Hello Dear friends, I have been asked by God today to relay a message which is now been asked of me to talk about at this time. For about a month now God has been saying to me, "Winter is Coming. Be prepared. Be weary. Don't fear for all is going to be alright." I know you see this quote, "Winter is coming," and you are thinking of the TV show "Game of Thrones," but it is true. I haven't seen season 3 and I don't know what it holds, but all I can tell you is my gut, my intuition says to, "Prepare."
When God says, "Winter is Coming" this can be taken in many context such as, winter is coming early, that something bad or life changing is going to happen. I can say this that this is all the above. With Winter upon us we must take the time to work and reflect on ourselves. This is what God wants us to do. We have to heal ourselves first before we can help heal others. In God's eyes you matter more than anything in this world. This he ask of us all.
With this upon us we also need to be aware of the shadows which are taking control and are using those as puppets to use as decoys to bring great harm to our world. This will continue throughout the year and into the next. If you thought that Syria was huge you haven't seen nothing yet. God says, "Things are going to pick up and the shadows will start to come out even more to cause more harm and play the puppets as they are." Do not fear this because if you fear you feed the shadows and this is what they want. You are probably saying, "Why is she telling me this if she is of the light and wants peace? Someone of the light doesn't put fear in no one." My friends I do not put fear in anyone, fear is what you put in it. I do not cause this for the shadows do a great of this all ready. I am just making you aware of this because if I don't say something then it will be more like, "Damned if I do and Damned if I don't," and I rather speak of this now than not say anything at all.
I post what has been asked of me and this is what has been asked of me...to share this information with you all that read this. Now I will touch on other things to look for and what is going on behind the scenes that you may not know. Our banking system will fail but know that you will be taken care of because great change is coming. If you want peace and love to be restored to a world, which is based off of money, power, and greed you must ask this in your daily prayers. Many changes will come which will affect the whole world in general. It is in your hands to make sure that you are ready for what is to come. Their is nothing that you can do to stop this from happening. It has been put in motion. Another recession will happen and it won't be so pretty. Stock markets will fall. Gas prices will rise along with food prices. All of this is due to the power of the great leaders that run our world. You have to stay true in your light and not let this get to you. The shadows want you to be scare, but if you rise and give all of your love and faith to God you will be okay. God doesn't want you to worry. He want you to surrender to his great powerful love and protection and know that you will be taken care of.
With that being said he does want me to talk about one more thing about mother nature. The animals that live on land and in our oceans, rivers, and lakes are not happy with the way humans have taken care of their home. In fact they are furious as to how we are taking care of this planet that we and they call home. Human have destroyed most of there home lands and we feel that we are the dominate species. I hate to say this but humans are not the dominate species. We tend to think we are but we aren't. I have seen in visions and dreams that our animals that roam our planet are mad, angry and they will retaliate in their own ways. They do not like the fact that we have done this to them. We, as humans, have not taken care of those that God has put here on earth for us to live as One with. Animals are Gods children to, and the change begins with YOU.
How can I help you may ask? First start picking up your trash. The trash that you just throw down on the ground the animals eat, walk, or get stuck in and it isn't good for them. Recycle you trash instead of throwing it in the dumpster. Most of the things that are trash can be recycled. Find a recycling place near you to do this. It doesn't take long to do and you will be taking care of the planet.
Use less paper. Paper comes from trees and our flying friends need this as their home. We have to keep our trees alive so that their is balance. So use less paper products, recycle paper products and be more efficient on how you use them.
Recycle plastic. Our world uses more plastic than most and it is hard to depose of if you just throw it away. It is awful for those that live in our oceans and streams. How would you feel knowing that you swim or drink from something that is contaminated? I don't think you would be happy. So please recycle your plastic. Here is a website that I found and it has 50 ways to help planet earth: http://www.50waystohelp.com/
Their are other ways to save and these little things are a step in the right direction. Remember it starts with you. You are the change that is need. You are the one that is being called upon to start making drastic life changes in your own life. Start to habits and listen to your children on these discussions. They are knowledgeable and they can teach just as well as any adult. It begins with us making these changes.
I hope that this message brings some sort of clarity of what is going on in our world. I would write and talk about this for hours but it would take up so much room on this blog. Keep posted and please feel free to share and comment.
Have a wonderful week. Blessings,
When God says, "Winter is Coming" this can be taken in many context such as, winter is coming early, that something bad or life changing is going to happen. I can say this that this is all the above. With Winter upon us we must take the time to work and reflect on ourselves. This is what God wants us to do. We have to heal ourselves first before we can help heal others. In God's eyes you matter more than anything in this world. This he ask of us all.
With this upon us we also need to be aware of the shadows which are taking control and are using those as puppets to use as decoys to bring great harm to our world. This will continue throughout the year and into the next. If you thought that Syria was huge you haven't seen nothing yet. God says, "Things are going to pick up and the shadows will start to come out even more to cause more harm and play the puppets as they are." Do not fear this because if you fear you feed the shadows and this is what they want. You are probably saying, "Why is she telling me this if she is of the light and wants peace? Someone of the light doesn't put fear in no one." My friends I do not put fear in anyone, fear is what you put in it. I do not cause this for the shadows do a great of this all ready. I am just making you aware of this because if I don't say something then it will be more like, "Damned if I do and Damned if I don't," and I rather speak of this now than not say anything at all.
I post what has been asked of me and this is what has been asked of me...to share this information with you all that read this. Now I will touch on other things to look for and what is going on behind the scenes that you may not know. Our banking system will fail but know that you will be taken care of because great change is coming. If you want peace and love to be restored to a world, which is based off of money, power, and greed you must ask this in your daily prayers. Many changes will come which will affect the whole world in general. It is in your hands to make sure that you are ready for what is to come. Their is nothing that you can do to stop this from happening. It has been put in motion. Another recession will happen and it won't be so pretty. Stock markets will fall. Gas prices will rise along with food prices. All of this is due to the power of the great leaders that run our world. You have to stay true in your light and not let this get to you. The shadows want you to be scare, but if you rise and give all of your love and faith to God you will be okay. God doesn't want you to worry. He want you to surrender to his great powerful love and protection and know that you will be taken care of.
With that being said he does want me to talk about one more thing about mother nature. The animals that live on land and in our oceans, rivers, and lakes are not happy with the way humans have taken care of their home. In fact they are furious as to how we are taking care of this planet that we and they call home. Human have destroyed most of there home lands and we feel that we are the dominate species. I hate to say this but humans are not the dominate species. We tend to think we are but we aren't. I have seen in visions and dreams that our animals that roam our planet are mad, angry and they will retaliate in their own ways. They do not like the fact that we have done this to them. We, as humans, have not taken care of those that God has put here on earth for us to live as One with. Animals are Gods children to, and the change begins with YOU.
How can I help you may ask? First start picking up your trash. The trash that you just throw down on the ground the animals eat, walk, or get stuck in and it isn't good for them. Recycle you trash instead of throwing it in the dumpster. Most of the things that are trash can be recycled. Find a recycling place near you to do this. It doesn't take long to do and you will be taking care of the planet.
Use less paper. Paper comes from trees and our flying friends need this as their home. We have to keep our trees alive so that their is balance. So use less paper products, recycle paper products and be more efficient on how you use them.
Recycle plastic. Our world uses more plastic than most and it is hard to depose of if you just throw it away. It is awful for those that live in our oceans and streams. How would you feel knowing that you swim or drink from something that is contaminated? I don't think you would be happy. So please recycle your plastic. Here is a website that I found and it has 50 ways to help planet earth: http://www.50waystohelp.com/
Their are other ways to save and these little things are a step in the right direction. Remember it starts with you. You are the change that is need. You are the one that is being called upon to start making drastic life changes in your own life. Start to habits and listen to your children on these discussions. They are knowledgeable and they can teach just as well as any adult. It begins with us making these changes.
I hope that this message brings some sort of clarity of what is going on in our world. I would write and talk about this for hours but it would take up so much room on this blog. Keep posted and please feel free to share and comment.
Have a wonderful week. Blessings,