Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Your Dreams Are Coming True

Image from the web page: http://news.discovery.com/tech/biotechnology/computers-see-peoples-dreams-130405.htm
Are you having dreams that make you think that you are about to loose your mind because you are seeing them actually come true? Are the things that you are seeing scaring you and you don't know how to handle it? I am here to help.

I want to give you some hope right now. I started to realize at the age of 18 that I would have strong dreams and they were actually happening. I never knew the time period but they were coming true. The term used for seeing things to come is called, " Premonitions." We all have this gift. Many don't have a hard time dealing with what they see, but some do. Some feel lonely and they don't know how to handle these things. My first premonitions started with death. I would have dreams of famous people then the next day I would turn on the T.V. and there it would be on the screen announcing who had passed away. At first it would freak me out because I couldn't believe what I was dreaming was actually coming true. I would tell people this and they wouldn't believe me. So, I started to keep these things to myself. I didn't want to be judged, but I knew that I wasn't crazy because it was happening.

In the last year my dreams, which have lead to real events has picked up again. My dreams and meditations started off  showing me the future. I never know if this happens, but I have come to trust what I am being told. I have seen environmental changes, seeing the truths of how people really are, if someone needs help, or things that have happened in my past lives. Right now I just want to focus on the NOW.

So how can you tell if you are having an ordinary dream or a premonition? Now this is only in my opinion and my own experiences. To me dreams having meanings in them. To me they hide little codes that we have to decipher. With dreams I notice numbers, colors, scenes, people, clothing, landmarks, years, dates, anything that can help me decipher it. In these dreams you are getting information so pay attention to them.

Now for premonitions... for me they feel more real. You wake up and your like what was that or can I really do that or is that going to happen because it feels more real than anything else. It is like being alive experiencing and see what is happening. I will give you an example. I had a dream that I could make energy balls and then heal people with the energy that I was making. As I woke up I was like I can make energy balls? How cool is that? Then I heard God say, "Yes you can, but you won't be able to heal people just yet. You can heal hearts of others, but not the physical yet. You still have much to learn. Now is the time to heal the spiritual side of people first." With that I was content with.

I know many can relate to this example and I want you to know you aren't alone. You have someone that knows exactly what you are going through. I have been there and I am still there, (with smile on face). You aren't alone. I just want to make that clear.

Now I want you to know to pay attention to both dreams and premonitions. They are happening in this actual reality. This is how God, Angels, our future selves, our past selves, and other beings communicate with us. We enter a realm where we can access this type of information. We are being guided and now is the time for you to really pay attention to them. If you have a premonition let it be know. I have found that many are criticized for not speaking up. It is like damned if you do and damned if you don't. I want you to use your voice. I have come a long way on my spiritual path, and one thing that God and the angels have instilled in me is to be bold, take a leap of faith, and start to speak what I see in my dreams.

Now dreams can be scary. They can be about deaths, the darkness that lives in this reality, the creepiest things also, etc... Know that you are okay and the grace of God and the Angels are watching over you. You don't need to be afraid. I have found that the darkness likes to scare us, but if we show it unconditional love then they wouldn't want to mess with you. The darkness likes to scare and it will if you allow it. What you can do is just pray and know that they are messing with you. Also they scariest ones can be reflections of yourself or others. It is all in the details. Always ground yourself and know that love prevails no matter what.

Now with death. If you see someone who you know or a famous person dying these can be sensitive topics. I tend to keep them to myself. I still have trouble with these, but I also know that they are home with God. That there job here on Earth is finished and that it is time for them to move on to the wholeness of God and then be re-born again. Listen to your intuition and know that all will be okay, because God loves all.

If you see worldly events take place and you see others speaking of the same thing know that you aren't alone. I feel that God gives us all gifts. He gives us what we can handle. No one is better than the other. Do not judge what you do not understand. Be a ear for someone to talk to. Others may thing you are all ego but you are just talking about what you are seeing/experiencing. Know that you aren't crazy.

I am also being told to tell you to talk about your dreams or to write them down in a journal. What you are seeing isn't craziness, but it is a gift. Your higher self/ soul is ready to experience it, so know that it is time for you to start listening, because it is ready to open its self up and start pay attention to them. You are being shown so much stuff and it is needed. You are needed. If you want to know more about your dreams always ask God and the angels to show you more. You can receive these messages in various ways: Music, what others say, side conversations, books, tv, billboards, bumper stickers, etc... They are here to help and support you. What you are seeing, and then it happens is not crazy. You are not crazy. I so want to emphasis on this. You aren't crazy. If you say you are crazy then that is saying I am crazy to and I know I am not crazy. We are each others reflection so what every you say about someone else you are saying about yourself. Know this.

I hope this helps anyone who is reading this. Maybe it answered some questions or it has lead to question and you just need help understanding. I can say I am here to help and there are others to help too.

Hope you have a wonderful day.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Message from Archangel Michael for 08_23_2013

Archangel Michael

Message of the day from the angels: The greatest lessons you are learning right now are the greatest lessons that you will ever learn. They are part of the will and the testament of how much you can grow as a being and as a soul. Every lesson you are learning is for the future and even though they mean tough and treturous you will get through this. You will succeed. You will learn. You will prevail. You are strong and you will get through this. Continue to have faith in God and the Angels and know that you are being supported and that you will be thankful for these life lessons. We are with you. I am Archangel Michael sending you this message. Peace and Love to you all.

Have a wonderful day, from Casey 

IMG: From
image from the following website: http://billsingleton.net/iAltar/ArchangelMichael/wallpapers/index_wallpapers.html

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Spiritual Battle Has Begun

The Spiritual Battle Has Begun

I have been putting off talking about this particular topic in general. A lot of what I get told from God and the Angels I tend to just stay away from it or even discussing it on social media, because many would look at what I am saying and would say, "Why is she so special? Why does she get so many messages and I do not?" I get told these things for a reason, but I do not see myself as any different as you. I am no special that anyone else. I feel that God tells us things because he knows what we can handle as a being. As a child of God, he knows what we can handle and each one of us is special. I see as all of us as special. So, what I am about to talk about is deep. You don't have to agree with me on what I say, but just look around you and see it for yourself. Take the blinders off your eyes and really see what is happening to our world.

Last year the world started or I should say many started to awaken to what is. That this world is a total illusion and that we as separate beings of God are going through our own awakenings. We each are at different stages of awareness and that is okay. The soul knows exactly how fast you should awaken. It can take years, decades, or even life times to see what we actually are in truth, which is only Light and Love; Pure energy from God, the Divine. No one should judge his/her process when it comes to awaken, but to those that are awaken are going through the raw emotions and are having to balance their lives in more ways than one, just so that they can sustain in this world. I call the year of 2012 the awakening period, and this year a year of learning.

This year is a year that we are learning and the greatest battles that are happening to us on a separate bases are happening now. First I will talk about the learning then I will talk about what is happening behind the scenes that many, even the awaken, don't even see what is happening. This year you will learn many things about who and what you are. You will understand or actually start to feel that what you are in essence is only light and love. The Divine beings of God and that you are the creators of your own world. That what you want in life is of yours for the taken, but beware that your thoughts have power. What you put out into the Universe will be given to you. That what you do unto others, you do unto yourself. This means that if you call people names, or anything negative or positive to others you are doing to yourself. When you look at your mother, father,...etc you are looking at yourself. You are looking at a total reflection of who you are in others and in all your given surroundings.

The separate souls that are here on Earth have their own missions. Each mission, or I should say life lesson each soul asked for before coming to Earth and to experience life in physical form. You have to take this time to figure out what it is and then start to learn from it. Everyone's purpose is different. Each lesson is different and should not be judged. Take what you are learning now and apply it to your life and look at the things that we considered to be, "Bad or awful experiences," as a life lesson.

Now I will talk more about this on another post, but right now I am being asked to talk about something that is happening behind the scenes. The spiritual battle is happening now. As the darkness rises stronger than ever we are being asked to release all of the darkness, all of the negativity from our life and to surrender to God and to not judge. The spiritual battle that is taken place is becoming stronger all over the world. Look at how others behave. Many are rude, angry, mad, negative all the time, and this is an individual battle that is taking place. It is not pretty, but it is needed. We are being asked to fight these battle, because this is what has been created on this planet.

The darkness is gaining more power over those who are weak. They do not care who or what you are. I have heard so many people who have considered themselves, Indigo's, Crystals, Starseeds, Lightworkers, etc... say that they can't be affected by the darkness that has been created in this reality actually exist. The truth is they can and they will if they want to. They can use all who walks, breaths, has an energy field with it to there own demise. Right now they are getting, or trying to recruit all who is powerful to fight the light of others. You may not even know you are being played by the shadows. They will play you like a puppet without you even knowing it. Those dark thoughts. Those dark images that you have going on with you that is them. That is them wanting you to get mad. That is them wanting you to be completely taken over, just like if you saw the movie, "Star Wars." What you saw in that movie and the battle with Anakin Skywalker, his battle with the light and dark is happening now in this world and it is grow ever so fast and powerful. You will see those who are stronger with their light, and hold true and pure to God become more brighter than ever, while those who are weak will be consumed with darkness. This is a topic that no one wants to talk about. This is something that the darkness wants to be hidden from man kind, so that they can control the show. So I am bringing it to the for front, because many would say, "Well why didn't you say something?" Well I am now. Like it or not this is happening.

Now what can you do on a daily basis to fight the shadows. Do the one thing they can't stand, "Show LOVE!!!" Do not talk bad about someone or something. Do not judge others. If you have a negative thought come to you, change it with a positive thought or vision. Come up with your own happy place, so if those negative thoughts and images come to mind you will have a beautiful, loving place you can go to. Stay pure to who you are which is love. Show love and compassion to all. Love all. Love everything that you see, touch, breathe, and hear. Love it. If you see a poor homeless man on the side of the road don't make fun of him. You don't know what he is going through or what he wanted to experience as a soul. If you judge him then you are giving power to the darkness. The darkness feeds off of your negative energy and thoughts and words. The more you feed the shadows the more you make the Master of the darkness more powerful. Do things in your life that make you happy. Think of what you want that makes you happy in your daily life. The little things in your life will bring you the most happiness and joy. Don't sweat the small things. It is like the song that God plays for me, "Don't worry...be Happy." Go play out in the rain like a child. Let that inner child shine.

In order to defeat these shadows on an individual/ global scale is to only think of positive things. The more you help, love, show compassion, gratitude, humbleness, beauty, laughter, and anything else you can think that makes someone happy you are allowing your bright light that is within you to shine ever brighter. Your light will shine so bright that you will become your own Divine Warrior. This battle is taking place now more than ever. There is no middle ground on this. Either you will grow more positive and shine more light, or you will fall back into the darkness, where there they darkness will consume you more than ever. This is a battle that is taking place my friends. Stop worrying about others and work on you. This is what you are being asked by God and the Angels. They want you to be a better you. A loving you. A Divine you. Knowing that you are part of God you must work on you, because others can't fight these battles for you. Only you can do this battle. Be the true warrior that I know that you are.

I see love in the light and the dark. It is how I have been taught to see and take notice in. You are Divine Beings of Light. Be it and show it. I could talk so much more on this topic, but I will do more later. For many this can be a lot to swallow, so I will take it easy.

Archangel Michael wants me to say one more thing, he says, "You now have a choice to make. The choice is yours. There is only darkness and the light and no middle ground. This will be your greatest battle that you have ever done. Make the choices my friends because this is what is happening in your world. You must make the decision on which road you will take. You were given this gift. Free Choice. Free Will. In this world you have created what is dark and now they are ready to battle. The biggest battle has yet to come. Stay firm. Stay True. Stay love. Love is the only way my friends. If you need help call on myself, Faith, Hope, Archangel Raphael, Mother Mary, Jesus, God, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Chamuel, and all of the other Archangels to come and help you. We are here to help, so watch for the signs. Feel our warm touch and embrace. We are here to help, but you have to do your part to. We love you all and we are here to help serve and guide you all. Call us. From you trust and Divine Archangel, with much love to you all Archangel Michael."

Hope you all have a wonderful day. Get out in nature and really look at our world in a different perspective and know that love is everywhere. Love and Light to you all.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Spirits On Board

Spirits On Board

As someone who can see spirits at night time and during the day viewing them with my minds eye or what some call the "3rd Eye" I experienced something new for the first time. For the last year I have stay home and I haven't really ventured out that much. I am still learning from God, Angels, and many other beings so my teachings take place in the comfort of my own home. But this week I was able to venture out and to have a little fun.

One of my friends had a friend that came into town and I got to play tour guide. I love to travel and I love to show people around if I can. So our first stop was the SC Aquarium, but as we got there we decided to go to the USS Yorktown instead. I was excited because I hadn't be there in years. As we arrived there and I stepped onto the quarter deck, I looked at my friend and said, "Oh wow their is a lot of spirits on this ship. I forgot about them, so I guess I have to handle it the best that I new how."

As we went out on the top part of the ship and looked at the planes I could see fire, along with chaos on the deck. Pilots with there helmets on running. All I could feel was the chaos and yelling. We returned back inside the main ship and we went on another tour, which we were the only people and we didn't have a tour guide, so I thought I would have fun but it seemed the spirits wanted to show me many things, so whatever I was seeing or experiencing I was saying. The verbal thoughts seemed to flow out and the energy and visions were getting stronger.

We entered the mess hall, which is like the cafeteria in a school, and I could hear the cook yell, "Ready UP!!!" Loud and was ready for the line to move on. I could hear sailors and officers cussing and having a good time. They would make jokes because having a sense of humor was how they dealt with things on the seas. As we continued onto the next tour I heard a voice say, "If you want to experience more go to the area we slept." I knew that their was something I needed to do before I left.

As I saw the sleeping quarters nothing got my attention. If anything I saw men getting there guns and helmets ready to do something. As we continued on my friend and I looked at each other and he said to me, "I am feeling pain behind my right eye," as he started to bring up his hand I brought mine up as well and we pointed at the same exact spot. I said, "I just walked through this arch and felt coldness and pain." As I was telling him this I heard a spirits say to me, "Bitch get off my ship." This spirit didn't like us on this boat. He absolutely didn't like anyone on this ship. It was his ship and that was all he wanted. The tone in his voice was angry, but he didn't frighten me. If anything I felt sad for him.

Since this experience I feel my world has opened up more to those on the other side. With this being my first experience outside my very own home, it was like a breathe of fresh air that I needed. When you live in my house spirits and angels are the norm. I thank God for my experiences because they make me stronger and they really help me become more confident in my gifts. This will be a day that I will never forget and I can only hope that I experience more such as this one day.

Friday, August 2, 2013

The Student Financial System That Is Broken

The Student Financial System That Is Broken

We live in a world where the system is failing us. Are you one of those individuals who worries everyday about your finances? Are you one of those individuals that worries how you are going to pay for food and put food on the table, while trying to keep a roof over your head while paying bills and loans? Well my dear friends our system is failing us.

Here is what I have been picking up and a message that I received yesterday about this very thing. As I was walking out of an electronics store I suddenly felt worry. The worry and stress of those worrying about money and how they are going to make it. I tend to have these feelings because it is part of who I am and Mother Earth, Gaia, lets me know what is really going on and what people are feeling. I tend to feel these emotions at different times which can become very overwhelming for myself. 

So as I was walking the images of a stress world were coming to mind. I was saying to myself, "I am not made for this world, " and as I was doing so God chimed in and said, "Your system is failing you. It no longer works for a world that is waking up and wants to evolve." I said, " Then what needs to happen?" 

God said," You first need to redo your whole financial system. I am seeing and feeling so many who have went to school, just as you have, and have took out loans to go to college so they can get a higher education. The worry around the world is spreading and it has to stop. The system just needs to stop. You see, in ancient times their were apprenticeships. You studied from a Master and learned the trade. Over hundreds of years the darkness took over and decided that the rich should get schooling and others were left behind. So as time went on people decided that it was time to take matters into there own hands. The poor taught what the could but kept the old traditions alive while others looked down on those that didn't go to Universities and such.

What has happen is that they system over the years has been conditioned to only pay mind to those who are rich and to look at those who are poor and want a higher education must take out loans to help pay for college education or any education for that matter. This has lead to University's no longer looking at the system as an educational one, but one that can profit in more ways than one. Some of these profits are from large corporations that delegate what they University do and how them do them. This is only a small portion of what happens behind the scenes.

When you look at how much an average student pays for college, and how much a President or a Dean make in wages over a year period things do not add up. While a President gets paid more than most and continues to get bonus's the average student's rate, interest, and the increase in debt continues to sky rocket at an immaculate speed. This can no longer continue if you want a fair and stable world. Before you know it those going to Universities or any College campus will no longer be able to pay for their loans, because the college's have promised a job after graduation, yet their are no jobs/employment to be had when you are working in an unstable economy that won't rise at all, while those who are in control, control a majority of the world.

Here is what I say unto you all if you want change to come about. One do not get angry at those who have create such a system. Those who are living now, this has gone on longer than you have been born. You are the change that is needed. Propose new was for getting degrees, which will help. If you want to I say this do apprenticeships. The old ways in some way needs to return while the average student doesn't have to feel like they no longer can live with such a as world as this.You can take it in your own hands as do a petition which will state that you can no longer pay what has been promised to you. Start to look at universities as a business because it is no longer a place where they are looking out for your best interest.

In the upcoming year great change will come to you planet, which I have set in motion for this world can no longer go on as it is today. Great economic changes will come where you don't have to worry about what to do next in your life. You will be able to do what you want in life without having to worry about if I have to go to this job to make the big bucks. Most of you now, go into professions that you don't even want to do. You go into them because they pay more and you have been taught this way. What my vision for you all and start doing or thinking of this now, DO WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO AND DON"T LOOK BACK AND WORRY!!! Once you have given complete Faith to me, God, Universe, Oneness, Infinity, or whatever else you want to call me...Creator then you will see that I will take care of you.

Being a fully awakened being looks at life with pure faith. Faith that everything is going to be taken care of. No matter what the situation is you will be taken care of, but you can not worry. Do not judge others for these problems that has occurred on your problem because I will be taking care of it. Stop the back lashing, the rude comments, remarks, and really start to work on you and see what it is what you truly want in this life. It starts with you. I will speak more of this later for it can become a discussion that can go on and on and on... So until next time You are the change. Make it happen. Your loving father...God."

Wow...amazing....I have to hear this a lot of what is going on in our world and I like bring it to you. Here is something that I thought of the other day, well I was told and it states: " You are your greatest accomplishment.If you can Master Yourself, which means live in Pure faith, to not judge others for you judge yourself, to not think of one negative thing, to live in peace and harmony, to show love to all, to not look at the darkness as evil but to look at it with gentle and loving eyes and heart, to know that this world is all but an illusion that has been created for us...by us. To know that the love wins and trumps all that is dark. To know that you live in a dream that is within a dream. Becoming a Master of Yourself takes time and patience. It isn't easy. This is the greatest accomplishment you can ever achieve in your life. Stop worrying about others, and work on you."

With that being said I hope you all have a wonderful weekend where ever you are. And please feel free to email, send, and post to others so that we all can help start making the small changes in this world, for they will be the greatest changes in years to come. Love and Light to you all.