Saturday, July 20, 2013

Stop The Hate...We Are One

Image from

We are all One. No matter if you are gay, straight, bi, biracial, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhism, atheist, black, white, Asian, Indian, Spanish, light skinned, dark skinned. We are One. We all come from God. Stop the hate. We are cut from the se cloth...God. Do not judge because of what a book says, what a person says, listen to your heart and you will see that we are all Love. Those who are different aren't Evil. They are just as much as love as you are . Do not judge what you don't understand because if you see flaws or judge others you are judging yourself. You are seeing the flaws in yourself. Do not judge... Express LOVE.

We are all brothers and sister. I not my brothers or sisters keeper, instead I am my brother and sister.

The next time you call someone gay, retard, or any other vulgar word you are calling yourself that. The next time you call someone a Bitch or a Hoe you are calling yourself that. Stop the hate. Just stop and accept others for who they are and see the beauty in them. Listen to there stores. Don't judge what you don't understand. We are all from God. We are all from Source, Universe, Infinity etc... There is no need for it because God loves each and everyone of us despite who we are.

Don't judge a homeless person, drug addicts, alcohol addicts, those with eatting disorders, mental disorders, the mental people, etc... You don't know there story. Maybe their soul want to experience something which has lead them to such acts but don't judge. Instead show them love and compassion. We all have our own baggage but showing some compassion and showing you care can help in more ways than one. Do not judge show love, for we are love.

Instead of hating and spreading hate how about spread love because all what you are doing is feeding the darkness that lives in this world. You are feeding it more than you realize. You hate, anger, negative words, etc... Is what the shadows want. They want you like this because you are feedin them the very thing they want... Darkness. If you stopped doing this and start to show love more and only speak and act with pure intentions with love to follow then you no longer feed them. You give them the one thing they can't stand... LOVE. So stop hating, stop the name calling, stop playing the victim card, stop hiding behind a book and speak up for others and just love, because love is who we are and in essence what our true selves are. Love and Light. We Are ONE. Spread the love.

If you like what I have said please spread the word and share and repost it.

I love everyone. The good, the bad, and the darkest of the dark. You are my brothers and sister. Love you all.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Dreams: Part 1

Dreams: Part 1

Can dream tell you parts of your life? Can they tell you what is to come in the future? Can dreams really tell you more than you realize? Answering these questions and more you will be able to see more in what you dream.

I have always had dreams. Some of my weird dreams always seemed to be messages from others, what others really are like, and I have seen things in the future. When you sleep you are able to travel to many places through out the Universe and on the Earth plane. As you travel you can see many things, but more than likely you won't remember these travels, because your soul goes home to remember its self and goes to other places. With that being said I have paid close attention to my dreams since I was in my late teenage years.

It began when I was about 18 yrs old. I can recall dreaming about a man that I remember seeing on the Morning Show on CBS. The dream was about the host and it showed me that he died. That Sunday morning I awoken to something that absolutely could not be made up. The man/host of the show actually did pass away. I was so astonished to seeing this in my dream and then actually hearing about it, I thought that it was crazy. I told my parents as I sat on your couch in our house at the time, that I had dreamed of the man dying and here I was being told he was. My mom looked at me with her mouth held wide open. I had never heard of any such phenomena happening before, but after that I knew there was something going on. From that day forward I started to pay attention to my dreams.

From that day forward I payed attention to my dreams. I saw the man who I was going to marry 2 years after I had the premonition of the host dying. Come to find out I met him, then 6 months after meeting him we married, and over the next 4 yrs we would move to many places, and have 2 beautiful children. Being in the military we moved a lot but that was so much fun.

Since my awakening, which occurred fully on May 25th, 2012 I have paid attention to all of my dreams. I saw many things that were going to happen to our planet. What we needed to do to help each other, and what is to come in our way future.

Not only have I seen future events, I just don't know when they will happen. Many people living have this gift. We all have it actually, it is just that some of us actually want to tap into that type of gift. I tend to think that God lets those who can handle such dreams or visions see them, because they can handle it. You know the saying, "God gives you what you can handle" well I find this to be absolutely the truth. God does it and a beautiful job he does to. What a wonderful thing to have.

Not only have I seen future things, but I have also seen many of my past lives. This has helped me realize why I act as I do. I have been able to see other peoples past lives which many have said to me that it resonates so much with how they are now and it helps them understand so much of their lives. Pay attention to your dreams. They hold so much information

With this being I want to talk about dreams more in depth. Over the last 8 months I have had to figure my own out and I have helped others. The first thing you can do is start a dream journal. Starting a journal will help you remember your dreams. Write down every detail you can think of when you were in the dream: Colors, numbers, what the furniture looked like, what the people wore, animals, people, environment...etc.  Now every dream is different, so sometimes to find out the meaning you  have to do research on dream interpretations. Each thing that I listed above has a meaning. Each single thing.

Some dreams feel more real than others so really pay attention to them, because there are clues and answers that you have been seeking. With this being part of my discussion if you have any information on dreams please don't hesitate to post information in the comments page. I welcome stories and any type of information. I see this as an opinion discussion which can help many people. Have a wonderful week my friends. Until next time. God bless you all.