and I know that with him it is a matter of unlimited possibilities. This to me is the beauty of how far the mind can go if only you allowed yourself to go there. So with that being said for now...

 Believe. Keep Faith, and Hope that our children continue on with their imaginations because they help keep it going. Our society is turning into a scientific and logical society and trying to find explanations to the unknown, where as we should be focusing on the imagination. Do not be afraid of what you see or experience, because God wants you to for a reason. God's plan is magnificent. It is a beautiful design that only the creator knows how all of this works in every detail.

Love to you all,


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

You Are Not Weak

Just because you cry doesn't mean that you are means that you are showing your vulnerability which leads to courage and strength. We as a society tend to see crying as a weakness, where as, we should look at it as someone going through something. Crying can be sad or happy tears in forms of emotions, that is coursing through our very souls. It is a release of neurotransmitters, which releases toxins that have been in coursed in your body and is now ready to release them. When we release these emotions in various ways we tend to feel better. Our soul wants to feel the emotions that is flowing through us, hence it should never be judged.

 If you have been letting your emotions build up in side of you, I highly recommend that you release them. I can say personally when I have been upset or something has sadden me i tend to weep as it may. I am not afraid to admit things anymore. I lay my heart on the line. I am but human. Crying is an human emotion that all in its self should be consider beautiful, because you see the soul for what it is. Haven't you ever seen someone cry and all you want to do is hug them and tell them it is going to be alright? This is your soul telling the other soul that it is okay. It is when two souls go through a beautiful emotion together and you see the purity within the act. An act that if you watch carefully you see the grace of God flow through one another and the love that is shown is God giving a warm embrace and making things better. So the next time you see someone cry, a family member, a complete stranger, a co-worker, son, daughter, mother, etc... give a hug and let them know that no matter what they are going through that everything is going to be okay and that they are loved. 

God loves you as well as the Angels. And even if you are left alone in a room by yourself that God and the Angels are there hugging you and supporting you. That they are there with their Divine grace holding your hand and letting you know that you are loved and care for. The say, "You are not alone." Feel the warmth of the room heat up and know they are there.

From my heart to yours. To my brothers and sister. I leave you this message. "You are not alone. I give you a hug of warmth and love. Words to comfort and shown that things are okay. Your not alone. If ever you feel alone know your not." So, with a warm smile and my love to all of you have a wonderful night. From Casey