Monday, October 7, 2013

Healing Is Part Of Your Spiritual Path

We all go through life's toughest times. Maybe you haven't yet gone through those tough times, and you feel that their is no end in sight. I am here to tell you that there is a rainbow at the end of the tunnel, waiting for you to enter it.

I have found that along my own spiritual path "Healing" has been the toughest things ever. It is hard because those who you have had to forgive could be the ones that hurt you the most. Healing is part of the spiritual path. You must forgive those that you feel hurt you because it is needed. Holding grudges or resentment towards others only holds you back from reaching your full potential.

I can remember last year early on my own spiritual path that I had to start forgiving those that hurt me the most. It took me many months to actually do this and to really know that as they hurt me they were hurting themselves in the process. The saw something in me that they didn't like, which goes back to the saying, "What you see in others you see in yourself."

Last Thanksgiving as I was riding down the road Archangel Michael said, "Casey it is time to cut those cords and it is time to forgive. It is needed for you to become who you are needed to become."

As I was thinking of this I was like, "Where do I being? Archangel Michael said, "Start with your past relationships that you are no longer with." I said, "Does this include ex-boyfriends to?" He said, "Yes, because with every relationship there is an energy connection. You must cut those cords in order to move on." I was shocked because I hadn't seen any of these guys in over a decade. So as I was looking out of the car window and seeing the mountains in the beautiful fall season Archangel Michael said, "Start with this person. Set him free."

I went through something that day where I felt I was releasing those from my past and present. I realized that the relationships that we are no longer in have energy cords connected to each one of us. I describe them as like umbilical cords like a baby connected to a mother. We feel their energy no matter how far they are or how long it has been. You must cut the cords to no longer have any sort of connection to them. You have to set them free. Imagine yourself at one end of the cord and the person you want set free at the other end.  As you call on Archangel Michael say, "Please, Archangel Michael, please cut those cords to those that I need to set free. In order for me to become who I need to be I must set them free." Archangel Michael and Faith will come and cut those cords. It may take many times to sever these cords, but when it has finally been severed you will feel a strong release. You will then go to the next person.

You must forgive all. You must accept all, because when you don't do this you are holding yourself back. Take back your power, because only you can give away your power. So you must make a choice in the matter? Just because you are cutting cords doesn't mean that you are getting rid of them. It just means that you no longer feel their energy draining you. You are being set free.

The healing process takes years to do and even after you have completed it the healing never stops. It continues throughout your life because you will encounter people who will hurt you by words or actions. Just ask God when this happens to you, to bless and show those that have done you wrong to be shown what true love is. That no matter how much you hurt someone with words or actions a love so great within oneself is stronger than any hatred or vengeful words. The negative actions of others will bounce off of you and you will feel more love for them than anyone else. This is where I am at on my path. The beings that I encounter I love. Those who hurt me the most I have forgiven. I have set all free.

This is what is being asked of you now. You can't move on your spiritual path without doing the hard work and forgiving those who have hurt. You must love all in order to accept what IS in this world. When I say "Accept All," I am also referring to the shadows. If you do not heal this part of yourself then you will not move forward on your path. You will stay stuck. Many have healed and are continuing to heal, and as they have done the hard work they are rising through the light, while others who are over looking this step are falling backwards. I always ask people, "Are you willing to do the work, because if your not then right now isn't time for you to seek answer of who and what you are. Once you find out of who you are first and you haven't forgiven those then you could become like Darth Vader and go to the dark side in a flash of a second." Yes even God loves Star Wars and much of what is in those movies is truth.

As you go out today start your healing. Set yourself free. It won't happen over night, or in a week, or a month, it takes a long time, but you will realize that you are move powerful in the loving and forgiving department than you realized before and you will be so proud of yourself for this accomplishment. Once this is completed then a new door along your path with open. Healing will continue but God and the Angels feel that you have reached that level and now it is time to learn something new. Remember it takes hard work and perseverance to complete.

If you have any questions about this please send me a message. I am here to help in anyway I can. I have went through this hard work. I have cried and prayed and cut so many cords that I am now free from those that I needed to let go. Your not alone on your path. Always remember that.

Love and Light to you all. xx <3 xx



Sunday, October 6, 2013

Experiencing Spirits During The Day

In recent weeks I have awoken in the middle of the night to see many beings. I have woken to seeing Angels waving hello to me, faeries flying in my room along with other beings, and most recently I have started to see white masses. My first experience to seeing a large white mass happened a month ago. I woke up in the middle of a deep sleep and at the end of my bed I saw a large white mass. My room lite up light a light bulb as I was staring at this large white mass. I kept blinking to make sure it wasn't my eyes playing tricks on me, and nope it wasn't going to go away. 

To my amazement the large white mass brought me peace. I wasn't afraid. If anything I felt protected. My room was so lite up I couldn't believe it. It was light someone turned on a large white light bulb along with 10 others. It was so bright. The mass just moved back and forth. I couldn't make out who or what it was. All I knew was that I new I was safe and I could sleep. I went back to sleep and as I woke up the next morning it was gone.That had been the first time I saw something so big in my room.

I normally see many spirits in my room and house. They look like white silhouettes and they move so fast. You see in their world they move faster in time, and to them we move so much slower. Full figure images I see mostly are my dragons from a previous life and angels. I can sometimes make out other beings such as faries and other advanced beings, but it takes a lot of concentration and opening myself up to them to see them clearly. At night sometimes I have such a hard time sleeping because I hear and see everything. I can hear spirits walking on the floor and I can very sensitive to energy.

In the last week I have started to see more of these white masses. We just moved into a new apartment a week ago and I was talking to a neighbor and as we were standing and talking our in the parking lot I saw 3 white masses around him. On stood slightly in front of him on his right side, one was beside him on his right and then another slightly behind him on his left side. 

As I was talking to him I couldn't take my eyes off of these 3 white masses. I closed one eye to make sure it wasn't my vision and then the other and they were just their. I felt like one was a spirit like his grandmother and others were his guardian angel and guide. He is being watched over by these 3 beings. I was so focused on the 3 images that it was hard to concentrate on our conversation. I hadn't had anything like this happen to me during the daylight hours so this was new to me. 

Since my moving I really haven't been able to concentrate on myself and I could only meditate right before going to bed. I felt empty inside. I was feeling the loss of my connection to the other worlds. The other world is where I feel most at home with. You are probably asking what other worlds that I speak of? Well I am very connected to the spiritual, spirit, dream, and angelic realms/world. Those places are where I feel complete. Whole as a being, and accepted to those world. I have always stay connected because this world makes my head spin. 

I guess on another day I will talk about those other worlds. I learn mostly in those worlds because I am always being guided and shown what to do next or I am being taught other things there. Have a wonderful day. Love and Light.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Message of the Day:10_01_2013 Surrender

Message of the Day: Surrender. 

Today is the day that you decide to surrender all of your worries and cares or to continue cycle of total worry. Ask yourself this. Is what is happening to me now could things be worse? More than likely the answer to this question what you are going through now things could be a lot worse. We tend to make things worse in life. Instead of dwelling in the worries look at things from a different perspective. What can I learn from this? What can I do to can the outcome? If I have already done everything that I can do I no longer have any control and power over this situation, therefore I surrender to God because he/she know what is best for me. Even though you may not see what is going on behind the scenes miracles are happening.

Do this exercise. Ask yourself this question, "What is causing my worries?" Now with that focus on one thing and not the whole barrel. When you have answered this question, then write down what you can do to change it. Even if you have already done it write it down, then cross out the things that you have already done. How is your list looking? Now look at the things that you have yet to try. Choose one. Use your intuition to choose which step to take next. Give things time and you will see a change and if not, mark that off of your list and try something else. If all of the things you have wrote down has been crossed out, then their is nothing else you can do. Time To SURRENDER. Don't worry about it.

Write a letter to God about your worries and state what you want to happen or what you want the result to be. Then burn it and never look back. Move forward. And write a large sign that says, "SURRENDER." Put it somewhere in your home, where you will see it and will be reminded of it everyday. You deserve to not worry. That is what life is suppose to be about.

I hope this helps anyone is in need of this message. Just know that things in life could be worse so always thank God for what you have now. Life is good when their are no worries.

Love and Light to you all from Casey