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Image from the web page: http://news.discovery.com/tech/biotechnology/computers-see-peoples-dreams-130405.htm |
I want to give you some hope right now. I started to realize at the age of 18 that I would have strong dreams and they were actually happening. I never knew the time period but they were coming true. The term used for seeing things to come is called, " Premonitions." We all have this gift. Many don't have a hard time dealing with what they see, but some do. Some feel lonely and they don't know how to handle these things. My first premonitions started with death. I would have dreams of famous people then the next day I would turn on the T.V. and there it would be on the screen announcing who had passed away. At first it would freak me out because I couldn't believe what I was dreaming was actually coming true. I would tell people this and they wouldn't believe me. So, I started to keep these things to myself. I didn't want to be judged, but I knew that I wasn't crazy because it was happening.
In the last year my dreams, which have lead to real events has picked up again. My dreams and meditations started off showing me the future. I never know if this happens, but I have come to trust what I am being told. I have seen environmental changes, seeing the truths of how people really are, if someone needs help, or things that have happened in my past lives. Right now I just want to focus on the NOW.
So how can you tell if you are having an ordinary dream or a premonition? Now this is only in my opinion and my own experiences. To me dreams having meanings in them. To me they hide little codes that we have to decipher. With dreams I notice numbers, colors, scenes, people, clothing, landmarks, years, dates, anything that can help me decipher it. In these dreams you are getting information so pay attention to them.
Now for premonitions... for me they feel more real. You wake up and your like what was that or can I really do that or is that going to happen because it feels more real than anything else. It is like being alive experiencing and see what is happening. I will give you an example. I had a dream that I could make energy balls and then heal people with the energy that I was making. As I woke up I was like I can make energy balls? How cool is that? Then I heard God say, "Yes you can, but you won't be able to heal people just yet. You can heal hearts of others, but not the physical yet. You still have much to learn. Now is the time to heal the spiritual side of people first." With that I was content with.
I know many can relate to this example and I want you to know you aren't alone. You have someone that knows exactly what you are going through. I have been there and I am still there, (with smile on face). You aren't alone. I just want to make that clear.
Now I want you to know to pay attention to both dreams and premonitions. They are happening in this actual reality. This is how God, Angels, our future selves, our past selves, and other beings communicate with us. We enter a realm where we can access this type of information. We are being guided and now is the time for you to really pay attention to them. If you have a premonition let it be know. I have found that many are criticized for not speaking up. It is like damned if you do and damned if you don't. I want you to use your voice. I have come a long way on my spiritual path, and one thing that God and the angels have instilled in me is to be bold, take a leap of faith, and start to speak what I see in my dreams.
Now dreams can be scary. They can be about deaths, the darkness that lives in this reality, the creepiest things also, etc... Know that you are okay and the grace of God and the Angels are watching over you. You don't need to be afraid. I have found that the darkness likes to scare us, but if we show it unconditional love then they wouldn't want to mess with you. The darkness likes to scare and it will if you allow it. What you can do is just pray and know that they are messing with you. Also they scariest ones can be reflections of yourself or others. It is all in the details. Always ground yourself and know that love prevails no matter what.
Now with death. If you see someone who you know or a famous person dying these can be sensitive topics. I tend to keep them to myself. I still have trouble with these, but I also know that they are home with God. That there job here on Earth is finished and that it is time for them to move on to the wholeness of God and then be re-born again. Listen to your intuition and know that all will be okay, because God loves all.
If you see worldly events take place and you see others speaking of the same thing know that you aren't alone. I feel that God gives us all gifts. He gives us what we can handle. No one is better than the other. Do not judge what you do not understand. Be a ear for someone to talk to. Others may thing you are all ego but you are just talking about what you are seeing/experiencing. Know that you aren't crazy.
I am also being told to tell you to talk about your dreams or to write them down in a journal. What you are seeing isn't craziness, but it is a gift. Your higher self/ soul is ready to experience it, so know that it is time for you to start listening, because it is ready to open its self up and start pay attention to them. You are being shown so much stuff and it is needed. You are needed. If you want to know more about your dreams always ask God and the angels to show you more. You can receive these messages in various ways: Music, what others say, side conversations, books, tv, billboards, bumper stickers, etc... They are here to help and support you. What you are seeing, and then it happens is not crazy. You are not crazy. I so want to emphasis on this. You aren't crazy. If you say you are crazy then that is saying I am crazy to and I know I am not crazy. We are each others reflection so what every you say about someone else you are saying about yourself. Know this.
I hope this helps anyone who is reading this. Maybe it answered some questions or it has lead to question and you just need help understanding. I can say I am here to help and there are others to help too.
Hope you have a wonderful day.